Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Psalm 114:2

December 16, 2015

Psalm 114:2... Judah became God's sanctuary, Israel his dominion...

At first glance we might wonder what this verse has to do with anything for today. We know that Israel was called out of Egypt and taken to a land that was full and plenty, flowing with milk and honey. We also know that God provided for them along the way both spiritually and physically. He filled the temporary tabernacle with his presence and the the Holy of Holies when the settled in the Promised land. It was the place God resided on Earth.

When we think of God, we usually think of someone who cares about us and supplies our needs. We can run to his arms and be safe. He is "our rock and our fortress". (Ps 18:2) He is our sanctuary city; the place we find security and peace.

But this verse says we are his sanctuary. How can this be? when we become Christians, we are cleansed, purified from all unrighteous. Just as the temple was cleansed with blood, we too are cleansed with blood; the blood of Christ. After this takes place, God, as we allow him, takes up residence in our hearts. We become his dominion, his resting place, his home. The Holy Spirit comes to us and lives in us to comfort, lead, and guide.

K and A, Allow the person of the Holy Spirit to fill you. As a Christian you get the privilege of having the Spirit enter your life to help you live a holy life. He will check your thoughts and actions. He will give you wisdom and knowledge. He will bring peace and contentment. Be careful not to "quench the Spirit", (1 Thes 5:19) for to do so will limit his effectiveness in your life. Instead, be thankful for him and yield to his will and way. He is contrary to the flesh, the carnal nature, the world, so expect to live life differently than the world, and many church people around you. "His way is the best way, his way is the right way, [so] trust in him always, he knoweth the best".


Song: "Lord prepare me".

God's Way
  1. God’s way is the best way, though I may not see
    Why sorrows and trials oft gather ’round me;
    He ever is seeking my gold to refine,
    So humbly I trust Him, my Savior divine.
    • Refrain:
      God’s way is the best way,
      God’s way is the right way,
      I’ll trust in Him alway,
      He knoweth the best.
  2. God’s way is the best way, my path He has planned,
    I’ll trust in Him alway while holding His hand;
    In shadows or sunshine He ever is near,
    With Him for my refuge, I never need fear.
  3. God’s way shall be my way, He knoweth the best;
    And leaning upon Him, sweet, sweet is my rest,
    No harm can befall me, safe, safe shall I be,
    I’ll cling to Him ever, so precious is He.

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