Friday, May 24, 2019

Spiritual Entitlement II, Jude 1:6

Spiritual Entitlement II

Jude 1:6 And the angels who did not keep their position of authority but abandoned their own home - these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgement on that great Day.

Not that I have a great amount to say about angels, because I do not know much about them. It is believed that they are part of God's creation. It is believed that at some point Satan and other angels rebelled against the Lord, and God threw him out of heaven and to the earth along with many of the angels who rebelled. (check Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:12-19) There is no concrete evidence of the exact origin of Satan and his angels, but this verse refers to some of them.

We know some angels, who were God's servants created to do his bidding, rebelled and were put into chains to be held until Judgement Day. On that day the Devil and his angels   will be thrown into the lake of fire along with all those who have rejected Jesus.

If God did not spare his angels, who rebelled against him, what makes us think he will spare us for believing we are above condemnation? Eternal torment is saved for the arrogant among others. If we think we are entitled to heaven because we have said some prayer or go to a certain church or been baptized or taken communion... we have been fooled. The Deceiver has tricked us, and we are headed for eternal punishment along with all of his followers.

K and A, take note: salvation is not a one time act. It is a lifestyle of those being saved. You must continue to believe and continually yield your body and desires to the Lord in his service. It is an everyday walk, not a once a week, raise your hand, sway your body worship experience. Do not abandon you heavenly home for the pleasures of this world, but renew your heart and mind each day and the Great Day of the Lord will be a joyous one!


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