Monday, May 20, 2019

So, Everybody Sins, Jude 1:4

So, Everybody Sins

Jude 1:4 For certain men, whose condemnation was written about long ago, have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

So what if I sin? Everybody sins in thought and word and deed everyday. One sin is no worse than the other. Jude warned his readers that godless men would sneak in among them and say God's grace covers every sin they commit. Sadly, today, it is preached from pulpits and on radio and TV each and every day!

There are a couple issues with this teaching that must be addressed:
  •  First, all sin is not the same. The Bible speaks of sins that lead to death and those that do not. Beyond that, look at the penalties and sacrifices needed in the OT for sins. There were different ones for sins that you purposely committed and those that you didn't even know you had done. Some sins required a quarter of a hin of oil others were so egregious they deserved death.
K and A, you each have friends who continue to sin and think nothing of it. When I was young, we talked about the Catholics, not caring about sinning because the could go to confession everything would be made right. But, you can hear it from any follower at any secular and many Christian colleges, I'm not perfect, just forgiven, everybody has their sin, God understands, Jesus is my righteousness so God doesn't see my sin.... and many more.

Daughters, be different. Don't you get fooled by this teaching. Live a pure and holy life, following the Word of God and the commands of Christ, Then, when people see you life they will be less apt to say, so, everybody sins, because they know you don't.


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