Thursday, December 31, 2015

Psalm 119:83, Kaph

December 31, 2015

Psalm 119:83, Kaph... Though I am like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget your decrees...

I am no wine expert. I never want to be. I shared this post yesterday on Facebook. Read it. Bookmark this post, never forget that alcohol is a foolish path that leads to many sins and heartaches, especially a heartache for me if you do. That said, I'm guessing at the meaning of this verse, but if not exactly right on the writers thoughts, my statement about the meaning is correct...

I'll make this quick... after I get back from work tonight... 5:45am


What would it be like to be a wineskin in a smoke filled room?.. We would feel alone, hidden. Maybe we would feel abandoned or a little scared. Certainly we would sense that we are in a difficult situation hanging in a place we do not want to be. Keeping these things in mind, lets add in the rest of the verse and recognize it meaning for us.

When times are tough and we feel like God has abandoned us, we must remember to do what is right. When we feel abandoned and get afraid of what might happen to us, think about his rules and laws and commands. If we are like David and love his statues, they will bring us peace and satisfaction.

Daughters, remember to continue to do what is right when things look bleak. Satan is trying to separate you from God and wants you to curse him like he tried to do to Job. Don't fall for it. Instead, seek to do right, and he will walk with you through all the fogginess life (the Devil) brings your way. Follow his word in the New Year, and you will feel his smile upon you. And that feels so good!

I love you daughters. Serve the Lord with all your heart in the year to come. ~Dad

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Psalm 119:73, Yodh

December 30, 2015

Psalm 119:73, Yodh... Your hands made me and formed me, give me understanding to learn your commands...

God, the Three in One, created all that is, All that was not and all that is was made by him. There is nothing that wasn't created by him. God is the creator!

God made man, but is man just another creature  made by him? Man was formed from the earth. The rest of creation was spoken into existence, but man was formed from the dust of the earth, made special by God in his own image.

All this being true, we then must admit that God not only created man but has set a way for him to live. Knowing that way must be a pursuit for man. But knowing him is not meant to be shallow. It is not something we do when all else is finished. It must be a priority to learn his commands, his way of life for our lives. But, learning means more than just finding out what they are. We must know why and how and by what power we are able live the life set out for us.

K and A, To follow God means to live for him. Being saved from sins requires faith, not only for initial reconciliation but also for sanctification. You must learn to follow him. So ask God to give you the understanding it takes to live out his way for you. His way is found in his Word. Reading it is only part of learning; doing what it says completes the learning. He formed you, daughters. He not only wants yo to live out his Word but he want to help each of you do so.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Psalm 119:67, Teth

December 29, 2015

Psalm 119:67, Teth... Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word...

Pain is something we avoid. It is a sign which tells us we have crossed a line and there is danger on the other side of the line. If we touch a hot stove (or drink tea or hot cocoa) we get burnt. We know that excessive heat is not good, so our nerves respond and warn us to be careful. If we do get burnt, the damage and pain is a reminder that we now where the line is drawn and we must not cross it.

With this in mind, we know that pain is good. It keeps us in line and out of trouble and away from things that harm us. So we are careful not to be foolish. It is the same with things spiritually. God allows things to happen in our lives that are painful and hurtful. They are not pleasant at the time but happen so we know where the line is. The scriptures say that "no discipline is pleasant at the time, so he also corrects us, many times painfully, so we get back on track. His disciplines help us to obey his word. The word says that if you suffer you are done with sin. most of us never really suffer.

A and K, Neither of you were corrected much with spankings. Neither of you have suffered much. But you both have had things happen that were not so pleasant. Allow GOd to use hardships to train and guide you. Welcome suffering as it says in Peter. Know where the lines of disobedience is and strive to flee the world and to do right. You will never regret serving the Lord in holiness.


Monday, December 28, 2015

Psalm 119:59, Heth

December 28, 2015

Psalm 119:59, Heth... I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes...

What are the statutes of the Lord? Not the specific laws and decrees, these, of course, are quite important and need to be learned and practiced, the question is what is the purpose, the goal of having statutes?

Statues are the ways God's expects you to live. They are his requirements for determining righteousness... living right. They are the right versus wrong way. They define good and evil, obedience and sin.

What are man's ways? If we reference it to what is above, then it is the ways we live. If we consider our ways, without Christ, will they be righteous; will our ways be God's ways? The answer is no! It says in Proverbs 14:12, "there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." We cannot trust our decisions when God has not affected who we are. We may say to ourselves, but we have seen non-Christians do good things, why can;t we trust them... First, itf they are doing good things, then God has affected them, the scriptures say that we cannot even think a good thought without aid from heaven. But, the questions is trust... we cannot trust our the ways of the unrighteous, nor should we trust our own. Only God;s ways are trustworthy and good!

K and A, Do you think that since you have been a Christian that now all you choices are righteous. Be wary of such thought when they come. Only the thought that are under the subjection of the Holy Spirit are worthy of our trust. We will fall if we do not check them against what God's Word says. You need to consider your ways, meaning check, like hockey, what we say and do. Proverbs 5:21 says that "a mans ways are in full view of the Lord, he examines all his paths. Turn your steps to his statutes and you will walk with him and not stumble.


Sunday, December 27, 2015

Psalm 119:56, Zayin

December 27, 2015

Psalm 119:56, Zayin... This has been my practice, I obey your precepts...

