Monday, December 14, 2015

Psalm 111:5

December 13, 2015

Psalm 111:5... He provides food for those that fear him; he remembers his covenant forever.

In Matthew 6:25 Jesus says that we are not to worry about the necessities of life. He will make sure they are provided. God is a faithful god, and he will not forget his people in their time of need but will give to them with extra to spare.

There are times in a Christians life where God may withhold blessings to test us. Stay true; he will see us through. There are also times in life where God will use us to reach others and we will suffer. Remember, Jesus suffered to see us through. We may need to suffer to help someone else make it through.

Ladies, God knows what you need. It is much more than food... the mirror proves that, no? :) He provides for our necessities and gives extra besides. Never doubt the caring, provisional hand of God. He supplies in all aspects of life,.. emotional, physical, educational, and spiritual. No matter our need, God is there to help us through, we need not fear.


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