Sunday, December 30, 2018

Catch Yourself, 1 Timothy 5:24

atch Yourself

1 Timothy 5:24 The sins of some men are obvious, reaching the place of judgement ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them.

You look at some people and their wickedness is obvious. A drug addict, a life full of alcohol or cigarettes abuse, or a life spent in prostitution, these people look eaten by their sin, and their lives are destroyed. But, take those caught in pornography, the one telling lies, the one who gossips or those lusting after what isn't theirs... they go about life believing no one sees their sins. Yet one day their sins become known, even years after they commit them. Now the truth is out and no matter how much they deny it, they are caught.

K and A, be sure, your sin will find you out! You cannot sin and not have it known. Cain tried it. So did Judah, Samson, David, Solomon, Zacchaeus, Peter, and so did Ananias, and it will be true for you if you try it. This truth remains, even when you think no one else knows... God knows. People will be fooled, but God never will be fooled. He always sees, and like Eve, you will be caught and suffer for it. Here is my hope for you, if you sin against man or against God... catch yourself and confess your sin before them both. Then you need not fear the penalty that sin brings. Yes, you will probably suffer the consequences of your sin, but it will bring freedom where as the penalty for sin is death. Remember, even if it happens years later, you'll always be caught when you sin. It is better to catch yourself and find the freedom confession brings.


I wanted to relay an object lesson story about a "doll that grew" but I couldn't find it. I do not know the story well enough to tell it... but it is a good illustration of sin finding you out... someday perhaps

Thursday, December 27, 2018

No Lack Of Faith, 1 Timothy 5:23

No Lack Of Faith

1 Timothy 5:23 Stop drinking only water and use a little wine for your stomach because of your stomach and your frequent illness.

Just in time for New Years, a blog post on drinking! As you might guess, I do not condone drinking. But, you may say, Paul seems to be approving of drinking. Over the years, I have heard this verse used in support of drinking alcohol. When young, I thought Paul said to drink wine instead of beer because it was low in alcohol content. I thought that until I talked with my Sunday school teacher who said that wine can have a very high alcohol percentage. Wine usually has an alcohol content between 11 and 16%. This is specifically why water was typically added to wine if one was not to get drunk. Remember, the only way to preserve grape juice in times past was to ferment it. Today, we just "can" it.

But, this is off the point of the verse. If you look at the surrounding verses. Paul is talking about faith; the laying on of hands, keeping pure, not being caught up in the sins of others... like getting drunk. It seems that Timothy was so concerned about not having any appearance of evil he refused to drink alcohol. To me Paul is saying, but Timothy, wine can be medicine and if used responsibly it will solve your stomach issues. It is not a sin, nor a lack of faith in God's power to heal if you take medicine. If there is a simple solution, use it.

K and A, Look at this quick list I put together which relieves upset stomach issues: Tums, Rolaids, Pepto-Bismol, Flatulex, Beano, Prilosec, Nexeum, chamomile tea, peppermint, and so many more. So do you need alcohol to help your stomach, no! Is there more potent medicines out there than wine, certainly. The reason people use this verse is not so they can ease a health issue in their lives. No, there are lots of other medicines that can do that for them. The reason so many want to use this verse is because of the buzz that they get from drinking and they are searching the Scripture for permission to do so.

So, what is on the horizon? Well, the horizon in Pennsylvania is just ahead... We just have to approve marijuana for medical use. It is so necessary. People are suffering.  What they really wanted was legalization of the drug for the "high" that one can get by smoking or eating it. They call it "recreational use". And it is just around the corner. Listen to the news. Soon after Gov. Wolf was re-elected, the push for legalization started. Why didn't he promoted legalization before the election if he thought it was such a great idea. Hmmm, I wonder, not!

It is no lack of faith to take medicines or go to the doctor, but it certainly is a lack of judgement and a strain on godliness to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana or take many other mind altering drugs for the sake of pleasure. Do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery, instead be filled with the Spirit. Make it the Spirit, not spirits, ladies.


Monday, December 24, 2018

Remain Pure, 1 Timothy 5:22c

Remain Pure

1 Timothy 5:22c  ...keep yourself pure.

Purity is something that is not given much thought today. I just heard my pastor say in his sermon yesterday, we come to Christ broken and in sin. Now he didn't fully say that we never loose it, but his college teaches that and I have heard other pastors and preachers say it. It is like we are stuck in our earthly selves unable to be freed from sin. This is a false teaching! We can be freed from sin.

What? Impossible I have been taught that we are always sinners until Christ returns. We can help it. We sin in thought, word, and deed every moment of every day! Exactly what I have said, rarely are we taught that we can be freed from sin. Here are just two verses given so we might know who we are and how we ought to live as Christians:

  • Therefor, if anyone is in Christ: the old has gone, the new has come. (2 Cor 5:17)
  • But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted.  You have been FREED FROM SIN an have become slave to righteousness. (Romans 6:17-18)
K and A, being freed from sin is just the start. You must keep yourselves pure! John says that those who have hope in Christ, will purify themselves just as Christ is pure. In today's verse Paul says to keep yourself pure! This goes well beyond trying not to sin. I read a blog years back that I list below. It is a very important teaching about sexual purity. K, as you should know, it goes well beyond virginity. It is applicable to you, for, because you are married, virginity no longer applies. And, it applies to more than adultery. Purity is a much higher calling to which everyone is called to live out.
God and Jesus say, be holy as I am holy. This not only his desire it is his expectation for you and me as well.


