Saturday, May 4, 2019

Reminder 10: The Wonder of It All, Titus 3:7

Reminder 10: The Wonder Of It All

Titus 3:7  so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

The title popped into my head as I read this verse today. I had planned yesterday to talk on the joyous culmination of our faith in Christ: the promise of eternal life, but as I read this verse today and thought about why we get to be with God forever, as I listened to the song with the same title, as I reviewed my own life,  I realized it is by the grace of a God who, though his kindness and love, reached out to me! He seeks me! He calls me! He washes me! He justifies me! He renews my spirit! He fills me with his Spirit! He will come and take me to be with him forever! Eternal life with our Lord! Wow! That should bless your soul! It was then that I chose to title it, The Wonder Of It All.

K and A, as I listened to the songs I have linked to below, my soul was blessed. Tears welled up in my eyes and rolled down my face. The glory of God shivered through my body. Oh, I never want you to forget the need to work for the Lord, to be diligently busy about the Father's work, but all those are worthless acts if Jesus hasn't changed your life. It is all pointless if the Father didn't seek you out. Your are empty if the Spirit hasn't filled your soul. Sit back and bask in the wonder of it all, just to think that god loves you A, he loves you K!  It makes it a joy and honor to serve the Lord!


  The Wonder of it All
  Doug Oldham medley

Just a note on Doug Oldham... He is an interesting singer I remember from the PTL Club days. (Oddly enough, PLT Club and Doug Oldham had ties to the late Jerry Falwell.)  He always intrigued me, the way he sings. He talks as he sings. I never heard him sing a song straight through, he has to talk sing. Both of these songs brought tears to my eyes. Like every song that God uses, you must be in the right spirit to sense him moving. Find a quiet spot, meditate on the words above, then listen to the Lord speak to you. I pray it is as moving as it was to me. ~Dad

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