Monday, December 28, 2015

Psalm 119:59, Heth

December 28, 2015

Psalm 119:59, Heth... I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes...

What are the statutes of the Lord? Not the specific laws and decrees, these, of course, are quite important and need to be learned and practiced, the question is what is the purpose, the goal of having statutes?

Statues are the ways God's expects you to live. They are his requirements for determining righteousness... living right. They are the right versus wrong way. They define good and evil, obedience and sin.

What are man's ways? If we reference it to what is above, then it is the ways we live. If we consider our ways, without Christ, will they be righteous; will our ways be God's ways? The answer is no! It says in Proverbs 14:12, "there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." We cannot trust our decisions when God has not affected who we are. We may say to ourselves, but we have seen non-Christians do good things, why can;t we trust them... First, itf they are doing good things, then God has affected them, the scriptures say that we cannot even think a good thought without aid from heaven. But, the questions is trust... we cannot trust our the ways of the unrighteous, nor should we trust our own. Only God;s ways are trustworthy and good!

K and A, Do you think that since you have been a Christian that now all you choices are righteous. Be wary of such thought when they come. Only the thought that are under the subjection of the Holy Spirit are worthy of our trust. We will fall if we do not check them against what God's Word says. You need to consider your ways, meaning check, like hockey, what we say and do. Proverbs 5:21 says that "a mans ways are in full view of the Lord, he examines all his paths. Turn your steps to his statutes and you will walk with him and not stumble.


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