Thursday, May 9, 2019

Your Sin Condemns You, Titus 3:11

Your Sin Condemns You

Titus 3:11 You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

Too often today Christians minimize the severity of sin. It is taught that all sins are the same and everyone sins, so don't look down on others who sin, in fact don't be too hard on yourself. That teaching is so detrimental to the victorious life of a believer. Sadly, I believe many people think they are Christians because they have "put their faith in Christ" but what they have really done was to find a way to ease and even negate their guilt. I certainly am not their Judge and will let their destiny up to the Lord.

It is our sin that condemns us. It is our faith in the Lord and, subsequently, his grace that delivers us from sin and worldly passions. Jesus said, your faith has made you well, and to another he said, your faith has saved you. You see, the soul that sins will die for their sin, but the one who puts their faith in Christ lives victoriously over sin.

K and A, don't let anyone deceive you, you reap what you sow. Sin develops into death, but true faith yields eternal life. You must not just say you are a Christian, it is not proven by saying a prayer or being baptized, you must live it out. Your words must be backed up by what you do, then your heart will be confident in the Lord.


  Victory In Jesus

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