Saturday, December 12, 2015

Psalm 110:5

December 12, 2015

Psalm 110:4... The Lord is at your right hand; he will crush kings on the day of his wrath...

There will be a day on which all evil will be destroyed. God allows evil to have limited control now. Satan has rule over this world; it is his kingdom. People have heartaches and pain. They suffer over others relationships and through physical pain. There is sadness and crying, hatred and anger. But there will be a day that God says enough, it is over. (Rev 11:15)

We all suffer. Most in America have no clue what real suffering is. But this does not mean that it doesn't feel like. Our hearts still ache and our bodies still feel pain and it is real to us. If we compare our short time on Earth to eternity it is so short. The suffering we feel needs only to be temporary. If our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, one day suffering will cease!

K and A, Are your names written in the Lamb's Book of Life? I know both of you have made initial commitments to accepting Christ's payment for your sin, but do take inventory of the things you do or have done. We are saved when we determine to "prepare the way for the Lord" knowing that he will make a difference in our lives if we but yield our hearts to his cleansing power. He is the only way to salvation. Only through him do we attain eternal life. Now we suffer for a time, but there will be a day that all suffering will end for those that follow Christ now! Daughters, "make you election sure"(2 Pet 1:10), by "examining yourself to see whether you are in the faith" (2 Cor 13:5). You do not want to suffer forever, Like in hockey.. check yourself,


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