Saturday, December 31, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 6: An Altar, oops forgot

Here daughters, I forgot to add this to the last post. Listen to the words of this song by Keith Green. Consider your life. Who will you be in 2017.

 Live Version

Version with Lyrics (sort of)

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 6: An Altar to the Lord

An Altar to the Lord

Genesis 12:8b  There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord

Abram, content that God was fulfilling his promise, built and altar to the Lord. It is not said what he said to the Lord when he cried out, but worship him he did. Abram knew he had heard God's voice, and now he was at the place God had prepared for him. In gratitude, Abram build an altar and lays his offering on it to thank and honor God there.

Beginning with Adam and Eve, after the flood and now as Abram recognizes God faithfulness, God's people make it know that they appreciate what God has done in their lives. An altar was not only a place to lay your sacrifice or offering, it remained as a visible sign that someone had called on the name of the Lord. Honor and devotion to the Creator was real.

A and K, today, you do not sacrifice on a altar built by human hands. Instead you are called to be living sacrifice to him. This is done through obedience to his statues. In his Word, both Old and New Testaments, he describes how you are to live. In 1st Samuel 15:22, Samuel told Saul that a true sacrifice was one of obedience. Your life should portray Christ and should leave behind a visible sign that you consistently call on the name of the Lord. You are to be both the sacrifice and the altar. Live in obedience to him in the new year ahead that others may see God's faithfulness and wonder.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Quick Note: Satan Incites Evil

Stan Incites Evil

1 Chronicles 21:1  Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel

Ladies, don't think for a moment that Satan isn't active. When you least expect it, he will rise up like a serpent and attack. In his sneaky, slithery way, he will work to convince you that what you desire to do is right and good. Check it against scripture and against what you have been taught by spiritual wisdom to be right. I pray that the Lord will restrict Satan in your life and stop his schemes Satan has planned against you. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7)!


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Quick Note: What is Right

What is Right

1 Kings 11:38 If you do whatever I command you and walk in my ways and do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statues and commands, as David my servant did, I will be with you.

This was the promise God gave Jeroboam. He was about to tear the kingdom away from Solomon because he failed to follow him. Instead he had begun to follow after other Gods because of the wives he had married.

A and K, walk in the ways of the Lord. He determines what is right and what is wrong. Not you, not society, not even the church. Then become a wife who leads her husband and family to walk in the ways of the Lord. Together you will follow his ways then God will be with you. That is the place you want to be.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Quick Note: Do to Remember

Do to Remember

Numbers 15:38 & 39a Speak to the Israelites and say to them, 'Throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments, with a blue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to remember all the commands of the Lord...

Throughout the books of the Law God gave ways for the Israelites to remember what he had said and did for them. "Do this... so you will remember. Build this altar... so you will not forget. Talk about, wrote them down, have this feast. God wants us to remember what he says.

Girls, what will you do in your life to remember what God has said... I must go but think of ways in which you can remember his Word and the vows you have made to him


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Quick Note: The Righteous Delivered

The Righteous Delivered

2 Peter 2:9a If this is so, then God knows how to rescue godly men from trials...

We talked yesterday on how God will hold the wicked accountable for their acts, specifically referring to those who tear down the church from within the church. For those who follow the evil desires of the flesh, for those who despise authority, and all the unrighteous, God will hold for the day of judgement, they will not go unpunished; not later, not now! It is mine to avenge the Lord said (Ro 12:19).

Meanwhile, the righteous just have to suffer? They have to wait for the Last Days for justice to occur? Yes and no. Yes, because it is good to suffer. In Romans it say we suffer with him in order to be glorified with him (Ro 8:17). But, James tells us that if we are suffering or in trouble we should pray. It is right to pray for deliverance for God will deliver. (check out these verses on suffering) That is the point of verses 7 thru 9 of 2 Peter 2... God saw the torment that Lot was going through. There weren't even 10 righteous people in the area where he lived. The filth of their lives brought distress and God did something about it. Lot, a righteous man, was delivered from evil.

Ladies, do not succumb to the filth around you, continue to live holy lives in this unholy world! But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do (1 Pet 1:15) If you succumb, then the punishment saved for the wicked will be yours as well, but if you are tormented by the sins around you and stand against the wickedness continuing to do what is right, God will deliver you just as he did Lot. He knows how to rescue his followers from their trials. Trust him through it all, for then the day of judgement will be glorious for you!


Monday, December 26, 2016

Quick Note: The WIcked Destroyed

The Wicked Destroyed

2 Peter 2:4, 5, 6 & 10...for if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, ...he did not spare the ancient world but the flood, ...he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, ...he will hold the unrighteous for the day of judgement. 

Make no mistake, God will judge the world, and the unrighteous will be destroyed. Chapter 2 speaks about those who are in the church. These men left the ways of the Lord to revel in their own pleasures. They draw others away from the faith encouraging them to seek the fulfillment of the flesh. God promises that they too, like the wicked people of the past, will be held for the day of destruction and sent to hell!

K and A, choose which path you will take. God will destroy those who have left the straight way to follow wickedness (vs 15). If you once escaped the corruption of the world by know our Lord and Savior, then you are again entangled and are overcome, you are worse off then you were in the beginning (vs 20). Choose righteousness. It leads to life and an eternity with Christ and his followers!


