Thursday, May 23, 2019

Spiritual Entitlement I, Jude 1:5

Spiritual Entitlement I

Jude 1:5 Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe.

God's children must not become arrogant. I don't mean that in the sense of having spiritual superiority, a better than you attitude, although that is wrong as well. I mean it in the sense that you are a proud and blind. In the midst of arrogance, entitlement sets in.

This happened to the people of Israel as well. Despite being God's people, they refused to listen to him. When God delivered them out of Egypt and things got a little rough, they had relied on him for their every need, yet they wanted to head back into slavery. They didn't say they want to go back to their slave masters, certainly they wanted their freedom. But, their sense of entitlement had blinded them to the shackles of the past, and they remembered only the good things... we didn't have to eat manna everyday, there, we had fish and melons. God destroyed all but two of them as the wandered in the desert for 40 years. After that generation died off, he lead them into the Promised Land.

Their narcissism returs. Believing they are God's people and therefor making it not possible for them to be destroyed, they steeped themselves in sin and were taken into captivity to Babylon. Although that straightened them out for quite sometime... you can see the entitlement mindset pop its ugly head back up in Jesus' time when he tells them, that if they obey his teachings, they will be set free. They replied that they were Abraham's descendants, they were never slaves to anyone. Their sins and arrogance had blinded them. They knew they were entitled. They were Jews, God's children.

K and A, in the long run, it matters not whether you grew up in church, have a holiness background, or whether you are a Brubaker for that matter. each of them has its advantages, but they can't keep you in the love of God. Beyond that, it matters not whether you once saved or even baptized or have taken communion... what matters is whether or not you are being obedient to Christ, keeping your life from sin. In this same passage, John 8, Jesus tells the Jews, you are really my disciple if you continue to obey my teachings, then you will be set free, for anyone who sin is a slave and not free. Following Christ by following his commands is what you are called to do. Do not ever become so arrogant in your faith that you think you can sin, and it will not affect your standing with the Lord. Sin separates, obedience joins you with Christ.


Song - a bit of a goofy one from Keith Green. Uncle John used to like him, back in the day...

  So You Want To Go Back To Egypt:   Althoug a little goofy and unrefined, and theologically he might not be exact, I chose this link because the lyrics are here and the live recording has his comments for the song. We must not look back and desire the "pleasures" of sin and forget the heartaches and captivity come along with them!

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