Sunday, December 27, 2015

Psalm 119:56, Zayin

December 27, 2015

Psalm 119:56, Zayin... This has been my practice, I obey your precepts...

In Isaiah 28:10 KJV God says, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little... God know's it takes a constant working out of his law make the practice of living them. We cannot just hear the word and then, ba-ding.. we live it. No, it takes effort! We must think about what the Word says to us and meditate on its importance. Going to church helps with this. The main reason I remotely appear smart about spiritual things is that I have been around it so long. Some people get bored when they hear the same stories... I heard that story before... David took 5 stones whipped it around a circle and killed the Giant, whoppie.

Daughters, boredom is a feeling that you chose to have. There is always so much more in a scripture than we can imagine. To follow God's precepts we must do more than hear them. We must do more that learn them. We must meditate on them, going over them again and again. Then it will become your practice to obey them, And, if you stop going over them and studying them when you get older... you will stop obeying them. A & K, make it your practice to study line upon line and read here a little and there a little and you will be able to obey the Lord's precepts and find wholeness in life,


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