This link below contains a crucial teaching that has failed to be taught. I didn't receive it, nor did I teach it to my children. It needs to be taught in each family including the family if God, his church.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Stand Alone, 1 Timothy 5:22b

Stand Alone

1 Timothy 5:22b and do not share in the sins of others

Here is one of the major problems why good people have gone bad; they yield to peer pressure. It is not that they do not want to be good, it is just hard to not be like everyone else. It is true with speech, clothing, habits, partying, dancing, well, it true in every context. It is just difficult to be different. This, I believe, is why one of the major themes of the Bible is separation from the world. Take the second sin committed... Adam yielded to the pressures of Eve, his closest friend. He must have been convinced that if she could partake of the fruit and live so could he. She gave it to him, and he gave in to the pressure to conform.

K and A, it matters who you work with, who you hang out with and certainly who you marry. It is not that you cannot be around these people after all, Jesus said to his father that he didn't want us to be taken out of the world but to protect us from the evil one. The evil one possesses many people around you and if you do not stand alone, you will stand with them.

I know a man from work, he is fun to work around. I have learned much about painting from him. He is a good man... but he is not very godly. He cannot keep from swearing. Once he told me that he didn't used to swear, but he can't keep from doing it. He worked too long around guys that swore all the time and he picked it up. That is just one illustration, I've saw a guy at college that never drank before he got to college, but his new friends pressured him, and he could not stand. I know people who wouldn't dance, but friends did and they eventually played right along. Smoking, drugs, sex, music, drinking (oh, that reminds me of someone who never drank but joined a group and they used to go drink so he began to go with them and now so does he, so sad). Clothing like jeggings and wearing underwear on top and calling it style... it so easy to get caught when we choose not to take a stand

Daughters, there are so many ways that Satan uses to suck you in and join in the sins of others. It seems so innocent at first, but then you are caught and end up wondering how you got there or you start making excuses why it's not so bad. So when you have done all to stand, continue to stand and alone if necessary!


Friday, December 21, 2018

Ah, Not So Fast, 1 Timothy 5:22a

Ah Not So Fast

1 Timothy 5:22a Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands

The laying on of hands is not common in most churches. It is somewhat common while praying for someone who is sick, but it is not done to empower someone so they can preach or teach. Yet, there are some churches where it is always done. Paul warns about that telling Timothy not to be hasty in doing so. I believe he said this because it is easy for man to start taking credit for what only God can do. The laying on of hands becomes a human ritual or even a command - if we do it, then God has to honor it. Prayer, healings, miracles, and blessings are not produced by man, nor is God the genie in the bottle that we summon to do as we command.

K and A, you are subject to God and his will, not the other way around. You shouldn't expect God to jump, just because you have a need or problem. He promises to be with you and help you. He promises to heal you both physically and emotionally, but it is not at your command. Don't be like some who name it and claim it and then are devastated when it doesn't go as they hoped. No, go humbly before the Lord to learn his will, then claim the promise he gives you.


Thursday, December 20, 2018

No Favoritism, 1 Timothy 5:21

No Favoritism

1 Timothy 5:21 I charge you in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and do nothing out of favoritism.

Paul's begins to wrap up his first letter to Timothy with this command: keep these instructions. This is the command for the church today as well. But, he adds an important qualifier to his command: you must not show favoritism when applying the rules of the church. Favoritism is as much of a problem today as it was then. Equal application of a law is crucial to the effectiveness of the law. When you excuse someone because of who they are, it destroys the willingness of other to follow them. The rule is for everyone, no exceptions!

K and A, one thing I learned growing up was that PK's get no special privileges, unless you figure more responsibilities or extra work a privilege.  Just as we discussed in yesterday's post, preacher's kids are to be held to a higher standard. I am sure others gave us leeway, but never Grandpa. I carry that same attitude, and you bear the brunt of it. I'd say that made me more course and seemly mean at times, and I recognize that. That makes me feel bad and I hope that overall I was not too excessive. Yet, I see the benefits that it has yielded, and you should be seeing the results yourself and if not, you soon will. God is working through you, for all those requirements placed on you are showing fruit.


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Held To Higher Standard, 1 Timothy 5:19-20

Held To higher Standard

1 Timothy 5:20 Those who sin [leaders, jpb] are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.

You want to be a leader, wonderful! Paul says we are to desire the greater gifts, and he says they are to be doubly honored or compensated. That all sounds good, and many who think only of personal desires and accomplishments jump at leadership. But, leaders must not forget that with their high positions comes higher responsibilities. They are held to a higher standard. James says it this way, we who teach will be judged more strictly. This is why Paul says to rebuke the leader who sins publicly. Do not hide their sin or it will hurt the spiritual stability of the church, individuals and will be a bad influence to those in the world. This is why leaders will be judged by God more strictly.

K and A, Sometimes the church hides the sins of their leaders... can anyone say Catholic church? But it happens in many of the denominations.  I know personally of multiple pastors who were moved because of sin to a new pastorate, and the denominational leadership never told the new church that there were any issues... to the new church's detriment. Daughters, your sin matters, and doubly so if you are in leadership. Do not think that your actions do not affect anyone. They do and especially in respect to your witness among the world around you. Sin isn't unforgivable, but it always has consequences and must be dealt with, publicly if you are in leadership. Leaders must be held to a higher standard, but first seek God and his righteousness then all will go well as you lead many in a deeper relationship with Christ.


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

God Will Reward You, 1 Timothy 5:17-18

God WIll Reward You

1 Timothy 5:18 "Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages."

Paul, although he preached for free, believed those who were elders were to be compensated for their work, doubly so, if they were teachers or preachers. He did not say money, per say, but in honor and in other means as well. To hold back from blessing them is a sin.

But, I think where we are going today is not right. Many preachers demand a certain amount, or they will not disseminate the word. Then there are mega churches where the pastor is a multi millionaire. One pastor is worth over $150 million! They have lavish lifestyles and show off their bling standing at the pulpit while asking for more money.

In the past, pastors were cheated and this is what Paul was talking about. He believed that servants of God were also workers of the kingdom and the leader should not have to foot the bills of the ministry. One of the reasons we have a pastor's appreciation month it keep fresh the truth of the worth of a pastor. We show them the honor they are due.