In Isaiah 28:10 KJV God says, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little... God know's it takes a constant working out of his law make the practice of living them. We cannot just hear the word and then, ba-ding.. we live it. No, it takes effort! We must think about what the Word says to us and meditate on its importance. Going to church helps with this. The main reason I remotely appear smart about spiritual things is that I have been around it so long. Some people get bored when they hear the same stories... I heard that story before... David took 5 stones whipped it around a circle and killed the Giant, whoppie.

Daughters, boredom is a feeling that you chose to have. There is always so much more in a scripture than we can imagine. To follow God's precepts we must do more than hear them. We must do more that learn them. We must meditate on them, going over them again and again. Then it will become your practice to obey them, And, if you stop going over them and studying them when you get older... you will stop obeying them. A & K, make it your practice to study line upon line and read here a little and there a little and you will be able to obey the Lord's precepts and find wholeness in life,


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Psalm 119:47, Waw

December 26, 2015

Psalm 119:47, Waw... for I delight in your commands, because I love them...

In the beginning of the history of man, there was a man named Cain. He knew about God from two people that walked with the Lord. They could speak of his goodness and also speak of his discipline. He certainly learn that turning to your own way earns consequences which were not worth the perceived satisfaction of following their own desires. Personal desires which do not align with God's desires never produce the feeling nor the outcome wished for. They did not for Cain. He said, there is more than one way to honor God. I can choose to praise and glorify him in my own way. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. But, this led to sin building in his life, and he could not "master" it. God even spoke to him about it, but he would not stop doing it his way. This led to murder and separation from the ones that loved him. He was banished from the land just like his parents.

Sin separates! When will we learn. Sin is by nature appealing to our desires. It feeds on what is carnal, the flesh, the physical or emotional or natural desires. We hunger... sin makes us eat too much, We work... sin makes us a workaholic, we can't cope with pressure... sin turns us to smoking or drinking, or drugs, we tire... sin causes us to find strength in pleasures, we desire love... sin pulls us to ungodly relationships and decisions to fulfill our desire.

When we know what is right, sin says... that doesn't matter, we are a new generation. That was what God said before, but we can honor him any way that suits us. He knows our heart. Take heed,,, sin has tricked us. The commands of God are restrictive. They stop us from doing what comes natural to us. Most times this causes us to despise them, and we go our own way instead. We must remember... you reap what you sow, good or bad.

A & K, God wants you to love him. It says in 1 John that if we do not obey his command ,we do not love him,,, nor is commands. If you ever think that God's laws are restrictive and unnatural... you are thinking correctly. When we had God's nature in the garden of Eden, the command seemed practical, still restrictive, but practical. When sin passed down on man, our natural desires we tainted by sin. Now what seems natural is against God and God's command become foolishness to our nature. Daughters, this is why we need the nature of the Spirit living inside us. He helps us to love the command of God. When we love them, we will obey them and delight in knowing them. They will be restrictive, but we will glory in them and in the God who gives them, praising him for his goodness.


Friday, December 25, 2015

Psalm 119:39, He

December 25, 2015... It's Christmas!

Psalm 119:39, He... Take away the disgrace I dread, for your laws are good...

Who likes to be disgraced. From presidents to business owner to the common man, people have been disgraced. The worst is preachers of the Word. It is so easy for a person to be side tracked and think they can get away with doing evil. It started with Eve. She knew what God desired and had to know that God would find out, yet she listened to Satan and ate the forbidden fruit. Upon doing so, she found someone to partake in her wrong and made him fall from grace as well. His laws are good for man... and women as well.

There is much disgrace in the church today. The world sees it, but most inside the church are blind to the fact. There is the obvious; Priests molesting young boys and girls in their care, Pastor's of large churches bilking millions from the public to benefit their own riches, Pastors having committing adultery with their secretaries, Pastors having sexual encounters with other men  (Ro 1:27), Ungodly dancing and drinking or social parties (1 Cor 10:7), stealing from the Lord by not giving a tenth of their income (Malachi 3:8), Having sexual relations before marriage (1 Thes 4:3 KJV uses fornication ), Dressing improperly (1 Tim 2:9), and so much more. The world scoffs at the church, and we should be ashamed. If we would follow his laws we would not be disgraced, and we would acknowledge how good they are.

A & K, the world knows what is wrong, but today's church is blinded by their sins. We may still be human and subject to sinning, but Jesus came that we might not sin! ( Ps 199:11, Ro 6:12, 1 Pet 2:24, and many more) Daughters, 1 Jn 2:24 says Do not love the world or anything in it... No better advice could I give you this Christmas than to seek God first and leave the world behind. Jesus came into the world to change the world not to be like it. Come out and be separate and give me something to be Merry about this Christmas! I love you young ladies. God has so much for good for you. You will never to be disgraced if you follow his law... his word, for it is good!


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Psalm 119:32, Daleth

December 24, 2015

Psalm 119:32, Daleth... I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free...

Oh, what a great work God has done! Throughout the Old Testament, the works of God for his people are evident. The history of the people of Israel and their interaction with God is recorded for everyone to see how God's hand is at work among mankind. He is not just for Israel, but he did choose them as his own as an example to the world. He did this so all mankind would understand his ways and live according to them.

We see his desire to love and care for man. He loved them above all creation, breathing into them life. He gave them a soul and made them in his own image. He conversed with them face to face and walked among them. But, they despised his way for them, and choosing their own way, they brought sin and death to all that are born after them. Because of Adam's sin, all mankind is born separated from God, seeking their own selfish ends. We are lost, trying to get rid of sin, but always in bondage to it.

Then God comes to us and explains his statutes and provides a way for us to live them, so we may be united with him once again. This fills our heart will joy! What a gift.

