Thursday, December 24, 2015

Psalm 119:32, Daleth

December 24, 2015

Psalm 119:32, Daleth... I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free...

Oh, what a great work God has done! Throughout the Old Testament, the works of God for his people are evident. The history of the people of Israel and their interaction with God is recorded for everyone to see how God's hand is at work among mankind. He is not just for Israel, but he did choose them as his own as an example to the world. He did this so all mankind would understand his ways and live according to them.

We see his desire to love and care for man. He loved them above all creation, breathing into them life. He gave them a soul and made them in his own image. He conversed with them face to face and walked among them. But, they despised his way for them, and choosing their own way, they brought sin and death to all that are born after them. Because of Adam's sin, all mankind is born separated from God, seeking their own selfish ends. We are lost, trying to get rid of sin, but always in bondage to it.

Then God comes to us and explains his statutes and provides a way for us to live them, so we may be united with him once again. This fills our heart will joy! What a gift.

K & A, you both have given your heart to the Lord... but have you given your life to him? Are you following his rules, They world says rules are confining, keeping you from enjoying life. But they are wrong. Rules are freeing; they give life. They protect and guide and keep you safe from all that destroys. When you realize this, you will live out this verse and "run in the path of his commands"!

Daughters some people practice and practice to run 5K races, and that's okay. But, there is a race that is so much more important. Run in such a way to win the prize given to those that complete it.


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