Monday, December 21, 2015

Psalm 119:5, Aleph

December 21, 2015

Psalm  119:5, Aleph... Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees!...

We are called to obey the Lord. This is the true sign of a Christian. We cannot say that we love the Lord, if we do not obey the Lords teachings. Some people think this refers only to the New Testament teachings of Christ, but they forget that Jesus says that he did not come to change the Law and that no part of it would be erased, not a jot nor a tittle!

This does not mean that every part of the Old Testament applies to us, rather it says that all parts of the Bible were written as examples for us and can be used effectively in knowing how to live a righteous life. It has been the BiC standard over the years to obey the Word, and to read it according to what it says and not to look for hidden, mystical meanings. Also, we look at the OT in light of Jesus and the NT. For example, we no longer have a sacrificial system of killing animals for forgiveness of sins. Christ became the sacrifice, "once and for all".

So this verses applies to the whole Bible! We must be obedient to what God desires. We cannot say, "well its different today. That doesn't apply to us." God's word is living and effective, and applies to our lives today as much as it did then. We still serve the same God. He does not change the rules or expectations.

A & K, be steadfast in obeying the scriptures. If you don't want to obey his decrees, you are not one of his. If you struggle at obeying them, check your devotion to him. If there is something he has asked you to stop doing and you struggle in following through, you need to get closer to him, you need to allow the spirit to control your life. Yield to him! For, it is to those who are faithful to the end who will inherit eternal life... not those who begin the walk. Daughters, I will always be here for you, even when you are old, like 53. :) I love you, girls, and want to be with you in heaven.


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