K & A, you both have given your heart to the Lord... but have you given your life to him? Are you following his rules, They world says rules are confining, keeping you from enjoying life. But they are wrong. Rules are freeing; they give life. They protect and guide and keep you safe from all that destroys. When you realize this, you will live out this verse and "run in the path of his commands"!

Daughters some people practice and practice to run 5K races, and that's okay. But, there is a race that is so much more important. Run in such a way to win the prize given to those that complete it.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Psalm 119:18, Gimel

December 23, 2015

Psalm 119:18, Gimel... Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law...

The psalmist continues the theme of the greatness of God's law in this verse. He knows that God has given the most wonderful gift. The law is God's direction for his people. It gives them the expectation God has for mankind. We need not guess what makes God happy, we can read it and know.

The law also gives hope and strength. When others oppose us, we must sit down with the Word and meditating on its truths and allow it to bring peace to our soul. When we see the arrogant, we know that they have strayed from the commands of the Lord, and we must determine that we will follow his statues, so that others will not scorn us or have contempt for us.

Daughters, do you have an insatiable desire for God's word? Verse 20 says that writer was "consumed with longing for [God's] laws". Most Christians are far from that. Maybe you have read through the Bible, good! More important though is to desire to know what God's statues are, and most important is to do them. Most people despise rules. That is because of Adam's sin. Man is a rebellious creature, and we desire to go our own way. But when we are truly Christians, we desire God's rules and follow them.

A & K, there are wonderful things in God's Word. Seek them out. Desire them, and you will find a closeness to God few experience. Anita's B. eyes conveyed that when she spoke of God. Loving God's Word will bring the same result in your life. What a wonderful life you can have!


Song: Open my eyes that I may see

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Psalm 119:10, Beth

December 22, 2015

Psalm 119:10, Beth... I seek you with all my heart, do not let me stray from your commands...

There are many verses in the Bible that exhort us to seek the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. It says to do, so that we might find him. There are various reason why we need to find him, each have their importance to our relationship to him. Here we see another reason... in order that we do not stray from his commands. This section of psalm 119 is well known and many of its verses are important in solidifying our relationship to God; Verse 9, How can a young man keep his way pure? - By living according to your word. Verse 11, I have hidden your word in my heart - That I might not sin against you. Verse 16, I delight in your decrees - I will not neglect your word.

K & A, Don't neglect the Word. Read it daily. Dig into it. You will find that the Word is rich and full of promises and warnings. Before the people of Israel crossed into the promised land they stood on two hills, one pronounced curses and the other group declared praises. Both were necessary. They needed to know the results of following or not following God. Daughters, you need the same awareness to occur in your life. Read your Bible and listen to what you read. If you do so, you will not stray from his commands and you will be able to keep his way pure.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Psalm 119:5, Aleph

December 21, 2015

Psalm  119:5, Aleph... Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees!...

We are called to obey the Lord. This is the true sign of a Christian. We cannot say that we love the Lord, if we do not obey the Lords teachings. Some people think this refers only to the New Testament teachings of Christ, but they forget that Jesus says that he did not come to change the Law and that no part of it would be erased, not a jot nor a tittle!

This does not mean that every part of the Old Testament applies to us, rather it says that all parts of the Bible were written as examples for us and can be used effectively in knowing how to live a righteous life. It has been the BiC standard over the years to obey the Word, and to read it according to what it says and not to look for hidden, mystical meanings. Also, we look at the OT in light of Jesus and the NT. For example, we no longer have a sacrificial system of killing animals for forgiveness of sins. Christ became the sacrifice, "once and for all".

So this verses applies to the whole Bible! We must be obedient to what God desires. We cannot say, "well its different today. That doesn't apply to us." God's word is living and effective, and applies to our lives today as much as it did then. We still serve the same God. He does not change the rules or expectations.

A & K, be steadfast in obeying the scriptures. If you don't want to obey his decrees, you are not one of his. If you struggle at obeying them, check your devotion to him. If there is something he has asked you to stop doing and you struggle in following through, you need to get closer to him, you need to allow the spirit to control your life. Yield to him! For, it is to those who are faithful to the end who will inherit eternal life... not those who begin the walk. Daughters, I will always be here for you, even when you are old, like 53. :) I love you, girls, and want to be with you in heaven.


Explanation on Psalm 119

Hello daughters, the next psalm is 119. I did a special post for psalm 117, but I don't think you want the same technique for psalm 119. So, since this psalm is broken into Hebrew alphabetical sections, I will write a post for each letter. This will avoid a post 6 or so pages long. :) ~Dad

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Psalm 118:1 & 29

December 20, 2015

Psalm 118:1 & 29... Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever...

Give thanks with a grateful heart, this Christmas season!!

God has done so much for his people. He supplies them with all the need. As a gracious and compassionate God he forgives the sins of those that love him. His right arm is strong allowing him to perform mighty acts of kindness. Although he chastens, he will not destroy. God loves his people.

Blessed are we when we come in the name of the Lord. He has made his light shine upon us and given us life. This should produce in us a grateful heart. One that helps other see his enduring love.

Daughters, give the Lord the thanks he deserves. Has been good to you and will see you through everything that comes against you, for he loves you both. Rest in his arms when tough times arise and allow his love to console and strengthen you. He is a good God and worthy to be praised. Honor him today.


Saturday, December 19, 2015

Psalm 117:2

December 19, 2015

Psalm 117:2... For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever...

(in keeping with the theme of the shortest chapter in the Bible)

God continually cares about his people, They need to praise him for it.

