Thursday, May 16, 2019

Loved By God, Jude 1:1b

Loved By God

Jude 1:1b To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father, and kept by Jesus Christ

What a great thought... You are loved by God. The creator of the universe loves you! Now, love has many forms and certainly not all of them applies to how God loves you, but love you he does. One of those ways in which he loves you is non-conditionally. Now there is a conditional love he has for those that follow his command, but I am not talking about that love this time.

We can only love, because he first loved us. In fact, Scripture is a picture of this true love. It shows that we are created in love, man was given woman for love, love was shown after the first sin when God came searching for Adam and Eve and spared their lives. Love provided a sacrifice for their redemption. Love kept the world from total destruction despite their evil. His love set up a nation to show his love to the world. In his love he sent his son into the world, so we could believe on him. His love for us allowed his son to be sin for us and his love allowed Christ to be payment for our sin. His love made new life possible even as we were still in our sin. His love has a promise for eternity for all that love him... Wow! That's unconditional love!

K and A, God has made love possible for you. You are to extend that same love to others, even when they do not deserve it. Be filled with the love he provides and use it to lift others up, so they may see his love for them.


Note: that second paragraph has many verses that could be referenced but then the whole section would be underlined with links... take the time to search them out.

  I Love Him

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