Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Examples Of Spiritual Entitlement, Jude 1:5-7

Examples Of Spiritual Entitlement

Jude 1:5a Though you already know all this, I want to remind you...

Over the next three day we will see three example of those who were once God's people, yet in their arrogance, he destroyed them because they had no shame as they rejected his commands. The first is The people of Israel as they came out of Egypt, then some of God's angels as they rejected him, and finally Sodom and Gomorrah as they perverted all things sexually sacred.

We take a look at these as examples which Jude gives to us to show how we, being people of God who were delivered by Christ, cannot stand in arrogance thinking that since we were once saved, we can commit sin and not be held accountable.

K and A, these are dire warnings. I separate them into three posts to emphasize the importance of keeping yourself pure from sin. I pray that you never take sin lightly, but your heart is heavy when it abounds.


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