Monday, December 14, 2015

Psalm 112:1

December 14, 2015

Psalm 112:1... Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands...

The OT is full of references to the fact that we need to "fear" the Lord. It says that those who don't will be destroyed. It says if they do, they will be blessed. God gave his command to his people Israel and told them to carry it out or else! There are many examples where God's  did not listen and they we destroyed, or taken captive, or given a plague... death by poisonous snakes is just one example. It was foolish in the days of the law and the prophets to not be obedient.

But what about today? Is it like many of today's churches teach. We serve a loving God, he doesn't discipline his people that way. He doesn't hurt their feelings by bringing condemnation on them. After all "we live in the age of grace", "Jesus says, 'I have not come to condemn the world.'" "God is compassionate towards his people today and all their sins are viewed through the person of the perfect Christ, we can't be perfect and aren't expected to lead a pure life without sin. We sin in thought, word and deed every day, every hour, every moment. We have a fallen nature"

Today's contemporary church says that we can't help but sin. We may have had friends that believed that. And sadly, lived it. :( Never succumb to the lie. The world the contemporary church loves to be like drags them into sin. The music and the pleasures of the world sucks the good out of us better than a Vacuflo system sucks the dirt from a home. And replaces it with Satan's lies which makes us weak and will eventually destroy us.

A and K, Maybe you have heard these lies. Maybe you have lived them to some extent. Jesus said to fear God... because he can send both your body and soul into Hell. that is in the NT' words spoken by Jesus himself. He said if you love me, obey my commandments. God said, "be holy for I am holy". "God doesn't change his mind like man". James says in 1:17, that he does not change like the "shifting shadows". Here is the duck analogy applied...  If it looks like world, walks like the world, and talks like the world... it is the world. Fear the Lord and delight in his commands. They give life... eternal life!


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