K and A, Your grandfather and his father and grandfather before him all preached as a bi-vocational pastors. They worked full time to earn money and full time as a pastor. Your great-grandfather preached at several churches on a Sunday and had a radio program, took care of this members, helped around his community and preached sermons during the week at other services, all while farming. He preached the Word so other could find Christ.

When you are asked to give your time... don't demand to know what you get paid or you won't do it. Give as unto the Lord. He will bless you beyond what they can give. Even if they muzzle you and are stingy, work for the wages eternity brings! The Lord will honor you and all those who unselfishly serve him.


Monday, December 17, 2018

The Blessing Can Be Yours, 1 Timothy 5:16

The Blessing Can Be Yours

1 Timothy 5:16 If any woman has a widow in her family, she should help them and not let the church be burdened with them, so that the church can help those widows who are really in need.

I sort of talked about this in a previous post, but it is said here directly; the family is expected to help if they have the where-with-all to help their own. The church is not expected to be an excuse for people to shirk their responsibilities in caring for family who cannot support themselves. Rather, they must step up and help out.

K and A, When God brings the poor into your life to help, if you have the means to help, do so. It will be  blessing to both them and to you. But, with family, you have the duty to help in everyway you can even if you have to take them into your own home. If they are truly in need, family helps first, not the church and do not say it's the government's job. Mother and I are so happy that we were able to take care of your great-grandma Falcone. She was staying between three daughters and one son for nearly 20 years. Frankly, they were tired of it, so we volunteered to help. Ohhhh, the memories we have just because we were willing to help out.

One day maybe you can earn that same blessing as well. If you get the chance, take it. No, it won't always be pleasant. It wasn't always for us, but we'd do it all over again if we could. Don't you want that same kind of blessing?


Sunday, December 16, 2018

Idleness Breeds Sin, 1 Timothy 5:11-15

Idleness Breeds Sin

1 Timothy 5:13 Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And, not only do the become idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, and saying things they ought not to.

Idleness is the Devils workshop is a saying from way back. It still hold true today. Many have seen that in their own lives while surfing the web. All kind of evil can be found while doing nothing. Paul warns the young widows here that they will become lazy and start minding other's business if they are provided for and have nothing to do. He also says that some have turned away to follow Satan. That's how dangerous it is!

But, that is not only true for widows. It is true for all those who have nothing to do. This brings crime to cities and high taxes to suburban America and small town, USA. Parents find this to be a problem over the summer with their idle children. There will be trouble in raising children if one does not give credence to this saying.

 A and K, you have experienced this truth in your own life. Reports past due all because you have spent too much time on Facebook. The afternoon disappeared watching TV and your room is a mess... I mentioned minor things, but there are many other things that turn into vile sins all because of idle minds and hands. Many couples have lost their purity spending time alone with nothing to do. This is not just a danger for the wicked sinner. As Paul says, some [Christians] have turned away and followed Satan!

This is possible whether single or married. So daughters, be wise. Be diligent. Watch what you do with your time. Be busy serving God and do not allow yourself to be idle.


Saturday, December 15, 2018

A Woman Of Godly Character, 1 Timothy 5:9-10

A Woman Of Godly Character

1 Timothy 5:9-10 No widow may be put on the list of widows unless she is over sixty, has been faithful to her husband,  and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the saints, helping those in trouble, and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.

Paul did not believe that you deserve monetary or material assistance just because you were a widow or some other disadvantaged class in society. They needed to be a worthy recipient, ones who lived a godly life, over a certain age and were not able to supply for themselves. If they met those classifications, then they were put on the church's widows list. We, as the church, take care of our own!

Now, this doesn't mean we don't care for the needs of others, just that we have a responsibility to the church first (That is scripture, but I couldn't find the verse).

A and K, I want to use this verse in a different way than originally written, for what you can find in these verses is attributes for a "Woman of Godly Character". Proverbs gave us the attributes of a "Wife of Noble Character" which is quite important for you to model in your life, yet there is more to be learned in these verses. Here it is:

A Woman of Godly Character

Faithful to her husband
Well known for good deeds
Faithful in raising her children
Shows hospitality
Participates in foot-washing
Helps those in trouble
Devoted to all kinds of good deeds

These are the character traits that you want to build into your life as a woman of God. Begin to live them out in your everyday life. Care for others by helping them. Be a devoted wife and raise your children to know the Lord and lead them into a relationship with Christ. Invite people into your home and be hospitable. Share in the fellowship of the saints and serve them. Be known as one who goes around helping and building others up. And do all kinds of good things for those that you meet. Then you will be know as a Woman of Godly Character. What father would be grateful to have a daughter like you?


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Widow Dead While Alive, 1 Timpthy 5:5-6

Widow Dead While Alive

1 Timothy 5:5-6 The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help.  But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives.

Often I warn against the pleasures of this world. Today's worldly church loves the pleasures of the world. That's why we know they are worldly. They love its music, its entertainment, and all that makes her puff up and believe all tings are good... God would want us to feel good. He doesn't want us to be glum and miserable. That is so true, but we don't have to mimic the world to find joy in living.

The widow who is rich enough to not work and spends her time partying tricks herself into believing that joy is found in the world's pleasures. But the Christian widow who is poor runs to God for her daily sustenance and find her joy in being in the presence of God. In her struggle she finds hope and comfort. In her need she receives a blessing. She lives in spite of her hardships. Paul says that these are the kind of widows that need the help of the church. The church is the answer to her prayers.

K and A, When times are tough, get down on your knees, and run to God. Do not search for happiness by running to things that satisfy your physical desires. Those things trick you by giving a sense of fulfilment in the now but latter leave you empty. Choose the road that is straight and narrow for there is found true happiness, and there you will find life!


