Tuesday, May 14, 2019

God's Daughter, Jude 1:1a

God's Daughter

Jude 1:1a Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James

As was said yesterday, Jude was the brother of Jesus. Yes, he was a servant of Christ, but he was so much more, he was his brother. They had the same mother (Catholics do not believe that), grew up in the same family, and taught to grow up by their father (there is no record of what happened to Joseph after the time of the temple visit at age 12). We do know that Jude and his brothers at one point thought Jesus to be crazy and tried to control him. Yet in the end his brothers became leaders in the church. I presume that the brothers, like the 11 apostles, received some preferential treatment because of who they were, but lead they did. They took their position seriously and helped developed a burgeoning church.

K and A, you are something special. That may sound a little different than yesterday's message, but you are. You are to your mother and I, K, you are to your husband, but more importantly you two are special to God. So much so, he has made you his daughters. Along with that come all the privileges of heaven. All his riches are yours. You are honored and respected, so use you position wisely. Carry yourselves as the special person you are. Live above the dregs of the world. And strive to live the higher standard expected of you. You will be among the world, but you don't have to be like them. You are there to raise them up that they may become a child of God like you!


  The Child Of A King

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