Thursday, December 3, 2015

Psalm 101:3

December 03, 2015

Psalm 101:3... I will set before my eyes no vile thing,. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me.

One of the things I failed to do as a father was to place Bible verses on the walls of our home. Okay we have a few of them but all in all I failed in this area. We could have had you make them and then hang them up, not for others to see how great you are as an artist; no, they would be there to reinforce the truths of God's word. This would have also kept with the verses from Deuteronomy to impress them on your children... "write them on your doorposts."

Here is a great saying to impress on your children... "Set No Vile Thing Before Your Eyes"  Now as adults this needs to be part of your life. It is a crucial practice today more than ever. Accessibility to the trash of the world , vile things, is greater than ever. In an instant (possibly after clicking "I'm over 18") you can see all the evil one can conjure up.

Ladies, you are responsible when you click the keys of the computer to choose what to search and view and listen to. Certainly you can't stop every evil thing from crossing your path, but you choose what you search for... Here are some examples...

  • FB friends... some of them will post many vile clips or write vile things, should they really be your friends. what do you do with the vile images or speech, swearing etc,. I have gotten into the practice of deleting every post I consider sinful or evil taht I read.... this takes time but I want to keep it fresh in my heart that these are evil or I will become accustom to them and soon they will not be evil
  • TV and movies... when a bad scene comes... I must cover my eyes, turn the channel... this includes commercials, just not watch the show,,, the swearing in movies, including some christian ones, is vile. We must not set it before our eyes and ears. IMDb, a great site for knowing what is in the movie before we view it so we don't have to, K, I watched White Christmas with you and Mom. I hurt inside when I was done. I didn't know how sexual the dances were. I am ashamed I made us watch it. This Christmas I am torn.. for I love to sing that song, but the images keep coming up in my head. I don't know what to do.
  • Pornography... this was always thought to be most a male issue but not anymore. The internet has changed that and you can succumb to the pressures of this vice.
  • Music... there are many songs over the years by secular "artists" that are wholesome. Yet these same artists produce trash... some of there songs aren't bad except for one area... the vile which we are not to place before our eyes. I have heard a lot at work. One was about someone happy to find this person to love, They were like none other, made him feel so good... then this line.. "oh, the look in your eyes when we make love" Trash! Like Grandpa's rat poison illustration... just because there is good stuff in it doesn't mean it is good for you.
  • I put an app on my phone to hear the words in the songs I heard at work. I began using is all the time... finally I realized Satan was using that to hear all kinds of trash i never understood before. I deleted the icon from my phone.
It's sad, I love technology. I'd love to install AV in homes and have a Direct TV business... but I can't I would be helping others put vile things before there eyes.

K & A, there are a lot of gray areas here. I don't have all the answers, but this is certainly true, David said that if he wanted a blameless heart, he would set no vile thing before his eyes. If you have problems with living a pure life... determine not to set them before your eyes... then you can walk in your house blameless before the Lord!


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