We need to recognize God's enduring love for us.

A & K, Praise the Lord he cares for you forever.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Psalm 116:15

December 18, 2015

Psalm 116:15... Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints...

Death is not the end! Death is not to be feared! Death is to be a joyous occasion.

Have you had someone close to you die? When this happens it brings anguish and pain and rightly so. We hurt from our inner being and some times we cannot cope. When everyone thought Jesus came late to help Lazarus, they were distraught. They knew Jesus could have kept him from dying, and they were grieved. Extreme pain filled their hearts, and they knew all was loss. But, Jesus was about to show his power over death and the grave. He raised Lazarus from the grave, and he came out alive... I wonder if Lazarus wrote a book. He could tell the true story.

When a loved one dies or if we die, It is not the end it is the beginning of our life with God. Our old sinful self is gone and we begin a life where there is no sin. What a joyous occasion it is and will be for those that die in the Lord - his saints! True sadness comes when we do not know if the person that died was a Christian, then there is fear and trembling and heartache is warranted.

A and K, When I was your age, I didn't fear death at all, pain yes, death no. I remember think that if my brother died before me that he was the lucky one, getting to see Jesus and heaven before me. Paul said, "to live is Christ and to die is gain." He is so right. We must live with the confidence that we are in a right relationship with the Lord. Then death is not something to fear, it is something to look forward to. Daughters, I pray you are ready to meet the Lord at any time. Keep yourselves pure and and glorify the Lord that he can't wait till you die.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Psalm 115:1

December 17, 2015

Psalm 115:1... Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness...

Many good things happen in our lives. Blessing stacked upon blessing. Sometimes we cannot see these because of some terrible thing that may have happened. This clouds our vision and we cannot see past it. But, no one thing is greater than all that we have.

We accomplish great things as well. We study and learn much. Life and school has taught us about many things and we have excelled and done well in most of them. Some of us have become great at what we do and have been rewarded financially and in status. We are great people.

Who is to get the credit for all we have and accomplished? We can receive accolades from our peers and take home awards and put them on the shelf, or piano. The good grades we get for being diligent for working hard so we can do well and excel, who gets the honor of the greatness?

Daughters, I was always confused about the meaning of glory, as in giving God the glory, Until one day in Sunday school class it clicked... To give God the glory is to give him the credit for what is, was, or is to come. It is the best definition of glory I have learned. If we are to take the credit for our hard work and successes, then God doesn't receive the glory, we do. "Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory,"... He is to receive the credit for all we have, all we do, and all we can conceive. "To Him be the glory, forever and ever, Amen!"


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Psalm 114:2

December 16, 2015

Psalm 114:2... Judah became God's sanctuary, Israel his dominion...

At first glance we might wonder what this verse has to do with anything for today. We know that Israel was called out of Egypt and taken to a land that was full and plenty, flowing with milk and honey. We also know that God provided for them along the way both spiritually and physically. He filled the temporary tabernacle with his presence and the the Holy of Holies when the settled in the Promised land. It was the place God resided on Earth.

When we think of God, we usually think of someone who cares about us and supplies our needs. We can run to his arms and be safe. He is "our rock and our fortress". (Ps 18:2) He is our sanctuary city; the place we find security and peace.

But this verse says we are his sanctuary. How can this be? when we become Christians, we are cleansed, purified from all unrighteous. Just as the temple was cleansed with blood, we too are cleansed with blood; the blood of Christ. After this takes place, God, as we allow him, takes up residence in our hearts. We become his dominion, his resting place, his home. The Holy Spirit comes to us and lives in us to comfort, lead, and guide.

K and A, Allow the person of the Holy Spirit to fill you. As a Christian you get the privilege of having the Spirit enter your life to help you live a holy life. He will check your thoughts and actions. He will give you wisdom and knowledge. He will bring peace and contentment. Be careful not to "quench the Spirit", (1 Thes 5:19) for to do so will limit his effectiveness in your life. Instead, be thankful for him and yield to his will and way. He is contrary to the flesh, the carnal nature, the world, so expect to live life differently than the world, and many church people around you. "His way is the best way, his way is the right way, [so] trust in him always, he knoweth the best".


Song: "Lord prepare me".

God's Way
  1. God’s way is the best way, though I may not see
    Why sorrows and trials oft gather ’round me;
    He ever is seeking my gold to refine,
    So humbly I trust Him, my Savior divine.
    • Refrain:
      God’s way is the best way,
      God’s way is the right way,
      I’ll trust in Him alway,
      He knoweth the best.
  2. God’s way is the best way, my path He has planned,
    I’ll trust in Him alway while holding His hand;
    In shadows or sunshine He ever is near,
    With Him for my refuge, I never need fear.
  3. God’s way shall be my way, He knoweth the best;
    And leaning upon Him, sweet, sweet is my rest,
    No harm can befall me, safe, safe shall I be,
    I’ll cling to Him ever, so precious is He.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Psalm 113:3

December 15, 2015

Psalm 113:3... From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised...

As I look outside, I see the sun trying to peek out through the clouds. The clouds are low and dark, spotted with holes of blue. It is there where I see the sun working to make the clouds white again. There is beauty up above the clouds but now the clouds are cold and dismal.

This is true spiritually as well. The clouds of hopelessness and despair brings the gloom of the heart. It is made cold and dismal, because it can see no future good. It causes one to mope about and moan and complain of its situation. It wonders if the sun will ever come out again. It believes it never will; not now and not even tomorrow, Miss Annie. What will pierce the clouds of despair? What will poke holes in them so the light can peek through and the blue skies once again fill the horizon?...

