Thursday, December 10, 2015

Psalm 108:4

December 10, 2015

Psalm 108:4... For great is your love, above the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies...

God is Love. (I Jn 4:8) He sits high above the heavens and watches us, his people. He cares for us like a mother hen cares for her peeps. He does not abandon us but seeks to help us through all our times, both good and bad. He is faithful to his people and works for good of those who love and obey him.

We must be aware of the love of Christ. Psalms is the reminder of the need to meditate on the goodness of God. He does so much for us, and it is missed unless we make an effort to recognize his hand at work. We eat, sleep, and breath and think nothing of it. We just expect to have the necessities of life. How easy it is to forget the God who faithfully provides for his people.

K and A, What do you do to remember the blessings of the Lord. Thanksgiving time is not enough. We must dwell on his goodness throughout all the year. God loves you and is caring for you. He provides you with many good things. This should not just cause us to thank him in word but also in deeds. Seek to give to the Lord the glory he deserves. He is a loving and gracious God to those that "love him and keep his commandments". Consider the goodness of God and praise his holy name for his "faithfulness reaches to the skies".


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