Friday, May 3, 2019

Reminder 9: Not Just A Little, Titus 3:6

Reminder 9: Not Just A Little

Titus 3:6 Whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior

Christ does not save us and then leaves us on our own. He promised that the Holy Spirit would come to us when he left to help us to remember what he had taught, and that the Holy Spirit would be here forever. Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth and lived among his people and taught them how they should live, yet after he died and rose again, then went home. He was here on earth for a time and only with a few people. But, Jesus promised that when he left, the Father would send the Holy Spirit to be with us forever, and not only with a select few but with everyone who called on the name of Jesus as their savior. But there's more.....!

The Spirit was given to us to help us live how Christ showed us. And it must be told that The Spirit not only is here among us as Christians, but he lives in us, and not only that, he will fill us. If fact, we are to Be Filled With The Spirit!

K and A, the Father desires to fill you with his Spirit. He will live in you and walk with you and be your God. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. That truth demand a higher standard of living, but that is a side bar to the theme of today. Being his temple also suggests that he lives on you and not just a little of him. He came to fill all of you, forever. Fill your life with his presence and commune with him often.


  The Comforter Has Come

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