Praise! Yes, Praise! It will pierce those gloomy clouds and let the Light of the Son into our hearts once again! But, how can we praise when we have no hope? Start looking at the one who brings hope. Look at Jesus. See that he is good. Read and talk and listen about all the good things he has done and you will begin to praise him for his majesty.

A and K, maybe sometimes you feel gloomy. It is more than just the weather. Maybe it is heartache from something that happened. Maybe it is hurts that someone has caused you. Maybe it is life, not going where you thought it would go. Stop dwelling on those things. start looking for the good things God has done; for others, for you. Then as you begin to praise him and give him glory for what he has done and those things you know he will do, the praise will be like arrows piercing through the clouds of gloom and will allow the Light of the world to shine through and those clouds will disperse and you will see the blue skies of hope and contentment. Then, the love of Jesus will warm your soul.


A simple song the Hetrick family taught us at Saville years ago. I did not find it on You Tube. But here are the lyrics. I can sing it for you sometime.

From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same,
   The name of the Lord is to be pra a a aised.

From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same,
   The name of the Lord is to be praised.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Psalm 112:1

December 14, 2015

Psalm 112:1... Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands...

The OT is full of references to the fact that we need to "fear" the Lord. It says that those who don't will be destroyed. It says if they do, they will be blessed. God gave his command to his people Israel and told them to carry it out or else! There are many examples where God's  did not listen and they we destroyed, or taken captive, or given a plague... death by poisonous snakes is just one example. It was foolish in the days of the law and the prophets to not be obedient.

But what about today? Is it like many of today's churches teach. We serve a loving God, he doesn't discipline his people that way. He doesn't hurt their feelings by bringing condemnation on them. After all "we live in the age of grace", "Jesus says, 'I have not come to condemn the world.'" "God is compassionate towards his people today and all their sins are viewed through the person of the perfect Christ, we can't be perfect and aren't expected to lead a pure life without sin. We sin in thought, word and deed every day, every hour, every moment. We have a fallen nature"

Today's contemporary church says that we can't help but sin. We may have had friends that believed that. And sadly, lived it. :( Never succumb to the lie. The world the contemporary church loves to be like drags them into sin. The music and the pleasures of the world sucks the good out of us better than a Vacuflo system sucks the dirt from a home. And replaces it with Satan's lies which makes us weak and will eventually destroy us.

A and K, Maybe you have heard these lies. Maybe you have lived them to some extent. Jesus said to fear God... because he can send both your body and soul into Hell. that is in the NT' words spoken by Jesus himself. He said if you love me, obey my commandments. God said, "be holy for I am holy". "God doesn't change his mind like man". James says in 1:17, that he does not change like the "shifting shadows". Here is the duck analogy applied...  If it looks like world, walks like the world, and talks like the world... it is the world. Fear the Lord and delight in his commands. They give life... eternal life!


Psalm 111:5

December 13, 2015

Psalm 111:5... He provides food for those that fear him; he remembers his covenant forever.

In Matthew 6:25 Jesus says that we are not to worry about the necessities of life. He will make sure they are provided. God is a faithful god, and he will not forget his people in their time of need but will give to them with extra to spare.

There are times in a Christians life where God may withhold blessings to test us. Stay true; he will see us through. There are also times in life where God will use us to reach others and we will suffer. Remember, Jesus suffered to see us through. We may need to suffer to help someone else make it through.

Ladies, God knows what you need. It is much more than food... the mirror proves that, no? :) He provides for our necessities and gives extra besides. Never doubt the caring, provisional hand of God. He supplies in all aspects of life,.. emotional, physical, educational, and spiritual. No matter our need, God is there to help us through, we need not fear.


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Psalm 110:5

December 12, 2015

Psalm 110:4... The Lord is at your right hand; he will crush kings on the day of his wrath...

There will be a day on which all evil will be destroyed. God allows evil to have limited control now. Satan has rule over this world; it is his kingdom. People have heartaches and pain. They suffer over others relationships and through physical pain. There is sadness and crying, hatred and anger. But there will be a day that God says enough, it is over. (Rev 11:15)

We all suffer. Most in America have no clue what real suffering is. But this does not mean that it doesn't feel like. Our hearts still ache and our bodies still feel pain and it is real to us. If we compare our short time on Earth to eternity it is so short. The suffering we feel needs only to be temporary. If our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, one day suffering will cease!

K and A, Are your names written in the Lamb's Book of Life? I know both of you have made initial commitments to accepting Christ's payment for your sin, but do take inventory of the things you do or have done. We are saved when we determine to "prepare the way for the Lord" knowing that he will make a difference in our lives if we but yield our hearts to his cleansing power. He is the only way to salvation. Only through him do we attain eternal life. Now we suffer for a time, but there will be a day that all suffering will end for those that follow Christ now! Daughters, "make you election sure"(2 Pet 1:10), by "examining yourself to see whether you are in the faith" (2 Cor 13:5). You do not want to suffer forever, Like in hockey.. check yourself,


Friday, December 11, 2015

Psalm 109:4

December 11, 2015

Psalm 109:4... In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a man of prayer...

There are many examples in the Bible where was powerful and effective. Moses talked with God quite often. Abraham pleaded with God for Sodom and Gomorrah. And of course, Daniel prayed. Prayer is an essential part of our walk with God. Prayer is both easy and difficult. It is so basic, yet so elusive. Prayer takes little effort yet can be so painstaking. A great man once prayed in agony and sweated blood when he prayed.

