Tuesday, May 21, 2019

So, Everybody Sins II, Jude 1:4

So, Everybody Sins II

Jude 1:4 For certain men, whose condemnation was written about long ago, have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

I need to make one more comment on this verse. Notice the end of the verse. These godless men, as they are called, deny Jesus. This is not the problem I see when I am around others. Many people who have foul mouths, tell raunchy stories, tease others in sexual ways, make light of sexual immorality..... claim to be Christians and do not deny Christ! But, how does unholy living and immorality go along with a changed life? I don't get it.

The issue, as I see it, is the desire to take Jesus as savior but not as Lord. That is referenced at the end of the verse. These godless men deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord. Who is our sovereign? Who is to be our Lord? Jesus Christ is supposed to be! We are not to put anyone higher than Jesus. No one else's rules, standards, or desires are to replace his; not our boss's, not our friends', not ours, and not even the church's. We are to be subject only to God!

K and A, You cannot take Jesus as Savior and not as Lord. He is either Lord of your life or he is not yours at all. Below you will find a link to a message from Charles Stanley. He is a famous preacher over many years. He went through many hardships. Some of them were major spiritual struggles, yet he knew that he must remain true to the Word in his life. That is true for you as well. Be careful not to turn from the truth of the Word to ease your conscience when sin comes knocking at your heart and mind. Make it your desire to please and honor God in every circumstance, in every part of your life. You cannot just claim salvation without living for Jesus throughout your life. Let your life show what you say you believe!


The Way of Salvation, In Touch Ministries

  Living For Jesus If you sit quietly and listen to the Spirit, this will move your soul! (I prefer a slower more measured version.)

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