Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Psalm 98:2

November 30, 2015

Psalm 98:2... The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations...

Saving people is one of the greatest works of God. He started soon after creation when Adam and Eve committed the original sin. (Gen 3:21) And, he continued throughout the ages of time reaching out to all the lost with his arm of salvation. Today, he is no different. He loves to change people's lives; to turn them from a path of self destruction to a fruitful and joyful life! (Jn 10:10)

There are many today that no not of God nor his salvation. Man has separated himself from God and turned to his own way. God reveals himself in many ways. Two of them are very prominent; through nature and through his people. Nature tells us there is a God (Ro 1:20) and we, his people, are his mouthpiece to tell them of his salvation and the possibilities thereafter. (Ro 10:14)

K and A, have you ever felt the joy of leading someone to the Lord. It is a rush of the presence the Holy Spirit flooding your not only your soul but your body as well! There is no greater joy in the world. K, the love and feelings you get from your fiance' pales in comparison. So, you know how grand it really is, for I know you love him a lot. Although comparable, this feeling is all pure and full and overly satisfying. When a previous college roommate at my 2nd mother's home called me and told me he just accepted Christ, we had just sat down to eat... I pushed in my chair, ask to be excused, and left to meet with him. Food lost its appeal. The 12 year old son of the family was confused but his mother explained how the Spirits moving is so much more satisfying than food.

Daughters, will you choose to be a spokesmun for God? The feeling is great but that should not be the reason you do it. First, we are commanded to do it (Mat 28:19) but more importantly than that. if they never hear of his salvation, they will be lost to an eternity of suffering in the Lake of Fire. There, there will be a constant weeping and nashing of teeth as the fire will never be quenched! So girls,Be a part of the revelation to the world that God provides salvation for the soul! Its best for and for you!


Spokesmun.... because I have an aversion to writing spokesperson

Song: "Bringing in the Sheaves"


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