Caring For Family: Relatives, 1 Timothy 5:7- 8

Caring For family: Relatives

1 Timothy 5:7-8 Give the people these instructions, too, so that no one may be open to blame. If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse off than an unbeliever.

Yikes, that's pretty strong! Paul wants us to sense the importance of family. How can we say that we love God, if we are not willing to help our family members who are in need? Jesus said to love one another. Love takes on an act of kindness if it is truly love. You cannot love God and not care for your family.

K and A, yesterday I wrote about your responsibility to take care of your parents. But, it must not stop there. The need goes beyond just them and expands to your relatives as well, especially to your brothers and sisters. If they are in need, reach out and help. Now, I have been around long enough to know that even family can take advantage of you, so be wise in how you help. The Bible says that the one who wont work shall not eat. This is a good policy and a good template for evaluating who is deserving of help. But, we must not be too critical and give ourselves excuses. It is not how the person got to the stage of being need, but are they in need. Spiritually, we all got ourselves into trouble, but Christ came anyway to help us out of the mire of sin. So, be willing to help, especially, to help your brothers and sisters.


I was reminded of this song while writing...

He Brought Me Out

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Caring For Family: Parents, 1 Timothy 5:3-5

Caring for Family

1 Timothy 5:3-4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should first of all put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repay their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God

Today, there are far too many older folk who sit in some apartment or nursing home without a friend or visitor whom they see on any regular basis. Their only friend is the TV or for some, the internet, or visiting nurse. They are lonely people; they are needy people. Who knows where there family is, some other part of the country or even some other part of the world. They have no concern for their parent or grandparent. That's what social security is for. This is so sad. Many die, alone; many funerals without a family member to notice.

This is wrong! Paul said that to the Christian! He said, put your religion into practice! Care for your parents and grandparents! That's a lot of exclamation points, but its true! If you claim to be a Christian and do not care for your parents, your religion (and for all of today's snowflakes who do not understand the word religion), your relationship with Christ is worthless! Do not call yourself a Christian if you cannot show respect for your parents by repaying them for the time and efforts they spent on you as a baby and beyond! You will never know how much they sacrificed for you! And if you had a parent that was basically worthless, they too need to be cared for. Your life would not be possible if not for them. This is tough to understand for the non-Christian but for those who call themselves Christians, we see things differently and therefor act differently!

K and A, as your parent I certainly do not want you to miss this, a little self serving I suppose. But, it is the truth! You are to care for your parents and even to help out your grandparents. I hurt for the widow(er)s who have no one who looks after them. How sad they must be each day. K, I suppose you see that happen to some at work. Yes, the church is to help those who have no one, but children are to step up and help out. Get over any childish, but he wasn't much of a father to me, you just don't understand attitude. That is not the way of Christ; forgiveness is the way he lived! You must put your religion into practice and be who you are to be in Christ, a caring and loving child, helping out in respect to time and effort, food and shelter, hope and care. You are to be a blessing to them in their final years. Show them you care.


Monday, December 10, 2018

They're Family, 1 Timothy 5:1

They're Family

1 Timothy 5:1 Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

How are Christians supposed to treat each other. We all have heard; they will know you are my disciples, if you love one another. And, it is true. Non-Christians will recognize you as the church of God when they see our love, one for another. That statement is how non-Christians will see us, but how should we feel about each other? How is practical love lived out? Paul tells Timothy that he needs to treat fellow believers like family. When he needs to work with someone under his care, he shows respect and supports them and is careful not to take advantage of them.

A and K, how you treat your fellow believer says a whole lot about your spiritual maturity. With those older than you... show deep respect and make room for their faults. When you work with those younger than you do not look down on them nor overpower them in any way. Be full of purity with propriety, being careful not to be tempted in any way. Some persons would have trouble knowing how to treat as family because so many families are broken and dysfunctional. Yet most know how they want to be treated and so do you. So, act that way towards others.


Serve Diligently, 1 Timothy 4:15&16

Serve diligently

1 Timothy 4:15 Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone will see your progress.

Timothy was to preach and teach about the Scriptures. He was to do this in such a way that people would see that his age is not a factor in his leadership. He was to act grown up, to be responsible and live as an example to those to whom he was in authority over. He was to show his love and faith through the way he lived his life. The key aspect was to live in purity. He also was to watch his doctrine closely, to not deviate from the truths he had learned from Paul and the Scriptures. He was to be a model Christian.

K and A, live in such a way that no one will have anything bad to say about you. Be holy and pure for those who are pure are the ones who will see God (Mat 5:8). It will not only be beneficial to you but to those that observe how you live, and know this, they do pay attention to how you live. They aren't necessarily looking to say, I caught cha. They are looking for an excuse for their own actions. Your failure or sins give them that excuse to live how they want. Verse 16 says it this way... persevere in your faith because it will save both you and your hearers... those who are watching you. So, be diligent in your service to God, give yourself wholly to him and to his work.


Sunday, December 9, 2018

Spiritual Gifts, 1 Timothy 4:13-14

Spiritual Gifts

1 Timothy 4:14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.

Timothy was told to use his gift of preaching and teaching of the Scriptures. How did this man become so good and effective as a leader at such a young age? Was he naturally gifted? Did he have great training from the best seminary in the roman world? No, his talent was a God given, Spirit induced talent. It was imparted to him by the elders through the laying on of hands after a prophetic message. Amazing!

K and A, Timothy had to be willing. I would suppose he had natural talent and possibly developed talents as well. One ability he had for sure was one that Grandpa told me I needed after I had graduated and couldn't find any local aircraft maintenance jobs... Looking for God's will in my life to utilize my abilities, he said it is my availability that God is looking for. It is less about what career you choose than it is about doing what God has already asked you to do and being available to do what ever he brings next into your life. God will prepare you for what he has for you to do and will supernaturally provide the talent you need to complete the job.