Jesus prayed to his Father quite often and for many hours at a time. Often he went alone to pray. Sometimes he prayed with a crowd. He prayed for his food. He prayed for the benefit of those listening. He also prayed for people to be healed. In Matthew 6, we are taught how to pray.

What makes our prayers effective? Does it depend on us? Are we required to live a certain way or will God just give to us everything we ask? First let me say that we need to be honest and sincere. We also need to be willing to pray diligently, not giving up, like the widow seeking justice form the unjust ruler. But what I want to stress is what James says in chapter 5 verse 17, "the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

Daughters, I plead with you, be women of prayer. Your future family will need a strong woman of prayer; your husband, your children. It is so crucial to a successful family. Your mother is amazing. She has grown into a lady who loves the Lord and has a close relationship to him. She comes from a nominal spiritual family, but she has taken it deeper. I see God speaking to her to understand difficulties in my life and she asks me if I am okay when I am feeling down... Only God could have told her and  only because she is close to him.. A and K, to have powerful and effective prayers you need to be righteous, to live right. Let the Bible define right living, not today's church. When you walk the scriptures, you will find yourself close to God and you will commune with him and he with you and will will find the peace that transcends all.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Psalm 108:4

December 10, 2015

Psalm 108:4... For great is your love, above the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies...

God is Love. (I Jn 4:8) He sits high above the heavens and watches us, his people. He cares for us like a mother hen cares for her peeps. He does not abandon us but seeks to help us through all our times, both good and bad. He is faithful to his people and works for good of those who love and obey him.

We must be aware of the love of Christ. Psalms is the reminder of the need to meditate on the goodness of God. He does so much for us, and it is missed unless we make an effort to recognize his hand at work. We eat, sleep, and breath and think nothing of it. We just expect to have the necessities of life. How easy it is to forget the God who faithfully provides for his people.

K and A, What do you do to remember the blessings of the Lord. Thanksgiving time is not enough. We must dwell on his goodness throughout all the year. God loves you and is caring for you. He provides you with many good things. This should not just cause us to thank him in word but also in deeds. Seek to give to the Lord the glory he deserves. He is a loving and gracious God to those that "love him and keep his commandments". Consider the goodness of God and praise his holy name for his "faithfulness reaches to the skies".


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Psalm 107:17

December 09, 2015

Psalm 107:17... Some became fools through their rebellious ways and suffered  affliction because of their iniquities...

"Be sure your sins will find you out," This is the warning of Moses to the people of Ruebenites found in Nu 32:23. He said you must follow through with your committment and if you don't, God will not let you get away with it. Your sin will be known.

Many a person has made a vow to the Lord... or differently said, they have said, I will do such and such. God takes us at our word! He doesn't accept.. "I didn't say , 'I promise'," excuses, or "I had my fingers crossed." Jesus said to let our yes be yes and our no, no. We must follow through.

A and K, here is the problem with not carrying out your commitments; you end up being rebellious and becoming fools and suffer for it. God has a penalty for sin... death. That is not such a desirable outcome on life. Living forever sounds much better, considering death is an eternal dying and ultimately total separation from God. I've started to look at it this way; Sin needs to be paid for. Either Christ will cover the payment or we will. There is a catch for us covering the payment... it takes an eternity of suffering in the lake of burning sulfur to complete the payment... it never happens. The verses after 17 tells us that if we have played the part of the fool, there is a way out... forgiveness from God. Ladies, I pray that you never play the part of the fool, but if you do. Return to the one who can remove away the stain of sin and purpose in your heart never to be a fool again, and allow Jesus to "purify you from all unrighteousness". It is there you will find satisfaction.


Here is a song, Do you know it? "Therefor the Redeemed"

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Psalm 106:13

December 08, 2015

Psalm 106:13... But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel...

What a sad plight. After God had done so much to help the people of Israel. They continually rejected him. He helped them time and again. He destroyed many of the rebels and those that followed them.Yet, his, chosen, the ones he rescued time and again from the hand of their enemy, would not honor and serve him. Instead they sought after their own way and followed the gods of the people around them. These nations were to be destroyed, so they could live in righteousness. They kept the world with them and it was there downfall. How sad...

God has called us to follow him. He has done so much for us yet so many keep turning away from him. Why is this; why does it happen? This psalm explains the reason. Israel would not rid itself of the world. They left Egypt but "egypt" never left them. The were delivered from the bondage, but they hung on to its chains. They constantly would get entangled and trip and fall. They displeased God. Many today get delivered by the blood of Christ and are removed from bondage. Unfortunately, they hold on to the things of this world and become entangled in web of carnality. Satan uses the things of this world to ensnare us. They look innocent, but unless we totally destroy them like Israel was to do,, they will keep us from fully following God

K and A, are you willing to leave the world behind? If not you, will displease God. You will be confused about what is right and what is wrong. You will try to "please two masters" and in he end will "soon forget what he has done for you" and will make decisions without waiting for his counsel. Oh daughters, like God, this will make me so sad. I plead with you, leave the pleasures of this world. They will bind you and you, like Israel, will think you are following God, but you will live in bondage because "egypt" never left you. Choose to rid your lives of this world that so easily entangle and see clearly how God wants to bring you to the promise land; that wonderful place he is preparing for you!


Psalm 105:45

December 07, 2015

Psalm 105:45... That they might keep his precepts and observe his laws. Praise the Lord...

