Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Psalm 119:73, Yodh

December 30, 2015

Psalm 119:73, Yodh... Your hands made me and formed me, give me understanding to learn your commands...

God, the Three in One, created all that is, All that was not and all that is was made by him. There is nothing that wasn't created by him. God is the creator!

God made man, but is man just another creature  made by him? Man was formed from the earth. The rest of creation was spoken into existence, but man was formed from the dust of the earth, made special by God in his own image.

All this being true, we then must admit that God not only created man but has set a way for him to live. Knowing that way must be a pursuit for man. But knowing him is not meant to be shallow. It is not something we do when all else is finished. It must be a priority to learn his commands, his way of life for our lives. But, learning means more than just finding out what they are. We must know why and how and by what power we are able live the life set out for us.

K and A, To follow God means to live for him. Being saved from sins requires faith, not only for initial reconciliation but also for sanctification. You must learn to follow him. So ask God to give you the understanding it takes to live out his way for you. His way is found in his Word. Reading it is only part of learning; doing what it says completes the learning. He formed you, daughters. He not only wants yo to live out his Word but he want to help each of you do so.


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