Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Psalm 105:45

December 07, 2015

Psalm 105:45... That they might keep his precepts and observe his laws. Praise the Lord...

This psalm is a praise to the Lord for all he did for Israel. In detail, the writer reminds us of all that God had done for the Hebrew people from the time of Abraham in Canaan to Joseph in Egypt and the plagues and back to Canaan. The amazing things he has done gives us an opportunity to praise him. Unless we dwell on the things he has done, we will not grasp his greatness. It is important to ruminate on the blessings of the Lord.

But why does God bless us? Why does the father of all creation reach down to man and consider him? Why is he compassionate, "slow to anger and abounding in love"? Is it because us? Is it the deep love a father for his children? Could it be that we do have a responsibility as God's people to love and honor him? Is it all faith and no works? Will anyone desire God if his people cannot follow his ways?

K and A, I am not going to answer all those questions. I am just going to tell yo what the God says through his word here is Psalms. Verse 44 says he gave to them, his chosen people, "what others had toiled for". Then in verse 45 it says why... "That they might keep his precepts and observe his laws". Daughters, we are not just blessed because of whose we are. We are blessed for a purpose... we are blessed so others my see our "good deeds and glorify your father in heaven". (Mat 5:16 A, let your light so shine others will glorify the Father. K, live in such a way that people will see you are different from the world. Light is not the same as darkness. The two cannot exist together in the same place. God placed Israel in a place geographically where they would be noticed. You two (& too) are placed where God can be seen by others. You have a great opportunity to be a witness for him. Live in such a way that others will glorify him. True success in life is living for Christ.


Sing this song out loud today... "This Little Light of Mine" If you can't do it around others (that might be a little weird)... find a place to do it.

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