This psalm is a praise to the Lord for all he did for Israel. In detail, the writer reminds us of all that God had done for the Hebrew people from the time of Abraham in Canaan to Joseph in Egypt and the plagues and back to Canaan. The amazing things he has done gives us an opportunity to praise him. Unless we dwell on the things he has done, we will not grasp his greatness. It is important to ruminate on the blessings of the Lord.

But why does God bless us? Why does the father of all creation reach down to man and consider him? Why is he compassionate, "slow to anger and abounding in love"? Is it because us? Is it the deep love a father for his children? Could it be that we do have a responsibility as God's people to love and honor him? Is it all faith and no works? Will anyone desire God if his people cannot follow his ways?

K and A, I am not going to answer all those questions. I am just going to tell yo what the God says through his word here is Psalms. Verse 44 says he gave to them, his chosen people, "what others had toiled for". Then in verse 45 it says why... "That they might keep his precepts and observe his laws". Daughters, we are not just blessed because of whose we are. We are blessed for a purpose... we are blessed so others my see our "good deeds and glorify your father in heaven". (Mat 5:16 A, let your light so shine others will glorify the Father. K, live in such a way that people will see you are different from the world. Light is not the same as darkness. The two cannot exist together in the same place. God placed Israel in a place geographically where they would be noticed. You two (& too) are placed where God can be seen by others. You have a great opportunity to be a witness for him. Live in such a way that others will glorify him. True success in life is living for Christ.


Sing this song out loud today... "This Little Light of Mine" If you can't do it around others (that might be a little weird)... find a place to do it.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Psalm 104:34

December 05. 2015

Psalm 104:34... May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord...

Rejoicing in the Lord... Many think this can only be done if you have the right music, "we need something that gets us in the mood, something that makes us move." That is so shallow. Music certainly can be an aid to praising God but it is not needed. What is needed is to begin to recognize all that God has done. In this psalm, the writer shows some of the greatness of the Lord. It is mostly about how he has created the world and how he has taken care of it by providing for it. It is easy then to reflect on how God takes care of us; we need not worry. (Mat 6:34) In fact when we meditate on this and peruse the record of God's blessings, we will naturally praise him!

Young ladies, you may find meditation to be hard to do. It is difficult for most people to be quite long enough to meditate. When you do nothing, it seems boring... but as I say, boring is an attitude. You "gotta wanna". People spend hours on the net... Facebook, Pintrest, Twitter, just surfing... If you want to meditate, you gotta wanna! Then praising God will be rewarding and you will have the most precious time with just you and God!


Psalm 103:8

December 05, 2015

Psalm 103:8... The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger; abounding in love...

This psalm needs read. I have included it below. It tells us to we are to praise him... It is not hard to praise the Lord if we see and appreciate all the things he has done for us! Those who grow up in christian homes many times fail to recognize what God has done for them and can be less appreciative of the wonderful things he has done. Those who have grown up in wickedness and even may have lived wicked lives and have turned to the Lord easily recognize his kindnesses and often have a greater love for the God. (Lk 7:47)

Daughters, look through this Psalm. Recognize what the Lord has forgiven you from; maybe it is from what you have done, but even as or possibly more rewarding is what he has kept you from doing! God is slow to anger and abounding in love. If he would give to us what we deserve, we would be destroyed for eternity. When you see how much he has done it will be easy to praise him. Do so, not only with your mouth but with your life as well. Live for him!


Psalm 103

Of David.

Praise the Lord, my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
The Lord works righteousness
    and justice for all the oppressed.
He made known his ways to Moses,
    his deeds to the people of Israel:
The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
    slow to anger, abounding in love.
He will not always accuse,
    nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
    or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
    so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children,
    so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
    he remembers that we are dust.
15 The life of mortals is like grass,
    they flourish like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
    and its place remembers it no more.
17 But from everlasting to everlasting
    the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
    and his righteousness with their children’s children
18 with those who keep his covenant
    and remember to obey his precepts.
19 The Lord has established his throne in heaven,
    and his kingdom rules over all.
20 Praise the Lord, you his angels,
    you mighty ones who do his bidding,
    who obey his word.
21 Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts,
    you his servants who do his will.
22 Praise the Lord, all his works
    everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the Lord, my soul.
New International Version (NIV)
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Psalm 102:27

December 04, 2015

Psalm 102:27... But you remain the same, and your years will never end...

Hebrews 18:8 says that God "is the same yesterday, today, and forever." This should give us great confidence and assurance that we serve a God who can be trusted. His laws can be trusted and his character can be trusted. With this knowledge in our minds we can have the confidence that our salvation in Christ is based on his word and will not be alter to fit some whim that changes the rules by which we are blindsided.

The Lord has made a way for salvation. It is through Jesus Christ that we are saved and by none other. The New Testament is also called the New Covenant and a covenant is an agreement between two parties. Like an agreement between lords and serfs, God is our protector and our help in time of need. He has agreed to save us from all that comes against us if we but follow his rules. That is the part of our agreement we must keep for the covenant to stay in effect. What this verse says is that God will always be there for us and will not change the requirements... Jesus is the way. If we are to have God's protection, we must love him. This means we will obey his commands (Jn 14:15).

A and K, Do you love Jesus? If so, then you are obeying what he said you are to do. You may ask yourself... What are the commands of the Lord Jesus? Read what he said - The Gospels, Read what it meant - The Epistles, Observe his never changing character and expectations for his people in the Laws and the Prophets. In other words... Read your Bible. Those who are saved are not those that once said Jesus, I am a sinner, I am sorry for my sins, I want you to forgive me, Amen. Salvation comes to those who have taken him and are willing to endure to the end. You must walk the way of holiness if you expect to be saved from all the evil comes against you. In the Way of Holiness (Is 35:8) there is peace knowing you are the Lord's.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Psalm 101:3

December 03, 2015

Psalm 101:3... I will set before my eyes no vile thing,. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me.

