Friday, December 25, 2015

Psalm 119:39, He

December 25, 2015... It's Christmas!

Psalm 119:39, He... Take away the disgrace I dread, for your laws are good...

Who likes to be disgraced. From presidents to business owner to the common man, people have been disgraced. The worst is preachers of the Word. It is so easy for a person to be side tracked and think they can get away with doing evil. It started with Eve. She knew what God desired and had to know that God would find out, yet she listened to Satan and ate the forbidden fruit. Upon doing so, she found someone to partake in her wrong and made him fall from grace as well. His laws are good for man... and women as well.

There is much disgrace in the church today. The world sees it, but most inside the church are blind to the fact. There is the obvious; Priests molesting young boys and girls in their care, Pastor's of large churches bilking millions from the public to benefit their own riches, Pastors having committing adultery with their secretaries, Pastors having sexual encounters with other men  (Ro 1:27), Ungodly dancing and drinking or social parties (1 Cor 10:7), stealing from the Lord by not giving a tenth of their income (Malachi 3:8), Having sexual relations before marriage (1 Thes 4:3 KJV uses fornication ), Dressing improperly (1 Tim 2:9), and so much more. The world scoffs at the church, and we should be ashamed. If we would follow his laws we would not be disgraced, and we would acknowledge how good they are.

A & K, the world knows what is wrong, but today's church is blinded by their sins. We may still be human and subject to sinning, but Jesus came that we might not sin! ( Ps 199:11, Ro 6:12, 1 Pet 2:24, and many more) Daughters, 1 Jn 2:24 says Do not love the world or anything in it... No better advice could I give you this Christmas than to seek God first and leave the world behind. Jesus came into the world to change the world not to be like it. Come out and be separate and give me something to be Merry about this Christmas! I love you young ladies. God has so much for good for you. You will never to be disgraced if you follow his law... his word, for it is good!


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