Monday, May 27, 2019

Traits of Godlessness, Jude 1:8-10

Traits of Godlessness

Jude 1:8 In the very same way, these dreamers pollute their own bodies, reject authority, and slander celestial beings."

Jude mentions three characteristics of godlessness; polluting our bodies with sexual sins, rejection of authority, and slandering celestial beings. The first two were discussed in the as we reviewed Jude's examples of spiritual entitlement. These people think they are holy, therefor they can live as they desire. I live in the robes of Christ's righteousness. Really, they are committing willful sin and covering it in the cloak of religious speak. They intend to please no one but themselves. Their sins are a fulfillment of evil desires and they use scripture to ease their consciences and excuse their sin.

Sexual sin is wrong and will be punished, unless one repents. If we reject authority by willfully refusing to follow the rules and commands set for us, we break the law of God and will be held accountable. The phrase It's better to do it and ask forgiveness later, than to find out if it is wrong beforehand, is bordering on deceitfulness. The phrase everything is legal until you get caught is just plain evil!

The last trait we will discuss next time. Suffice it to say, that we don't hear of slandering celestial beings near as often as we hear of the first two. But I'll explain how I have heard it done in the church in relation to spiritual arrogance.

K and A, you must keep yourself from godlessness. Unrighteousness is not compatable for a person who says they are a Christian. You cannot be evil and good. You cannot serve two masters. Sin will always destroy your relationship with Christ. Do not let false teachers trick you into thinking you are stuck, you can't help but sin everyday. Live above the desires of the world around you. Seek the things that are above and set your mind on things please your heavenly Father.


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