Friday, May 31, 2019

Self-righteous Cain: I'll Do It My Way, Jude 1:11, Genesis 3:7

Self-righteous Cain: I'll Do It My Way

Genesis 3:7 if you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But, if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door. It desires to have you, but you must master it.

In the story of Cain and Abel and their offerings to God, we do not know why God was not happy with Cain's offering. It may have been that God was more pleased with a fat portion offering over a crop based offering, or it just as easily could be that Abel brought an offering of his firstborn and Cain just brought some of his crop. But, this we know... There was a right way and a wrong way and Cain knew it. He chose not to do it God's way, but chose his way. When he saw Abel being blessed by God and as he felt the guilt of doing wrong, he became downcast and angry.

Often in the church there are those who say, why do we have to do it that way. Can't we worship and serve God anyway we want. As long as we worship him, what does it matter how we do it? There certainly is more than one way to honor God, there is more than one style of music or clothes, more than one order of service, more than one type of building... and on and on. But, we better heed the warning of Jude, he said that some people were, taking the way of Cain. That means that, they went away from what is right to do what they had learned was wrong. They chose their way over God's way; they chose the way of the world over the way of Christ.

K and A, it seems like today's popular churches have chosen to shake things up. Possible some of that is good. But, I am afraid that all too often they just do things to satisfy the cravings of a worldly nature. They take the things of this world and bring them into the church. They also do the same in their personal life. Just last night I walked by a radio that I knew was playing "christian" music, I tried to make sense of the words; you'd have never guessed it wasn't some pop song about love.

I certainly am not a judge of all that is right and wrong, I cannot and will not judge the hearts of men, but this is know... just because you do something in the name of the Lord, doesn't make it acceptable. You must seek to satisfy the world around you, to be acceptable to them. My Way was a popular song by Frank Sinatra, and it shows the problem we have in the church today, one which stretches the whole way back to Cain. Daughters, my prayer for you is the you will always sing and live out this theme... I Did It God's Way!


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