Monday, May 13, 2019

Just Another Servant, Jude 1:1a

Just Another Servant

Jude 1:1a Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James

It is believed and taught that Jude was Jesus' brother. We see here that Jude does not claim that he is related to him, but shows his relationship to Jesus' brother James. Other writers of the NT (Matthew, Luke, and Paul) spoke of their relationship. Jude did not flaunt his relationship to gain position or notoriety. He simply said, Jude: a servant of Jesus Christ.

K and A, don't ever use your position to lord it over others. Jesus was the servant and asks you to be a servant. I grew up a PK, preacher's kid. With that comes special leniencies from people in the church, yet Grandpa kept that to a minimum. Not enough prizes to go around, my children can do without. Time to line up for meals, you boys wait until everyone has gone through. Work to be done, get up on that belfry roof and scrape off the paint. Who knows the answer, my children keep quite. He was making sure we learned that our greater position meant greater responsibility. Certainly one of you has heard one or more of those phrases as you grew up. I pray that both of you will pass it on to your children whether they are PK's or not.

Daughters, keep in mind that you are no more special than anyone else. Your position as a Christian demands a life of servanthood. You are a child of the king, but with that comes great responsibilities. Serve well.


  I'm A Child Of The King  (The emphases is that you are one of God's Children - he is the great one)

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