Young ladies, here is a story that you may have never heard... we once had a special music group at Saville. They had a young daughter, early teenager I suppose, who played the piano incredibly well. When I asked her mother how she got so good, she told me it was a gift of God she received through prayer. Oh, it would be great to play like that, I said in return. The lady then ask me if I wanted her to pray, so I could receive the same gift. I was taken aback and said no. I wasn't ready for all God would have for me if I allowed her to. She was fully serious and I have always wondered since... what would it have been like if I had said yes.

K, I have prayed for your nursing skills but not enough...

A, I have prayed for your piano skills, what a blessing to others and ministry for the Lord you could have...

If each of you are willing to be available for God's service, I will continue to pray, even more diligently than in the past. I am sure Timothy learned to do better in his Spirit given talent, so don't think you have no part in it. What made me a good teacher was God. He took what I had learned and imparted the ability stand before others and develop their minds and wills. I can only speak or teach or even write this stuff if God gives it to me, otherwise I am inept. Yet, when I make myself available for his service, he uses what I have and multiplies it for his glory. And hl do the same for you!


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Young Role Models, 1 Timothy 4:11-12

Young Role Models

1 Timothy 4:8-9 Command and teach these things. Don't let people look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

Young, what does that mean? It is like the word, old. If you are old, those younger than you by a few years are young. If young, those older than you are definitely old, until you get to that age. Funny isn't it. Many have made this word young like David being "just a boy", like 13. But that is doubtful (one verse, before calling him a boy, calls him a man). So, let not make every child a leader. That isn't Paul's point.

So what is the point? I believe it is this: some people think that age means maturity, or wisdom. That just isn't true. You can be young and mature. Young people can make wise decisions. It is when you choose God's way and see life through his eyes and act like it that you become mature.

K and A, look at what you should be... since you are young. Because you are a role model for others, you teach or are responsible for their direction. You are an example for them, to guide them. Remember, to some you are old, therefor show your maturity by being godly in speech, life, love, faith, and in purity. Paul said, When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me (1 Cor 13:11).

Certainly, you will never grow up to be a man, but at your "young" ages, you can be godly, young ladies. Maturity is a choice, so choose to be God's woman, holy and full of love and faith, living in purity of life and speech, God's example to the world around you. Then, people will see Christ in you, all grown up, not just older.


Hope In The Living God, 1 Timothy 4:8-10

Hope In The Living God

1 Timothy 4:10 (and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially for those who believe.

We labor and strive to be godly, because it has value in the life to come. The believers in Christ have hope in the living God. To some, their God is their belly. They eat to their belly is full and it is ever increasing. To others, their physic rules. They will do anything to look good. And of course, there are many more avenues in life that people choose other than to refuse themselves of personal pleasure.

K and A, our hope is in God, not in ourselves nor in the pleasures of this world. All these will be burned up in the end and nothing will be left. Eternal suffering is the destiny of those who do not seek godliness, then where is their hope. It all comes to nothing. Holiness is worth it! Live for the long term not for the now. Live your life for Christ and follow his commands and reap the joy that comes from believing in him.


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Fit For Life, 1 Timothy 4:8

Fit For Life

1 Timothy 4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

Have you joined the judgment free zone? For just a small monthly fee you can have access to all that makes you fit for life. You have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access to keep you strong and in shape. No longer do you have to feel inadequate or out of shape. You can stand strong and feel confident in all your endeavors. Soon you'll be telling everyone how different you feel just because you took the time each day to rejuvenate yourself. At some point you'll feel so confident, you will bring a friend. Yes that cost a little more, but they too can witness the possibilities first hand. You can help them just like I helped inspire you. You will be fit for life!

K and A, you hear it all the time, don't judge me. They have never entered the judgement free zone. Everything in the above paragraph could apply to a membership to Planet Fitness. But, be assured that a membership there has little long term lasting affect. You see, physical fitness is of little value in the broad scheme of things. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go to Planet fitness and get in shape. I am getting way to fat and weak, it makes me stiff which makes it hard to accomplish daily tasks. There are way too many church goers who are overweight... no one preaches on gluttony anymore.

But, we all know someone who is a health and fitness nut. It is what consumes them. If you read today's verse you know I am not talking about Planet Fitness, What would happen if we would take the first paragraph and apply it to godliness. Godliness takes a small investment, yet you reap great reward from the workout it takes to get there. How about a half an hour each day to flip through the pages of the Bible. Make the run to church to build your endurance of faith. Why not pullup someone and lift them to begin the journey too.

Daughters, there are way to many fat and lazy Christians, and I am not talking just physically. I am talking spiritually. They let others do the workout while they sit idly by and watch others in action. What they do not realize is that there is very little benefit for them. They wonder why they have no confidence and struggle being holy. They feel tired of life and need rejuvenated, but they aren't willing to do what it takes to become strong. The world presses in and they have no energy to fight sins off.

I want you to be fit and in shape. I want you to be strong and able to work hard, yet that physical training has little value in the scheme of things. You will find that as you get older, physical effort gets harder... but as a fit Christian it is different! The more effort you put into spiritual fitness while young, the more godliness takes over. It becomes easier and easier to accomplish life. Holiness is not just a wish, or some resolution to write down for the new year. No! Holiness becomes a reality! And you will be fit for life and for the life to come!


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Old Wives' Tales 1 Timothy 4:7

Old Wives' Tales

1 Timothy 4:7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tale; rather rather train yourself to be godly.

Don't go outside without a coat, you'll catch a cold. Things happens in threes, who will be next to pass away.

These and other sayings have followed us around for years. They used to say to never see the bride before you are married on wedding day or their marriage would not last.(maybe that's why divorce is so rampant today... hmmm, not} Paul says that we should not have anything to do with these falsehoods. He calls them godless myths. You don't have to keep from stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. It's not bad luck. You don't have to go out the same door that you came in and all those silly things, yet it is amazing that people believe that stuff. I do all those things and never have problems... knock on wood.

