Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Psalm 119:67, Teth

December 29, 2015

Psalm 119:67, Teth... Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word...

Pain is something we avoid. It is a sign which tells us we have crossed a line and there is danger on the other side of the line. If we touch a hot stove (or drink tea or hot cocoa) we get burnt. We know that excessive heat is not good, so our nerves respond and warn us to be careful. If we do get burnt, the damage and pain is a reminder that we now where the line is drawn and we must not cross it.

With this in mind, we know that pain is good. It keeps us in line and out of trouble and away from things that harm us. So we are careful not to be foolish. It is the same with things spiritually. God allows things to happen in our lives that are painful and hurtful. They are not pleasant at the time but happen so we know where the line is. The scriptures say that "no discipline is pleasant at the time, so he also corrects us, many times painfully, so we get back on track. His disciplines help us to obey his word. The word says that if you suffer you are done with sin. most of us never really suffer.

A and K, Neither of you were corrected much with spankings. Neither of you have suffered much. But you both have had things happen that were not so pleasant. Allow GOd to use hardships to train and guide you. Welcome suffering as it says in Peter. Know where the lines of disobedience is and strive to flee the world and to do right. You will never regret serving the Lord in holiness.


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