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Quick Note: God's Right Hand Man

God's Right Hand Man

Colossians 3:1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where God is seated at the right hand of God.

Jesus, God's son, came to earth as a babe, born of a virgin and barely noticed among the peoples of his time. There were a few that knew who he was... the shepherd that were told by the angels, and the wise men, who figured out, came and worshipped him. Oh, and there was Herod who thought he had killed him when he slaughtered all the boys his age. Others knew as well, most of whom we have no record.

Jesus, the Christ, helped in the creation of all things. He was with God throughout the history of man from Noah to David to Daniel. Jesus was always God's right hand man. When he came to earth, he lower himself and took on the life of a man. As God's perfect servant, he showed us how to live life. He showed us how we too could live as God's "right hand man" here on earth. Then Christ was crucified and raised from the dead and left this earth to take back his place in heaven at the right hand of the father where he now sits to be our intercessor; talking to God on our behalf. He left us here to be the servants in his place. We are to emulate his life to be God's servant, his right hand.

Daughters, see yourselves for who you are in Christ. Read the Word and learn how Christ lived. He became one of us to show you how to live. Love and care for others. Seek out those who are hurting. Lift those who are weak. Proclaim the gospel through your life and your verbal witness of what he has done for you and others. Focus on things above, so you can help those around you be raised with Christ as well. For you are God's right hand man... okay woman.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Quick Note: Excessive Dreaming

Excessive Dreaming

Proverbs 28:19 He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases after fantasies will have his fill of poverty.

There are those who talk about the future and what they will do. They lie around and dream of what might be, what grand things they will have, and that is as far as it goes. They daydream and imagine all kinds of far out things but never do anything. Oh, there is nothing wrong with dreaming. In Joel 2 it talks about how God will pour out his Spirit and men will dream dreams and... see visions. But, should it end there?

A and K, there is a verse in Proverbs which tells us that all hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads to poverty (Pr 14:23). It is great to dream but it does no good if you don't put some action behind it. Otherwise that is all it will be. Dream, plan, then work at it with all you heart as if for the Lord (Col 3:23). You will be amazed at what you can accomplish; A top rated nurse who truly cares for the needs of others, A person who lifts others through music and teaches others how to love God in everyday life. Work hard, Do well, Excel and live out your dreams!


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Quick Note: Born to Farm

Born to Farm

Mark 4:3 Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.

"I wasn't born to farm!" you say. But you were. Each Christian is to be a farmer. Each is to go spread the Word of God in the lives of those around them. In the same way we are to teach our children (Deut 11:19), we are to spread the Word to others. Farming today is much more technical than it was centuries back. We carefully prepare the soil and insert the seed into the ground. Exact calculations are made for fertilizers and pesticides to get just the right crop. But it is different in the spiritual world.

Today the church defines to whom, where, when, and how the gospel is disseminated. Not all this is bad, but we are not God. We were called more to the casting of seed than the preparation of soil. We must be careful not to limit to whom we witness. Everyone is deserving.

Daughters, think of you spreading the Word like being Pigpen. ? Yes, Pigpen of the Charlie Brown series. No matter where he went dirt fell off onto everything around him. He could not help it. It exuded from his being. Be so spiritual in your life that it billows off onto those around you. Listen! Go forth and plant seed to everyone you pass.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Quick Note: Out of your Mind

Out of Your Mind

Mark 3:20 & 21 Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, "He is out of his mind.

Here,we see Jesus so focused in the work of the Lord that neither crowds nor lack of food kept him from doing God's will. His mother and brothers heard what he was dong and thought he was out of his mind and came to the house to have a talk with him. I guess they were going to set him straight. But Jesus was too busy to meet with them when they arrived and continued talking with the crowd. Jesus stated that his family was more than blood relatives. His family expanded to include those who hear God's word and put it into practice (Lk 8:21).

Daughters, when you spend a lot of time serving the Lord you will hear people say that you are out of your mind! Don't mind them. Serve the Lord with fervor for it brings joy and contentment. People separate family and church and put family before serving God. This is not to be. Bring your family with you in service to God. You have seen Mother and I model this to you. Going to special services, funerals, setting up the fellowship hall, and caroling, all these are ways to serve as family. People think we are crazy sometimes. But remember you are in good company, they thought the same of Jesus when he was faithful to the call of God.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Quick Note: God Cares

Quick Note: God Cares

Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him,

Daughters, run to the Lord when times of trouble come. He will protect you from the assaults of the evil one. Sure, you can give in to Satan, it's your choice, but if you want to walk with God, he will protect you and keep you.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6:33


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 5: Wait on the Lord, continued...

Wait on the Lord, continued...

Please go back and read the first part if you can't remember where we were. We pick up here in finding the will of God...

