Monday, December 7, 2015

Psalm 104:34

December 05. 2015

Psalm 104:34... May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord...

Rejoicing in the Lord... Many think this can only be done if you have the right music, "we need something that gets us in the mood, something that makes us move." That is so shallow. Music certainly can be an aid to praising God but it is not needed. What is needed is to begin to recognize all that God has done. In this psalm, the writer shows some of the greatness of the Lord. It is mostly about how he has created the world and how he has taken care of it by providing for it. It is easy then to reflect on how God takes care of us; we need not worry. (Mat 6:34) In fact when we meditate on this and peruse the record of God's blessings, we will naturally praise him!

Young ladies, you may find meditation to be hard to do. It is difficult for most people to be quite long enough to meditate. When you do nothing, it seems boring... but as I say, boring is an attitude. You "gotta wanna". People spend hours on the net... Facebook, Pintrest, Twitter, just surfing... If you want to meditate, you gotta wanna! Then praising God will be rewarding and you will have the most precious time with just you and God!


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