Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Psalm 106:13

December 08, 2015

Psalm 106:13... But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel...

What a sad plight. After God had done so much to help the people of Israel. They continually rejected him. He helped them time and again. He destroyed many of the rebels and those that followed them.Yet, his, chosen, the ones he rescued time and again from the hand of their enemy, would not honor and serve him. Instead they sought after their own way and followed the gods of the people around them. These nations were to be destroyed, so they could live in righteousness. They kept the world with them and it was there downfall. How sad...

God has called us to follow him. He has done so much for us yet so many keep turning away from him. Why is this; why does it happen? This psalm explains the reason. Israel would not rid itself of the world. They left Egypt but "egypt" never left them. The were delivered from the bondage, but they hung on to its chains. They constantly would get entangled and trip and fall. They displeased God. Many today get delivered by the blood of Christ and are removed from bondage. Unfortunately, they hold on to the things of this world and become entangled in web of carnality. Satan uses the things of this world to ensnare us. They look innocent, but unless we totally destroy them like Israel was to do,, they will keep us from fully following God

K and A, are you willing to leave the world behind? If not you, will displease God. You will be confused about what is right and what is wrong. You will try to "please two masters" and in he end will "soon forget what he has done for you" and will make decisions without waiting for his counsel. Oh daughters, like God, this will make me so sad. I plead with you, leave the pleasures of this world. They will bind you and you, like Israel, will think you are following God, but you will live in bondage because "egypt" never left you. Choose to rid your lives of this world that so easily entangle and see clearly how God wants to bring you to the promise land; that wonderful place he is preparing for you!


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