A and K, this is what I have found to be true in searching out what God has for each one of us, for you...
  • First, you must dedicate yourself to being willing to follow God no matter what. This was Abram. He didn't shrink back, even willing to give up his own son. This willingness is part of salvation and  quite specific to sanctification!
  • Then you must be dedicated to doing what he has already showed you to do. Most of God's will is found in the Scriptures. Therefor, you must read and meditate and do what you can to know the Word of God - what does it say, what does it mean, how can I live it out today are questions to ask yourself. Beyond learning from the God's Word is being willing to follow what has been revealed to you through spiritual mentoring. These areas of practical living are learned through one on one and group study. All too often people just do not want to honor those in spiritual authority over them thinking the advice of the mentor or a parent is to out of touch for today's world or for their lives. One thing I have learned is that there is nothing new under the sun as it says in Ecclesiastes. Take special care to verify that all gained wisdom aligns with Scripture.
  • Finally, you must learn to get close to God. Truly love him. You must spend time with him... in prayer... not the "now I lay me down to sleep" or the "Thank you Lord for this meal for which we are about to partake" type prayers. The kinds of prayers I am speaking of are those when you speak to the Lord about all the things that are happening, as they happen. Share with him what your plans are for the day, converse with him during your day, and then tell him how your day has gone as you close out your day. Also, you must learn as much as you can about him. Desire to make him happy. Do things throughout your day that are pleasing him. Learn to hear his voice and sense his leadings. Do not try to keep things hidden from him. When you truly love, you will desire to be transparent and tell him everything, good and bad alike.
"That will take a lifetime!" you say. You are right. That's what I've found; knowing God's will does take a lifetime. But, you have the rest of your life ahead of you. Don't run ahead, but don't sit still either. Live as you already know how, and rely on him to lead you through the rest. If you follow the points above, he will guide you, and you will look back and be amazed at his faithfulness. Wait on the Lord by going to where he has called you, and when you get to your tree of Moreh, he will show you the land he promised.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Quick Note: Spend Time Together

Quick Note

Spend Time Together

Out with mother today shopping for Christmas. It was a good day. Many families split up and the wife take the children and goes shopping and the man piddles around with some hobby like hunting or work. I am blessed to have had family that has shopped together. It has been a family event.

Best thing today was that I got to spend time with your mother. We have done so much together. Pap Innerst said we spent too much time together... I suppose he was right.You and your brothers may have suffered from that... That is the down side. I pray that you have not been adversely affected by it.

On the reverse side our marriage has been strengthen by it. I pray that you will always desire to be with your husband and he with you. Choose one that is happy to be by your side. Spend time alone among others, especially before you are married. Best for purity in your relationship. Each of you must be willing to share in the tasks of the other but remember, daughters, you are his helpmate. Find joy and purpose in helping him. Obviously that means a wise choice of who you marry is quite important for your future contentment.

Ephesians 5:22 says that you have the responsibility to submit to you husband. Mother has enjoyed supporting me, and I am indebted to such a wonderful wife who cares and lifts me. She is a Godly example for you to emulate. Mimic her love for God and you will become the Proverbs 31 wife, noble and worth much more than the finest jewels. Certainly, a deserving man will love and provide for you and lift you high.

~ Dad

Friday, December 16, 2016

Quick Note: Trust God

Sorry, I didn't get the "continued" post finished today... so here is something to think about...

Quick Note

Trust God

When life doesn't seem to go your way, what do you do? When it seems like others are against you no matter how hard you try to get along, what do you do? Do you quit trying? Do you blame the other person? Or, do you keep trusting in God.

I don't know why God allows some things to happen. But I do know we can trust him. If you truly desire God's way in your life, he will take the hard and difficult things of life and even the evil things of life and turn them into things that benefit you for the good. God will not abandon you especially when you are confused. Just trust him and acknowledge he knows what he is doing and above all continue in living out his Word. God will pull you through.

Trust in the Lord with all you heart. Lean not on your own understanding... then he will guide you.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 5: Wait on the Lord

Wait on the Lord

Genesis 12:1 The Lord said to Abram, "Leave you country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.

Daughters, this writing is about how we go about finding God's plan for us. This is wisdom I have gathered living life not just an applying of some scripture. You are probably a little like I was at your age and as I am now for that matter. You wonder, "What is God's PLAN for my life!"

There is something I have found true in my life. There is no "Super Duper", "Better not Miss It", "God's Perfect Plan" for your life. If that were true... I missed it, and now I can never fully serve and honor God! But that doesn't mean God didn't have something specific for me to do and I didn't do it. I am sure there were many of those instances where I failed his plan, and I must not minimize their importance of  in God's work, especially in someone else's spiritual destiny. Yes, it is true that I have failed him in that way.

But what I have found in life is this. I must wait on the Lord to show me the way. God told Abram, "Go... I will show you." I always wanted God to write me a note and leave it on my dresser. I'd wake up in the morning and know what God wanted me to do. Sad to say, he never did that... huh, go figure. I just want to follow what he wants me to do. But, how do I do that when I do not know what that calling is? A and K, this is what I have learned to be true on this matter:

to be continued... wait


Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 4: God is Trustworthy

God is Trustworthy

Genesis 12:7 The Lord Appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." So, he built an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him.

God had promised Abram that if he would leave the comfortable and secure surroundings of home and family he would show Abram where to live. Then God would provide for him and bless him. For all this to take place Abram had a responsibility... he must trust God and leave his homeland. This took faith in God, a belief that God would follow through and do as he said. Besides going to the land of Canaan, Abram did not know where he was going and did not know where this special place God had in mind was. He just knew God said go.

As he was travelling through the land of Canaan, he stopped at a large tree, the Great Tree of Moreh, near Shechem. While resting there God appeared to him and told him that this was the spot, the land which he and his offspring would receive. Abram had arrived. He had trusted God, and God was faithful. With gratitude in his heart, Abram built an altar to the Lord.

