Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Enough Is Enough, Titus 3:10

Enough Is Enough

Titus 3:10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.

As a Christian, it seems like hypocritical to say that you are going to cut someone off from your life, eliminate them from circle of friends, but that is what we must do at times. It is not done to spite the person or to "get back" at them; If that's the way they are going to be, I'm never speaking to them again kind of attitude. That would be wrong. Enough is enough means that we have tried and tried to calm a situation yet the antagonist continues to cause trouble. Notice that we are not to just cut them off. Instead, we are to purposely ask the person to stop causing conflict. And if they continue, we must make it clear again that they have crossed the line and must stop. If they fail to listen, the next time we refuse to interact with them.

As un-Christian as this may sound, it is not an uncommon theme in the scriptures. In the old Testament certain people were to be cut off from the society (Exodus 12:19). In the new testament certain actions were considered too divisive or destructive to allow them to continue to be part of the congregation. (1 Cor 5:11). In today's worldly churches, the terracing is that we should accept everyone and look past sin, for we are all sinners. That whole teaching is a twisting of scripture. But what is important here are two things,  one - there is a line that we must carefully draw and we must utilize God's design in protecting it. We must warn with love and we must provide a way for reconciliation.

K and A, with Facebook and other social media platforms, if we disagree with someone we block them. If you do this to a real friend on FB or in life, make sure you follow the Biblical example written in this verse. When someone never ceases to cause you trouble... warn them so they know where they stand and if after two time of warning they don't listen, then enough is enough... cut them off., but be willing to accept them back when they seek to make things right.


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