Thursday, December 31, 2015

Psalm 119:83, Kaph

December 31, 2015

Psalm 119:83, Kaph... Though I am like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget your decrees...

I am no wine expert. I never want to be. I shared this post yesterday on Facebook. Read it. Bookmark this post, never forget that alcohol is a foolish path that leads to many sins and heartaches, especially a heartache for me if you do. That said, I'm guessing at the meaning of this verse, but if not exactly right on the writers thoughts, my statement about the meaning is correct...

I'll make this quick... after I get back from work tonight... 5:45am


What would it be like to be a wineskin in a smoke filled room?.. We would feel alone, hidden. Maybe we would feel abandoned or a little scared. Certainly we would sense that we are in a difficult situation hanging in a place we do not want to be. Keeping these things in mind, lets add in the rest of the verse and recognize it meaning for us.

When times are tough and we feel like God has abandoned us, we must remember to do what is right. When we feel abandoned and get afraid of what might happen to us, think about his rules and laws and commands. If we are like David and love his statues, they will bring us peace and satisfaction.

Daughters, remember to continue to do what is right when things look bleak. Satan is trying to separate you from God and wants you to curse him like he tried to do to Job. Don't fall for it. Instead, seek to do right, and he will walk with you through all the fogginess life (the Devil) brings your way. Follow his word in the New Year, and you will feel his smile upon you. And that feels so good!

I love you daughters. Serve the Lord with all your heart in the year to come. ~Dad

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