K and A, God is trustworthy. You can count on him to carry out his promises. Whatever he says will he will do. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight (Prov 3:5 & 6) In Hebrews 13:5 he says Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you. Daughters, you too have a responsibility. It is to trust him and acknowledge him. Do this knowing you can count on him!


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 3: Never Too Old

Never Too Old

Genesis 12:4 So Abram left as the Lord had told him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran.

God is a respecter of the aged. He doesn't cast them to the side just because they reach a certain age. He loves and continues to use those that are willing to serve. God knows that those who have been changed in heart and are faithfully following him have great wisdom to give to contribute to society, both inside and outside the church. Gray hair is a crown of splendor (Prov 16:31).

The 60's, baby boomer generation changed the course of mankind in many terrible ways. One of the worst resulted in the minimizing of the worth of the elderly. The hippie movement told those over 40 to shut up and go away; they were too out of touch to be relevant. Sad thing is that in many ways they listened. That disrespect set in motion a new path for society across much of the world. After a certain age people are to go take a seat and keep quiet. Not only has this been true in society, it became true in the church. In fact many independent churches were started by baby boomers who wanted to side step the ornery old people who were stuck in their ways so they could be free from the restrictions past. This has caused much worldliness to enter the church.

A and K, what do you think of the elderly? Do you search out Godly advice from the holy saints of the past? I saw a note this morning written by a dear saint of the past, Anita Breckbill. She shared her wisdom to help another understand the dangers of Satan's trickery, showing how he uses the pleasures of the world to entice God's people. Later they find that the promise of a good time leads to spiritual heartache and struggles.

Lend your ear to the older generation... I am finding that the "boomers" are now becoming that group, so I wary in some of their advice. Therefor it is necessary to seek out Godly saints who have applied the Word of God to how they live. Seek out this counsel, because God wants to use the elderly to bless you. Show them your respect by hearing them out. And remember, one day you too will be old.


Monday, December 12, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part:2, God Has a Plan

God Has a Plan

Genesis 12:2 I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great and will bless you.

In verse one, the Lord tells Abram that he knows the place where Abram is to settle. He did not tell him the place, rather he told Abram to head that way, and when it was the right time, he would reveal it to him.

God's promises are trustworthy. He does not go back on his word. We can be assured that God will keep his end of the deal... "Deal?" you say! Certainly, a covenant is am agreement between parties. In the case of Abram and of the Old Covenant, it is a deal between a ruler and his subjects, a  Suzerain-Vassal covenant. Basically it is this: you subject yourself to me and I will provide for you and protect you. Hebrews says that Abram believed God and left the comforts of home to follow God to a land he did not know. He trusted that God had a plan for his future.

Ladies, your future lies ahead of you. Where it is headed, you do not know. Put your trust in the one who desires to lead you into a great future. He has plans for you; not harm you but to prosper you (Jer 29:11). But like Abram, you have a responsibility to keep your end of the deal. You are the vassal, and he is the lord. Submit to him and follow his decrees, and he will lead you and bless you and make your name great. For, if God is for you, who can stand against you and the plan he has made for you!


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Genesis 12:1-9, Part 1: Follow Through

Follow Through

Genesis 12:4 So Abram let as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran

Abram first set out from Ur to go to the land of Canaan. He had been going with his family to a new land in Canaan. What God had in store for them, they did not know, but off they went. But something happened along the way. They stopped. I am sure they stopped many places to rest or get water, but this stop was different. The Word says it this way, but when they came to Haran, they settled there (11:31). Abram and his family got sidetracked in their calling.

Thankfully, God is faithful. He knew where Abram was and called him to leave his family and go the rest of the way to Canaan to a place God would show to him. This time Abram followed though with the task God had given him.

K and A, What has God called you to? It may not be something "grand" in your mind, but I can tell you it is very important. Maybe it has to do with school or your future plans. Possibly it is some task in church or other work in his service or for now it is training for a future calling. It is easy to get sidetracked. Maybe, like Abram, it is a family member that has held you back or just life in general has halted your endeavors. What ever it is, throw it off and complete the task to which God has called you. Jesus was serious when he said, No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).

Daughters, carry out the task God has given you and do so with any work he calls you to in the future. The trek for Abram was not always pleasant, but God is faithful. Hebrew 11 states that through faith, Abram obeyed and went and received the promise God had promised. Maybe you are like Abram and have no idea where exactly you are going. Just follow through with what you know to do and have faith that God will lead you the rest of the way. He will carry out his promises to you!


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Genesis 11:27-32, Time to Go

Time to Go

Genesis 11:31 Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, The wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan

There comes a time in life when you are moved in your spirit to go. A time to move away from the common and ordinary to a place unknown. This first happens early in life, maybe an overnight stay at a relative or friend, or possibly it doesn't happen until you start school, but it happens. Some go alone, others go with friends or family. Some are called to go far away and others stay close, but we all go. We do not know why Terah chose to take his family and go. Perhaps the land was getting overcrowded, and they needed a place to spread out, room for his expanding family. Possibly they knew of the opportunities that lie ahead in the land of Canaan. Whether or not God specifically told Terah or his son Abram to go, we do not know, but off to a new country they went.

