Saturday, December 26, 2015

Psalm 119:47, Waw

December 26, 2015

Psalm 119:47, Waw... for I delight in your commands, because I love them...

In the beginning of the history of man, there was a man named Cain. He knew about God from two people that walked with the Lord. They could speak of his goodness and also speak of his discipline. He certainly learn that turning to your own way earns consequences which were not worth the perceived satisfaction of following their own desires. Personal desires which do not align with God's desires never produce the feeling nor the outcome wished for. They did not for Cain. He said, there is more than one way to honor God. I can choose to praise and glorify him in my own way. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. But, this led to sin building in his life, and he could not "master" it. God even spoke to him about it, but he would not stop doing it his way. This led to murder and separation from the ones that loved him. He was banished from the land just like his parents.

Sin separates! When will we learn. Sin is by nature appealing to our desires. It feeds on what is carnal, the flesh, the physical or emotional or natural desires. We hunger... sin makes us eat too much, We work... sin makes us a workaholic, we can't cope with pressure... sin turns us to smoking or drinking, or drugs, we tire... sin causes us to find strength in pleasures, we desire love... sin pulls us to ungodly relationships and decisions to fulfill our desire.

When we know what is right, sin says... that doesn't matter, we are a new generation. That was what God said before, but we can honor him any way that suits us. He knows our heart. Take heed,,, sin has tricked us. The commands of God are restrictive. They stop us from doing what comes natural to us. Most times this causes us to despise them, and we go our own way instead. We must remember... you reap what you sow, good or bad.

A & K, God wants you to love him. It says in 1 John that if we do not obey his command ,we do not love him,,, nor is commands. If you ever think that God's laws are restrictive and unnatural... you are thinking correctly. When we had God's nature in the garden of Eden, the command seemed practical, still restrictive, but practical. When sin passed down on man, our natural desires we tainted by sin. Now what seems natural is against God and God's command become foolishness to our nature. Daughters, this is why we need the nature of the Spirit living inside us. He helps us to love the command of God. When we love them, we will obey them and delight in knowing them. They will be restrictive, but we will glory in them and in the God who gives them, praising him for his goodness.


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