A and K, I am sure you have heard some of these. The day your mom and I were married we were warned not to go up and ring the bell together. Not because it was dangerous but because we should not see each other before she walked down the isle. Be careful what you put your faith in. It is to be only placed in God, your savior Jesus Christ. Trust him, not some old belief that is godless. He will provide for you and protect you. Put your faith in him, not some old wives' tale!


Monday, December 3, 2018

A Good Minister, 1 Timothy 4:6

A Good Minister

1 Timothy 4:6 If you point these things out to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and the good teaching you have followed,

What would be the best preacher to have at your church? What is it that makes a good one? Well, you could say one that preaches with kindness yet with fervor. Some like one with eloquent speech and proper poise. How about one who visits the sick and the poor and one who is good at evangelism? Having one that can relate to the youth and do a good children's talk is always nice. These all seem like good attributes, yet one thing is missing. These characteristics are worthless if they cannot rightly divide the Word of Truth.

K and A, truth, such an important trait of a Christian. Ministers of God are to be honest and reliable and ministers are not just pastors in the church. You are to be a minister. You are to be honest and reliable. You were brought up in The Way. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. no one come to the father except through me. You must be Jesus for those that you meet. Help them come to the father by meeting with Jesus. Live the truth in your life as you walk in The Way. When you do, you will be a good minister to those God brings your way.


Sunday, December 2, 2018

Everything God Created Is Good, Yet... 1 Timothy 4:2-5

Everything God Created Is Good, Yet...

1 Timothy 4:4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,

Everything created by God is good. People who want to follow their own way love this verse. Those who seek to ride the fence separating the new life with that of the world, hang on to scriptures that speak of permissiveness. Why, you may ask? It relieves their conscience. Yet this verse says what it says, and it cannot be denied.It is true, everything God created is good.

So, how do we treat a verse that seems to contradict other parts of Scripture? We adhere to the fact that those things God created are good for our use. Yet as Paul said , all things are permissible but not everything is beneficial nor constructive (1 Cor 10:23). We must be careful about blanket statements, sometime you might lie there and someone will roll over and pull off the covers, brrrr.

K and A, today there is a big push for the legalization of marijuana. Foolishly, many good people are backing that movement. But God said every green plant I give to you! Do not be fooled... go ahead eat poison ivy or pluck a few holly berries and enjoy. Then, if you are still living, quote that verse.

Daughters, God did create good things for us. Each created thing is good for what it has been designed for. There appears to be medical uses for marijuana, that's fine. We use alcohol in different drugs to aid pain management. I do believe that all the things God created can be used for good purposes, however, just because turpentine is made from pine trees and a useful cleaner, don't go around drinking it. We must seek out the purposes of God's creation and use them for his glory!

Be wise, be temperate in things of life and please God in all you endeavor to accomplish. Do so for his honor and glory and not your own self-satisfaction then quote that verse..


Saturday, December 1, 2018

Stay True, 1 Timothy 4:1

Stay True

1 Timothy 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

Some will leave the faith, sad but true. Just because you were once saved doesn't mean that you are set for life and can sit back and do nothing. Faith is a walk down a narrow road not a vacation on a warm sunny beach. When a Christian becomes lazy, they become open to any teaching that blows past them. They are easily duped into falsehood because they have not studied the Scriptures on their own. They are led astray and may never return.

K and A, do not be a lazy Christian. Spend time daily with the Lord and in his word. It will keep you walking the straight and narrow. It will keep you from going astray and following deceiving teachings. Stay true to the end!


Friday, November 30, 2018

True Godliness, 1 Timothy 3:16

True Godliness

1 Timothy 3:16 Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great:

He appeared in a body
Was vindicated by the Spirit
Was seen by angels
was preached among the nations
was believed on in the world
was taken up in glory

The second phrase was confusing to me. It didn't appear to fit with the description on God written after it. It says it is hard to know what godliness is then it seems to change subjects and talks about Jesus. So, I researched and read what Adam Clarke wrote about it (Clarke on this verse). Then, God opened my eyes...

Godliness is difficult in all its forms. People, including me, have a tendency to define all of life so we don't fail in living out the Word. This is both good and bad. The Pharisees did this and were condemned by Jesus and the apostles. Yet, Jesus, Peter, James and John, and Paul do it to help guide the church because it is necessary. But here, Paul says if you want to know the real way of holiness, It is found in Christ.

Christ was God come to earth as a baby, empowered by the Spirit, recognized by the angels and has returned to heaven. He has been preached to the nations, and people everywhere believe in him. This Jesus, God among us, is the one who exemplifies the word godliness. Sure, it is a mystery, yet this mystery is revealed in the man Jesus Christ.

K and A, the things I teach you are important. I try to lead you in a path that will not fail you and one where you will not falter, yet I do not have all the answers and something I say may be fallible. So, like the Bereans, compare what I say against the Word of God and pray and meditate on them so you may be like Christ. Paul says it this way, follow me as I follow Christ. I say the same to you.


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Proper Conduct, 1 Timothy 3:14-15

Proper Ocnduct

1 Timothy 3:14-15 Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth.

Paul did not believe as is taught today. He believed that there is a right way and foolish way to live out your Christian walk. The foolish way would work to destroy the church, and the right way would build it and be a pillar of truth. It is crucial that the people of God conduct themselves properly for the world around them looks to them for stability and trueness.

It appears today that in the world in which we live, especially in America, we desire no authority structure. The Lord created us for structure yet we kick against the goads and fight against the bridle trying to go our own way. But, the Word of God was written for just that, it directs us.

A and K, you must not seek your own truth. You must seek the truth of the Word. It is the foundation of life itself. Proverbs says that there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. so, conduct yourselves in the way that Scriptures direct. Put your faith in the way of Christ for there you find life.