God calls each of us to a place in life. Sometimes it is very clear to us that God called. Other times we look back in life and recognize that he showed us the way. The important thing is that we are willing to go whenever he calls. There are many voices which bombard our minds which should not be listen to. We must go through life with a desire to follow and please God with a willingness to go wherever and whenever he calls.

Daughters, I do not know where God is calling you. He may call to stay local, possible to another state, or maybe across the seas. I am content no matter where that may be. But this one thing I am concerned about; that when God calls you... you go.

I am sort of in the same condition as you at the moment. I thought I knew where God had called me, but then the proverbial rug was pulled out from under me, and now I am lost in wondering what is next. But, like Terah and Abram, I must trust him for what lies ahead. I know God will lead me there, if I am faithful to the place he has set me now. So I say to you... Be faithful to God. Be obedient to his Word. Follow his precepts which are written there, and be sure of this; when it is time, he will call you. Just be ready to go.


Friday, December 9, 2016

Genesis 11:10-26, Heritage Matters

Heritage Matters

Genesis 11:10 This is the account of Shem. Two years after the flood, when Shem, was 100 years old, he became the father of Arphaxad.

Genealogy is important to God. I am not sure why it is so important to him, but throughout the Bible we see God keeping track of who lived where and when. In this part of Scripture, we are given the genealogical record of Abram. One might say this is important to show the history of Jesus, and I would agree. But, I find it interesting that we are given the ages of these men, their births and deaths. They can be accounted for in history.

We can be assured God knows us. He is concerned about our past, where we are from, and about our future, where we are going. He has said that our ancestry, our heritage, affects who we are today. We are defined by it. In Numbers 14:18 he says that he is slow to anger and abounding in love, a theme found multiple times in both the Old and New Testaments. Yet he does not leave the guilty go unpunished; he punishes the children for the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generations. But, he shows love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.

A and K, learn your heritage. Your spiritual strengths and weaknesses are derived from it. You can change the direction of its affects, its curse or its blessing, by the way you live for God (read chapter 18 of Ezekiel. Verse 3 says The souls that sin is the one that dies). I believe the church minimizes the affect that our past plays in our spiritual struggles. Psychology talks about the affects it plays in our lives and relationships, and the Bible shows it to be true, especially spiritually. Daughters, your heritage matters. Be thankful for and carry on the good traits and make right the bad. Give to the next generation a blessing of righteousness, for the things you are doing now matters to them.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Genesis 11:1-9, Nothing is Impossible

Nothing is Impossible

Genesis 11:6 The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing is impossible for them.

The population of the earth grew and families began to spread across the earth. The people devised a plan to keep together, but their heart's were evil, so God took action. He created division among them by introducing different languages. Instead of working through this problem, they divided into people groups separated from each other. They could not overcome the evil in their hearts to join together and they were scattered across the face of the earth.

Man can accomplish great things. Together, the sky is the limit. Nothing will be to great for us to solve or create. Through unity of mind and heart, we will overcome. But, there is great division among us, and we are hampered in our efforts. What is it that causes division? That's a silly question, it's our differences. In the areas in which we disagree, conflict arises. "But, isn't there more?" you may ask. Yes. Sin stirs up the pot. It takes differences to the next level and creates further disunity. Selfishness, fear, and hatred keep people and groups apart. They refuse to work things out.

A and K, do you have someone you can't get along with? Are there tasks that seem impossible to manage? Are you in over your head? Begin to solve them by checking your life for areas of sin. Then, rid yourself of footholds, areas which Satan can use to tempt you and distract you from the solutions. Then, patch over issues where there is division (Matt 5:24) and begin to work together, for there is nothing to great for you to handle when walk with God (Matt 19:26)!


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Genesis 10, Life Begins Again

Life Begins Again

Genesis 10:32 These are the clans of Noah's sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.

There are interesting tidbits of information in the verses of this chapter. The nations of the land of Canaan where Abram arrived and whom Israel destroyed because of their wickedness are listed here. Also, we get a glimpse of history when it talks about Shem's descendant, Peleg. It says he lived when the earth was divided. Some believe this to be the time when the giant land mass separated into the continents which we have today. Listed here too is the man Nimrod, who was a mighty hunter before the Lord. He started the city of Nineveh. Also in the end times of Revelation it mentions the battle of Gog and Magog. Magog was the son of Japheth, Noah's son.

So, K and A, what can be learned from this chapter? More than you or I can imagine. But here are a couple that I see;

When God made a reset for mankind, he promised that life would continue until the "End Times". Seed time and harvest, summer and winter, man would cover the face of the earth. Its not that God would sit idly by, quite the opposite. He promised to be actively involved. Notice that after Ham was cursed, his descendant Nimrod was know to be of God.

That leads to my second point. God does not hold a grudge, he relents. He will not always accuse, nor harbor his anger forever; nor does he treat us as our sins deserve... (Psalm 103:9 & 10) God is willing to forgive and to allow us to begin again. Read that Psalm it is powerful! He removes our sin and has compassion on his children. I pray that you never disappoint God. I pray that you do not grossly sin against him like David and many others... Choose to remain faithful and do not be tricked by the devil and schemes and so be caught in sin! But if you do, remember that God allows your spiritual life to reset, and you can be made pure and holy... You will suffer the consequences of your sin and be forever sad about what you have done, but glad that he forgives and allow life to begin again.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Genesis 9:18-29, Shameful Nakedness

Shameful Nakedness

Genesis 9:21 When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent.

