Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Psalm 100:4

December 02, 2015

Psalm 100:4... Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name...

The Lord deserves our praise and our thanks. He is a great God and is "worthy to be praised". We must do this in many ways and places. Just as the Israelites were told to talk about the Law and commands of the Lord in all situations, when they get up and lie down, when they walk and sit, we need to praise God in the same way.

We need to do this as we go about our daily tasks. Many grumble and complain along the way of life's pathway. They see the terrible and cannot see the good things God has for them. There is always so much more good than there is bad, even for those being persecuted for being Christians. We are told to "count it all joy" when we must suffer for the Lord.

Daughters, could you be full of joy when people are torturing you, destroying your possessions, killing your family. Grandpa would say you had better prepare yourselves for the day is coming and soon! He may be right. We live in a crazy world. But, we are not there now, so be joyful in the struggle you have and realize that the God who is with you when times are easy will certainly be there with you when times are hard.

K, right now, you are struggling. You are not sure what to do. Give thanks and praise to God for what you have and trust him to carry you though this bump in the road. He will help you as you honor him in all area of you life. A, tougher times will come for you. Get in the habit of praising and honoring the one who loves you than anyone else can. Then, when those times arrive you will stand strong through them.

Seek to do right, Ladies. Put the world behind you, especially the parts it uses to entertain your mind for it leads to tear away at your soul - it currently tears at the fiber of our churches. Enter the House of the Lord with appreciation for what the Lord is doing in your life and glorify him by the way you live each day.


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