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Serve Well, 1 Timothy 3:13

SErve Well

1 Timothy 3:13 Those who serve well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

"Work hard, Do well, Excel"... ever heard that before?

Paul tells Timothy that those who have served well at their leadership position will gain an excel in their faith and their assurance of salvation will grow. There is much talk today about Jesus does it all, we have nothing to do with our salvation. That is reformed theology running strong, but when it runs amuck, people shrink in their faith and often are destroyed.

It is true that we in no way can save ourselves, and it is only through Jesus that we have access the Father, yet we have great responsibility when it comes accepting these truths and in living out our faith. It is God's desire that all be saved, yet most will be lost for eternity for that road is wide and full of wanderers. To walk the narrow road, we must believe that Jesus is the way, we must accept his forgiveness, we must obey his commands.

Much has be said of the puritan work ethic, both negatively and in positive terms. This verse shows the proper understanding of hard work. Here are other verses that show the value of hard work:

Hard work must be done for the Lord or it is done in vain. (me on 1 Cor 15:58)
All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. (Prov 14:23)
Self Esteem is gained when you accomplish something (Grandpa)

K and A, there are many in the church that wonder about their assurance of salvation. what they, and you need to do is this: Verify that your faith in Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. See if you love Jesus - am you obeying the commands of God and of Christ (John 14:15). If these are true then get up and get moving. God has work for you to do. He has given you talents, put them to work for his glory! When you have done this, you will build confidence and strength in your reliance on Christ. This confidence will assure you that Christ will continue his work in your life (Phil 1:6).

Daughters, you are to work for confidence, not arrogance. There is a big difference. You work to please the Lord, to hear those word, not just at the end or time but at the end of each day: Well done my good and faithful servant. No better words can be said to build your faith and assurance in Christ. So, Work hard, Serve well, and excel in your faith!


Monday, November 26, 2018

Review, Deacon, 1 Timothy 8-13

9. Review, Deacon

1 Timothy 3:8-13 In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain.  They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience.  They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.  In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well. Those who serve well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

This wraps up the qualifications required to be chosen as a deacon. Although similar to an elder, there are some deletions and some additions. Being trustworthy and respected continues to be a very important characteristic. Importance is stressed on having a wife worthy of the position. She must be of good repute, not flamboyant or self-serving, and a woman who can be trusted. Together they will help the poor and disadvantage. They must be able to work together in this role. Also, they way they run their home and raise their children is quite important. If they cannot do that well, then how can they be expected to run the affairs of the church.

K and A, possibly you will be the wife of a leader in the church. Perhaps you will help choose a leader. Remember how important this position is. There is very little mentioned in either an elder or deacon position that alludes to their education or career experience. Paul values spiritual maturity over social status. He understands that worldly success is secondary to an obedient life dedicated to serving God. This is the key.

Daughters, be women who are dedicated to following the Lord. Set your heart on being a godly wife willing to put others needs ahead of your own. God will use you if you are open to being used to lift those around you. A Christian husband will be honored to call you his wife and have you work by his side as you aid him in his ministry before God.


Sunday, November 25, 2018

9o. Manages His Household Well, 1 Timothy 3:12

Manages His Household Well

1 Timothy 3:12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well.

How is managing your household different than managing your children? It is true that children are not only part of the household, they are main concern of the household. That is why the others parts are so important to manage well. A man must have a clear direction and hope for his family. He must be willing to work to see it accomplished. He must stir others to participate in the work and get them to sense the importance of his vision. How does he handle money? How does he treat the members of his family? Does he encourage or lord his authority over them? These and many more attributes are important.

K and A, choose or encourage a worthy husband that will lead his household well. How does he treat you? Does he encourage and build you up? Does he kick you around and speak rough, or will he lift and guide you gently along? If he is like this you will walk close beside him and God will use the two of you along with your children in the work of the Lord. What a joy it is to work side by side serving the Lord together!


9n. Manages His Children Well, 1 Timothy 3:12

Manages His Children Well

1 Timothy 3:12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well.

Here is a dying trait of a good husband and leader; a man who teaches, trains, and disciplines his children. If they cannot manage his children and keep them orderly, how will they be orderly in the work of the Lord? All too often children are left to themselves to figure out life, to learn right from wrong on their own. In the guise of self expression and self worth, children are encouraged to mark out their own path, to experience life and decide for themselves who God is. A man worthy of leadership is not like this. They train up a child in the way they should go so they will not depart from it.

Someday, ladies, you may become mothers. Encourage your husband to train up your child, to encourage and discipline them. To use a "rod" on them and save their soul from death (Prov 23:14).
Physical discipline is necessary, some children more than others, but it is important for all. If your husband is abusive, report him to the police. But if he lovingly disciplines and train them, support him. You must work side by side and not create division nor confusion during correction. Be on the same page, decide ahead of time how to discipline then raise up young men and women of God. The work of the Lord will go forward when children are well trained to know and love the Lord. Aid in their training.


9m. One Wife, 1 Timothy 3:12

9m. One Wife

1 Timothy3:12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well.

This is the same phrase that Paul used for the elder of the church, he must be the husband of but one wife. Again I am not sure if it refers to polygamy or divorce. But this I know, more than one wife causes issues of devotion and commitment. Since this is mentioned for both types of leaders we need to pay special attention to it.

Daughters, be married to only one man. Never divorce him. Stick by him. Encourage him. Serve him. Love him. If you do these things (and more), God will effectively use him to grow the kingdom.


9l. A Trustworthy Wife, 1 Timothy 3:11

9l, A Trustworthy Wife

1 Timothy 3:11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 

Trustworthy is the final attribute mentioned here for the characteristic of a worthy leader's wife. It is important for us to remember the necessity of a godly wife to a man's leadership role within the church. One cannot faithfully carry out his duties unless supported by a woman who is committed fully to the Lord. She needs to be trustworthy in all she does and says. Her word should be golden. You can count on her faithfulness.