One of the things I failed to do as a father was to place Bible verses on the walls of our home. Okay we have a few of them but all in all I failed in this area. We could have had you make them and then hang them up, not for others to see how great you are as an artist; no, they would be there to reinforce the truths of God's word. This would have also kept with the verses from Deuteronomy to impress them on your children... "write them on your doorposts."

Here is a great saying to impress on your children... "Set No Vile Thing Before Your Eyes"  Now as adults this needs to be part of your life. It is a crucial practice today more than ever. Accessibility to the trash of the world , vile things, is greater than ever. In an instant (possibly after clicking "I'm over 18") you can see all the evil one can conjure up.

Ladies, you are responsible when you click the keys of the computer to choose what to search and view and listen to. Certainly you can't stop every evil thing from crossing your path, but you choose what you search for... Here are some examples...

  • FB friends... some of them will post many vile clips or write vile things, should they really be your friends. what do you do with the vile images or speech, swearing etc,. I have gotten into the practice of deleting every post I consider sinful or evil taht I read.... this takes time but I want to keep it fresh in my heart that these are evil or I will become accustom to them and soon they will not be evil
  • TV and movies... when a bad scene comes... I must cover my eyes, turn the channel... this includes commercials, just not watch the show,,, the swearing in movies, including some christian ones, is vile. We must not set it before our eyes and ears. IMDb, a great site for knowing what is in the movie before we view it so we don't have to, K, I watched White Christmas with you and Mom. I hurt inside when I was done. I didn't know how sexual the dances were. I am ashamed I made us watch it. This Christmas I am torn.. for I love to sing that song, but the images keep coming up in my head. I don't know what to do.
  • Pornography... this was always thought to be most a male issue but not anymore. The internet has changed that and you can succumb to the pressures of this vice.
  • Music... there are many songs over the years by secular "artists" that are wholesome. Yet these same artists produce trash... some of there songs aren't bad except for one area... the vile which we are not to place before our eyes. I have heard a lot at work. One was about someone happy to find this person to love, They were like none other, made him feel so good... then this line.. "oh, the look in your eyes when we make love" Trash! Like Grandpa's rat poison illustration... just because there is good stuff in it doesn't mean it is good for you.
  • I put an app on my phone to hear the words in the songs I heard at work. I began using is all the time... finally I realized Satan was using that to hear all kinds of trash i never understood before. I deleted the icon from my phone.
It's sad, I love technology. I'd love to install AV in homes and have a Direct TV business... but I can't I would be helping others put vile things before there eyes.

K & A, there are a lot of gray areas here. I don't have all the answers, but this is certainly true, David said that if he wanted a blameless heart, he would set no vile thing before his eyes. If you have problems with living a pure life... determine not to set them before your eyes... then you can walk in your house blameless before the Lord!


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Psalm 100:4

December 02, 2015

Psalm 100:4... Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name...

The Lord deserves our praise and our thanks. He is a great God and is "worthy to be praised". We must do this in many ways and places. Just as the Israelites were told to talk about the Law and commands of the Lord in all situations, when they get up and lie down, when they walk and sit, we need to praise God in the same way.

We need to do this as we go about our daily tasks. Many grumble and complain along the way of life's pathway. They see the terrible and cannot see the good things God has for them. There is always so much more good than there is bad, even for those being persecuted for being Christians. We are told to "count it all joy" when we must suffer for the Lord.

Daughters, could you be full of joy when people are torturing you, destroying your possessions, killing your family. Grandpa would say you had better prepare yourselves for the day is coming and soon! He may be right. We live in a crazy world. But, we are not there now, so be joyful in the struggle you have and realize that the God who is with you when times are easy will certainly be there with you when times are hard.

K, right now, you are struggling. You are not sure what to do. Give thanks and praise to God for what you have and trust him to carry you though this bump in the road. He will help you as you honor him in all area of you life. A, tougher times will come for you. Get in the habit of praising and honoring the one who loves you than anyone else can. Then, when those times arrive you will stand strong through them.

Seek to do right, Ladies. Put the world behind you, especially the parts it uses to entertain your mind for it leads to tear away at your soul - it currently tears at the fiber of our churches. Enter the House of the Lord with appreciation for what the Lord is doing in your life and glorify him by the way you live each day.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Psalm 99:6

December 01, 2015

Psalm 99:6... Moses and Aaron we among his priests, Samuel was among those who called on his name; they called on his name and he answered them...

In Hebrews it tell us that as Christians we are part of a great "cloud of witnesses". We are part of a holy group of people who were dedicated to the Lord. We can take comfort and strength in know that  we too can call on the Lord and he will answer us. We must remember that not everyone who says "Lord, Lord" is saved. In fact we can do miracles in his name and not be saved.

The persons in the cloud of witnesses we defined in this way, vs 7, "they kept his statues and the decrees he gave". I used the word persons to make it individual... Daughters, each of you must live holy lives. You cannot live on the holiness of others. It's not the school or church you attend - although that make a difference on your outlook on life. It is not the family you grew up in - that too make a huge directional understanding of how to walk. No, it is you! How will you choose to live? God has your answers. Are you living in such a way that you are stored in the cloud"
