Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Psalm 107:17

December 09, 2015

Psalm 107:17... Some became fools through their rebellious ways and suffered  affliction because of their iniquities...

"Be sure your sins will find you out," This is the warning of Moses to the people of Ruebenites found in Nu 32:23. He said you must follow through with your committment and if you don't, God will not let you get away with it. Your sin will be known.

Many a person has made a vow to the Lord... or differently said, they have said, I will do such and such. God takes us at our word! He doesn't accept.. "I didn't say , 'I promise'," excuses, or "I had my fingers crossed." Jesus said to let our yes be yes and our no, no. We must follow through.

A and K, here is the problem with not carrying out your commitments; you end up being rebellious and becoming fools and suffer for it. God has a penalty for sin... death. That is not such a desirable outcome on life. Living forever sounds much better, considering death is an eternal dying and ultimately total separation from God. I've started to look at it this way; Sin needs to be paid for. Either Christ will cover the payment or we will. There is a catch for us covering the payment... it takes an eternity of suffering in the lake of burning sulfur to complete the payment... it never happens. The verses after 17 tells us that if we have played the part of the fool, there is a way out... forgiveness from God. Ladies, I pray that you never play the part of the fool, but if you do. Return to the one who can remove away the stain of sin and purpose in your heart never to be a fool again, and allow Jesus to "purify you from all unrighteousness". It is there you will find satisfaction.


Here is a song, Do you know it? "Therefor the Redeemed"

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