A and K, God is looking for faithful servants. You can be one whom God has chosen, but will you? Chose to be one he can count on. Let your yes be yes and your no, no. Be truthful in all things. Love your husband and serve him with devotion and joy. Never trade him in for anyone else. Just like your relationship with Christ, your marriage is to be true and never ending. Let nothing and no one ever come between you. And in your dealings with others, always deal honestly with them. Never use them for your own gain. Let them see what it means to be a holy and steadfast follower of Christ. God has given each of you talents. Use them for his glory and one day you will hear the words... Well done my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joys of thy Lord. What wonderful words to hear from our Savior when this life is over.


9k. A Temperate Wife, 1 Timothy 3:11

9k, A Temperate Wife

1 Timothy 3:11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 

In sticking with the importance of character found in a leader's wife, this woman is to be temperate. I normally look at temperate as being not extravagant in actions or talk, but then I found these synonyms  and found them to be appropriate. The following character traits are of important value when seeking a leader, and not just for him but for his wife as well. Here is the list: self restrained, controlled, self denying, gentle, agreeable, and pleasant.

K and A, these traits are desirable in all woman, married and unmarried alike. You need to develop each of them in your life as well. When someone insults you, be temperate. Show restraint. You do not need to retaliate. When your day isn't going well, be pleasant and gentle control yourself. If there isn't much dessert, or enough presents to go around, deny your urge to get what you can or even what is rightfully yours and allow someone else to have it. This is the kind of person God is looking for, the kind of person God wants you to be. And, the kind of daughter that will fill my heart with joy


Saturday, November 24, 2018

9j Does Not Tear Others Down, 1 Timothy 3:11

9j. Does Not Tear Others Down

1 Timothy 3:11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 

There are those who cannot help but insult others. They are always finding fault with what others do, how they look, or the way they speak. Certainly they know better, they are more refined, more intelligent and obviously more talented. They know, therefor they have the right to straighten out everyone. This is not right for any child of God, but it is of great importance that a leader's wife avoids all such appearance.

A and K, build others up. Your speech is to lift others not used to tear them down. A leaders wife has such an important role. You will be the glue that hold the church together or the wedge that divides them. You need to be the be the quiet spirit consoling, comforting and caring for others. You are to  come along side and encourage. You are to teach, to mentor and exhibit the way of Christ. Those who malign others destroy, but you, you must build the church. That should be your goal, and I know you can do it.


Note: Leaders build but that does not mean they never correct others or think that others are never are at fault or doing wrong. If someone is wrong, they are wrong and they must know the are. But, you must not destroy them in the process. Correction must lift others. If it hurts them, then you must find another way to show them. This is so important. Oh, and if you fail and someone is hurt... apologize. Let them know that was not your intent. Never get an attitude and stop caring for others. Always be willing to help others in their walk with the Lord.

Friday, November 23, 2018

9i. WIfe Worthy Of Respect, 1 Timothy 3:11

Wife Worthy Of Respect

1 Timothy 3:11 In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 

A leader must have a wife who passes the leadership tests as well. Paul didn't want Timothy to set up the leadership in the church with men whose wives were not solid Christians. They too must be worthy of their position, because they will be closely involved alongside their husbands in the work of the Lord. Therefor, these women, like their husbands, must be worthy of respect.

K and A, I pray that someday you will be serving God alongside your husband as he leads those within the church. Whether as a deacon's wife or the wife of a pastor, you will have a great responsibility as you help him lead. You too have the same requirements as him. He is not to be chosen if you are not a respectable person. So, check your attitudes, your actions, and your speech. To they measure up to God's standards? Live in such a way that your husband can be used to lead the people in God's kingdom!


Thursday, November 22, 2018

9h. Passes The Litmus Test, 1 Timothy 3:10

Passes The Litmus Test

1 Timothy 3:10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

This verse tells me that it is important to check out the person that is being considered for a leadership position. It is not just enough just to look good. A leader must be good. It is appropriate for a selection committee or pastor or church board to validate the qualifications of a candidate for a teaching or leadership role. Who are they, what is their past, how have they grown from past failures? These are valid questions. No one is above being vetted.

K and A, it is easy to go to church and look good among others. For two hours, one can put on their best face and become the kindest, most pleasant, holy looking person, but what are they like in real  day-to-day life? What would people find out about you, daughters, if they checked your web surfing history? What videos do you watch on You Tube, or Netflix, etc... Who would they find on Pandora to be your most listened to music? How is your speech when speaking to your husband, your friends or about others to your friends. Make sure you are holy all week long. Remember that God always sees you. You are constantly being vetted for a position in heaven. I want you to pass that ultimate test, and if you can pass that test, you can pass them all.


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

9g. A Clear Conscience, 1 Timothy 3:9

A Clear COnscience

1 Timothy 3:9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience.

We could discuss different parts of this verse; the need to hold on, the idea that the truths are not some shallow list of rules or a shallow love that makes us all feel giddy inside, no there are truths of the scripture that are deep and full, they take effort to comprehend but are so important to our faith, we could also talk about our faith, what it is and why so important, yet today, we will talk about our conscience but more than that we will discuss the need for it to be clear. (and 'll try to make it less than this intro)

It is important that we remain faithful to the truths of the Scripture in our lives. It is not good enough to know what they say we must do them. A leader must be able to live out the truths of the Word. He is not to make excuses that we are all sinners and therefor cannot live a holy life. No! We are to be sinners who have been changed. We are to be a new creation. We must be able to lead knowing we fulfill the commands of Christ and not just teach them.

K and A, when you teach at church or you lead others at work, you must be living out the Christian life. Don't teach, Do as I say, not as I do. This is blasphemy! Live it out in your private life. Live with integrity. Teach with a clear conscience knowing others are watching how you live and how it measures up.
