Sunday, November 29, 2015

Psalm 97:12

November 29, 2015

Psalm 97:12... Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous; and praise his holy name...

Make music to the Lord, for he is good. (Ps 135:3) He is worthy of praise for he is righteous. God is above all and there is none beside him. (I Sam 2:2) The people all nations will one day bow down to him. (Ps 72:11, Ro 14:11)

In today's churches all people want to praise the Lord. In many churches, they wave their hand and jump around and say wonderful word of God's greatness. Yet there has never been a change of heart - "Egypt" has never left them although, but for that moment, they are out of "Egypt". Waving hands in honor of God doesn't necessarily mean they are honoring God. Many times this actually brings condemnation on them. Many of today's leaders are part this group. They do not believe you can be holy and that anyone is free to praise god no matter how sinful they are. As I wrote a few days ago, David said that we need to have clean hands and a pure heart to approach God. Certainly I am not speaking of reaching out for salvation. He loves when we reach out for that purpose. I am talking about when we have know sin in our life and praise God anyway. This is mockery! It is warned about in scripture that those who act that way are in danger of eternal suffering. (Jude) In Numbers 16 it talks about Korah's rebellion. The main complaint conveyed this message... "The whole community is holy" we can be used by God just as much as you, Moses. The next day he and his followers (Leaders of the Hebrews) were torched by fire from the Lord - who is able to come before the Lord? Those that present themselves with pure hands and a clean heart.

A & K don't think that just because you are in church or been baptized or once said a sinners prayer that you are good to go. You must keep you "garments white"; your lives clean from sin doing those things that God requires and not doing the things he abhors. Then you can "climb the holy hill" make supplication to the Father. Daughters, this is not taught today in most churches. Read Jude. It helps us understand how serious sin is. Clean up your lives by washing away the stain of sin in the blood of the Lamb so your garments may be as white as snow, then go rejoice in him and praise his holy name!


Song: Whiter Than Snow, Navajo version

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