Monday, December 7, 2015

Psalm 102:27

December 04, 2015

Psalm 102:27... But you remain the same, and your years will never end...

Hebrews 18:8 says that God "is the same yesterday, today, and forever." This should give us great confidence and assurance that we serve a God who can be trusted. His laws can be trusted and his character can be trusted. With this knowledge in our minds we can have the confidence that our salvation in Christ is based on his word and will not be alter to fit some whim that changes the rules by which we are blindsided.

The Lord has made a way for salvation. It is through Jesus Christ that we are saved and by none other. The New Testament is also called the New Covenant and a covenant is an agreement between two parties. Like an agreement between lords and serfs, God is our protector and our help in time of need. He has agreed to save us from all that comes against us if we but follow his rules. That is the part of our agreement we must keep for the covenant to stay in effect. What this verse says is that God will always be there for us and will not change the requirements... Jesus is the way. If we are to have God's protection, we must love him. This means we will obey his commands (Jn 14:15).

A and K, Do you love Jesus? If so, then you are obeying what he said you are to do. You may ask yourself... What are the commands of the Lord Jesus? Read what he said - The Gospels, Read what it meant - The Epistles, Observe his never changing character and expectations for his people in the Laws and the Prophets. In other words... Read your Bible. Those who are saved are not those that once said Jesus, I am a sinner, I am sorry for my sins, I want you to forgive me, Amen. Salvation comes to those who have taken him and are willing to endure to the end. You must walk the way of holiness if you expect to be saved from all the evil comes against you. In the Way of Holiness (Is 35:8) there is peace knowing you are the Lord's.


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