We do not know why Noah got drunk. Some commentators say this was possibly the first time wine had been made and the effects of it were not known. I cannot say this since the Bible gives us no clue. But we do know that this is the first time wine is mentioned, and it is shown to be a problem from the beginning. Drunkenness is a sin. Other scriptures tell us that, and they say that the drunkard does not have eternal life! And here, Noah, a righteous man found out what evil can come from it. May we learn from this lesson and never repeat it.

Today, being naked is lauded by society. It is found everywhere. The internet is easy access to all that is evil and puts it all on display. Search any topic, and it pops onto the screen in all its vileness. The popular stars, the movies, music, tv, ads, magazines and society in general, all promote showing as much skin as possible. They say that the church has been too prudish, that we have vilified the naked body. So, the church felt bad and now they too are open to watching and showing and displaying nudity. With the church yielding to the pressures of the world, society has furthered its advancement. Topless beaches are common. Parades are marched in promoting nudity. And soon billboards will show it as well like they do in Europe (There is one close to doing it in Harrisburg.)

We learn from these verses that one son saw his father and felt something. We do not know for sure what it was, but we do know that it was so sinful that it brought down a curse on
one third of mankind. The other two not only covered their father, but they did it in such a way as to not view him while they were doing it. This was before their brother was cursed. They knew they must not look at his naked body.

A and K, I plead with you to recognize what God thinks of this issue. Your generation laughs at the prudish stances given by the church of the past. I have heard both of you laugh at the conservative church of today, "oops they saw my elbow". Dresses are short, tops are cut low, and pants are tight. Clothes are showing more and more. What are you choosing to wear? Who are you enticing by what you display?... I hear them at work. They love it and want more or should I say less. So you have a responsibility to dress with propriety as the Paul says (1 Tim 2:9).

But remember too, that you have a responsibility to evaluate what you see. Ham saw his father's nakedness and was cursed. What sites do you visit online? What music do you listen to, what movies or programs do you see. Never forget Grandpa's rat poison object lesson. Just because there is a lot of good doesn't mean the bad wont get you. Over time you will die, both physically and spiritually.

Ahh but, there is another road. The road that is straight and narrow. Most of your "friends" wont be there, but it was the choice Shem and Japheth took. Cover your nakedness and choose to view the glorious things of life. Then you will not be ashamed when you stand before God and man.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Genesis 9:8-17, Remember the Rainbow

Remember the Rainbow

Genesis 9:16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.

The rain has passed and the floods have subsided and dryland appeared. Noah and the animals got out of the ark viewing the pristine new land. Noah and his family worshipped the Lord and offered a sacrifice to him. In response, God made a covenant between himself and the earth and all living creatures, including man. God promised never to destroy all creation with a flood. Earlier he had promised to sustain the earth until the Last Day.

When the rain stops and the clouds break, the sun shines through the clouds and refracts through the moisture and a rainbow appears in the sky. We can look at it as a scientific wonder and be awed at what Mother Nature can produce. But how disrespectful could we be? There are no acts of nature outside of God's hand, and there is no Mother Nature! God is the master of ocean and earth and sky. Song: (Choir Version, Piano Version, Black Version)

Daughters, when you look at the rainbow, don't seek an imaginary pot of gold. And don't just look at the magnificent colors, or even the amazing thought of a double rainbow for they all miss the main reason why God gave us the rainbow. Rather, think of the power and majesty of God. Think of his promise to care and protect you. And, think of his love that he covenanted with you. When you see the rainbow, remember God.


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Quick note: Be Beautiful

Quick Note

Be Beautiful
In Sunday school or lesson was on the beatitudes. They can be looked at on different ways. These superlatives are opposites to the ways of the world,but God's ways normally are.

Look at them in total as a progression of a Christian's life. But also live each individually throughout your walk with God. Read them backward in phrases to help you comprehend them.

Example: vs 1... if you want to own the kingdom, then you must be poor in spirit... Not every one who thinks their worth little will inherit it but all who are heirs to the kingdom realize they are unworthy.

Daughters, consider your life. The root word of beatitude is beauty. True beauty comes from the inside. Be beautiful, live out the beatitudes!


Friday, December 2, 2016

Genesis 9:1 - 7, Part 3: Precious Blood

Precious Blood

Genesis 9:4 But you must not eat meat that still has its lifeblood still in it.

God believes life is precious. He allows us to eat meat for strength and nourishment and even our enjoyment. Ahhh, to taste a good piece of beef, it's what's for dinner. But do not mistake his allowance as a sign he doesn't care about life. He does. The set of verses from four through six reveals this part of God's heart.

Blood is the life of a living being. Without blood, oxygen and energy would never make it to the cells within the body. Those cells would die. Eventually the whole body would die, and life would cease. Since blood is so crucial to the life of a being, we can understand why God cherishes it so. Jews are very particular with how animals are processed for food. They must bleed out properly, or the meat is not kosher and therefor unacceptable. It is true that God loves animals but even more so with man. God demands an accounting for life. We must not kill, murder, another human being. God holds us accountable, so our life is to be taken (vs 6). Jesus said the same thing when he said those who kill by the sword will die by the sword (Matt 26:52 Rev 13:10), . God says life is precious, for we are made in his image, the image of God.

