Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Psalm 113:3

December 15, 2015

Psalm 113:3... From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised...

As I look outside, I see the sun trying to peek out through the clouds. The clouds are low and dark, spotted with holes of blue. It is there where I see the sun working to make the clouds white again. There is beauty up above the clouds but now the clouds are cold and dismal.

This is true spiritually as well. The clouds of hopelessness and despair brings the gloom of the heart. It is made cold and dismal, because it can see no future good. It causes one to mope about and moan and complain of its situation. It wonders if the sun will ever come out again. It believes it never will; not now and not even tomorrow, Miss Annie. What will pierce the clouds of despair? What will poke holes in them so the light can peek through and the blue skies once again fill the horizon?...

Praise! Yes, Praise! It will pierce those gloomy clouds and let the Light of the Son into our hearts once again! But, how can we praise when we have no hope? Start looking at the one who brings hope. Look at Jesus. See that he is good. Read and talk and listen about all the good things he has done and you will begin to praise him for his majesty.

A and K, maybe sometimes you feel gloomy. It is more than just the weather. Maybe it is heartache from something that happened. Maybe it is hurts that someone has caused you. Maybe it is life, not going where you thought it would go. Stop dwelling on those things. start looking for the good things God has done; for others, for you. Then as you begin to praise him and give him glory for what he has done and those things you know he will do, the praise will be like arrows piercing through the clouds of gloom and will allow the Light of the world to shine through and those clouds will disperse and you will see the blue skies of hope and contentment. Then, the love of Jesus will warm your soul.


A simple song the Hetrick family taught us at Saville years ago. I did not find it on You Tube. But here are the lyrics. I can sing it for you sometime.

From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same,
   The name of the Lord is to be pra a a aised.

From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same,
   The name of the Lord is to be praised.

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