Friday, December 18, 2015

Psalm 116:15

December 18, 2015

Psalm 116:15... Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints...

Death is not the end! Death is not to be feared! Death is to be a joyous occasion.

Have you had someone close to you die? When this happens it brings anguish and pain and rightly so. We hurt from our inner being and some times we cannot cope. When everyone thought Jesus came late to help Lazarus, they were distraught. They knew Jesus could have kept him from dying, and they were grieved. Extreme pain filled their hearts, and they knew all was loss. But, Jesus was about to show his power over death and the grave. He raised Lazarus from the grave, and he came out alive... I wonder if Lazarus wrote a book. He could tell the true story.

When a loved one dies or if we die, It is not the end it is the beginning of our life with God. Our old sinful self is gone and we begin a life where there is no sin. What a joyous occasion it is and will be for those that die in the Lord - his saints! True sadness comes when we do not know if the person that died was a Christian, then there is fear and trembling and heartache is warranted.

A and K, When I was your age, I didn't fear death at all, pain yes, death no. I remember think that if my brother died before me that he was the lucky one, getting to see Jesus and heaven before me. Paul said, "to live is Christ and to die is gain." He is so right. We must live with the confidence that we are in a right relationship with the Lord. Then death is not something to fear, it is something to look forward to. Daughters, I pray you are ready to meet the Lord at any time. Keep yourselves pure and and glorify the Lord that he can't wait till you die.


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