In Old Testament times, the blood of a sacrifice was precious. God required that nearly everything used in worship be cleansed by blood. It was used extensively during the time of sacrifice and offering. Today, there is a greater, more precious blood that cleanses, the blood of Christ. It was spilt for our purification. His sacrifice is greater than that of an animal. It cleanses and purifies from sin completely. We can be made whole again, if we have faith in what Christ has done for us. Then as Christians, we must become like Christ. This becomes possible when we allow this precious blood to flow through our veins. It becomes our lifeblood. As it flows through all our being, we receive the strength and energy necessary to walk like Christ.

A and K, apply the precious blood of Christ to your heart and soul. Let it flow throughout your entire being that you may become like Christ. Care for the lives of those around you, the precious creations of God.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Genesis 9:1 - 7, Part 2: Food for You

Food for You

Genesis 9:3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

For nearly 1000 years, God did not allow the eating of meat, only vegetables. But after the flood, God said that he was changing things. Animals would now fear man, and the dread of him would overcome them. It was at that time when God said that all animals, like all green plants,  could be consumed as food. For some to say today that we must be vegetarians is absurd. God made a specific statement permitting animals as food. We also know that using furs or killing animals for their skins to make leather is fine with God as well. Remember, It was God who clothed Adam and Eve in animal skins after they had sinned. We can use animals as pets, cage them for eggs, smoke them on a spit, make them work for us, and put them on display. Animals are for our benefit.

Our society has vilified the use of animals. Movies and TV programs have personified animals to the point many believe animal are equal to humans. Many believe that animals have souls, and others equate them with God and worship them. We must see life from God's prospective. Like all of creation, animals show God's magnificence. Just like the rest of his creation we protect and care for them. We must not torture them nor derive cruel pleasures from them. God will hold us accountable.

Daughters, God created animals for us. They can be our companions and bring us a sense of security, but we must remember that they are second to people. They were not meant as a substitute for people. Today people have relationships with their pets, passionately kissing them, having sexual relations with them and even marrying them. This is sinful, a perversion of God's way of life (Lev 18:23). Societies have been destroyed by God for this.

Be wise. Develop a proper Biblical perspective on caring for animals. Check out this verse from Proverbs 12:10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. Even though we can use them for food and work or entertainment, that doesn't give us the right mistreat God's creation. Ladies, enjoy you pets but don't go overboard.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Genesis 9:1 - 7, Part 1: Be Fruitful

Be Fruitful

Genesis 9:1 - 7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.

In Psalms, it says that the children you have in your youth are like arrows in a warriors hand and you are blessed if your quiver is full of them (Psalm 127:4 & 5). So, marry young and have lots of children. It is a blessing! The Scriptures do not shy away from having children. We must be wise in knowing our limits for many hardships can arise when we have poor parenting skills or when we lack the funds to raise them. We must not be foolish. We must plan ahead.  Consider, then, what God's plan is. Society in the US says that a good size family averages 3.14 persons. Using that statistic in a 2 parent family, this will only allow for 1 child per household. I doubt that was what God meant when he said to be fruitful.

Let us look at this spiritually. First, a large family of well trained and disciplined children will be very effective in the Kingdom. They will be a great example to those around us of how effective Biblical principles are when lived out. And applied to the verses in Psalms, there will be mighty armies of Christians who effective handle the Sword: the Word of God. And the Kingdom will increase, keeping many soul from destruction.

Second, this command to be fruitful is a call to be his witnesses. 1 Corinthians 5:13 - 20 teaches us that as Christians we die to ourselves and live for Christ and become his ambassadors. Ask anyone with children; this is the life of a parent. No longer do they live for themselves but for the success of their children. (Today, people take this truth to an extreme, making it all about their children) In the early days they get up in the middle of the night to tend to them. Later they give up the easy life and buckle down and work to provide food and clothing and education. After their children leave home, they still continue to provide Godly wisdom, so the family will continue for generation. There are so many spiritual parallels here, from the birth of salvation, through nurturing growth, to deep meaty discipleship. We must increase and multiply Christ's kingdom and help it to mature.

A and K, how will you involve yourself in the Kingdom work. Paul said, it is good not to marry, (1 Cor 7:8) because you can focus stay focused on the kingdom work (vs. 33). (there is also a comment in verse 9 worth reviewing). Look at the two main themes we are discussing: If you marry and have children, train them up to be warriors for the Lord. Teach them by example. If you remain unmarried, focus on expanding the Kingdom for the time is short (vs. 29). Notice that no matter how we see marriage, both choices focus on being fruitful for God. Live to do your part.


Monday, November 28, 2016

Genesis 8:22, Never again

Never Again

Genesis 8:22 "As long as earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."

We need not heed the "wolf" cries of the doomsayers. Like Chicken Little they cry, "The sky is falling. The sky is falling!" But nothing happens. Today, we hear the earth is coming to an end; The planets are aligned like never before and certain doom is evident. The ozone has a hole in it and we'll all burn up. stop using fossil fuels or global warming will cause the ice caps to melt and all will be covered with water. We need not fear. God has promised to never destroy all of earth nor all life on earth until the end of times no matter how wicked man may be. When that time comes, it will happen despite mankind's efforts to save it.

K and A, do you ever fear the destruction of life as we know it? There is no doubt that we can pollute and waste resources to and cause great turmoil, but we cannot destroy the whole earth. Man does not contain the power to do so. Keep your faith in the God of Heaven. He said there is a day coming when the earth and the heaven will be destroyed and replaced. That is a day to look forward to. But, only the Father knows the day and time of that event. The only thing to fear is not being ready for Christ to return. Make sure you are ready then live in the hear and now, rest in his love, and be certain that God will protect and strengthen you until that day comes. Never again, is his promise to you!


Friday, November 25, 2016

Genesis 8:21, Pleasing to God

Pleasing to God

Genesis 8:21 The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart, "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.

Noah had sacrificed an offering to the Lord. He and his family had been protected when God destroyed those who were evil. They were grateful to the Lord and wanted to glorify his wonderful act of salvation. They visibly and physically made an effort to let him know. The Lord saw and in this case smelled their loving act. He was greatly pleased and declared an everlasting promise of love in return.

We too are recipients of God's promise of the wonderful act of salvation.. He promises us his hand of protection from the destruction of evil and will carry us through. He deserves our gratitude.

K and A, how will you show your gratitude to our Lord and Savior when you put your faith in his act of salvation? He promised to protect you from destruction. Noah and his family made an offering to him, but your offering will not be a burnt offering. He desires obedience more than sacrifice (1 Sam 15:22). Follow the commands of the Lord, and he will smell the aroma of a job well done and will smile in his heart and be quite pleased.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Note, I Thank God

I Thank God

Philippians 1:3 I thank God every time I think of you.


It's Thanksgiving day daughters. I do thank God you each of you. God has blessed me because of you.

One a talented, developing singer and worker in his kingdom for many years. You touch the lives of  children through your teaching. You also touch others, both young and old, through your exemplary life. You so kindness and reserve, sharpness and wit. May God continue to bless you and develop you for his work. Yield to his way and walk the path as he directs. Proverbs 3:5 & 6

The other is talented in other ways. Accomplished on the piano and able to touch lives as well. You have begun to reach children and youth as well. Although it is new for you, you put your hand to the task even as you are very busy. To too touch the lives of others. In your work you care for the elderly. They need love and care and you give it. Seek what God has for you. Give to him in time and heart. He will show you how to live and how to love. Luke 10:27

Happy Thanksgiving I love you and thank God for you. Serve and love him always.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Genesis 8:15 - 20, Come Out

Come Out

Genesis 8:15 & 16 Then God said to Noah, Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives.

In the final step of fleeing the evil of the times, God told Noah and his family to come out of the last remnant of the old evil world. When they did, they saw a completely new land made pure by the washing of God's hand. Noah took the right sacrifice and placed it on the altar and offered it to the Lord. What lie ahead for this family was a new beginning, a chance to start over.

A and K, God has given each of us a chance to start over. He calls us to "come out" of the world and its ways and be separate (2 Cor. 6:17). God washes you by the blood of his son, but you have the responsibility to leave the ark, to leave the past behind; those evil connections that keep you from living differently in the new land he has prepared for you on this earth.

Girls, Noah offered a worthy sacrifice. His family was thankful to God for choosing and protecting them from destruction. God will do this for you as well, if you chose righteousness over evil and the narrow road over earthly pleasures. Come out and leave the world behind.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Quick Note, Serve with Excellence

Serve with Excellence

Psalm 33:3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.

Some like to misuse the verse in Psalms that says make a joyful noise unto the Lord  to say you don't have to try and sing well, just make a noise, God doesn't care. This has always rubber me wrong. We are to serve the Lord with excellence. Strive to please him in all you do, daughters. Don't just sloppily perform your work for him. Do you best. If that means a shrieking noise then fine, but work at it be the most excellent shriek there is. Work to perfect your gift he has given you.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Genesis 8:1 - 14, God Will Not Forget you

God Will not Forget You

Genesis 8:1  But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the water receded.

God closed the door on Noah and his family, and all the wild animals and livestock. The storms rose and the ark floated away. The ark was closed up for more than year. Imagine being shut in for that long. I am sure they were busy with the animals and all, but it would be easy to get depressed thinking God had forgotten about you. How long would this go on? Will it ever end?

There are troubles in life that seem to go on forever. Troubles with a boss or co-worker, division in the family, or between husband and wife. When will it ever end? Will life ever get better? Does God even see what I am going through? These questions are common. At your age I couldn't fathom such problems. Grandpa used to talk about the troubles of David in the Psalms and how they related to our lives. When I said I didn't understand, he said you will... I do now.

Daughters, know that God doesn't forget about you. Some of your problems you are in or will get into will be of your own making... I always tried to look at others to see what mistakes they made and worked not to repeat them. But, I have made enough of my own troubles that I hope others will learn from and never repeat.

Then there are troubles that are caused by others. I have had to work along side miserable co-workers, or cringe when demeaning bosses showed up on the job. I'd just wanted to walk the other way and disappear. Some people grow up in horrible family conditions... I hurt when I think of them.

But no matter what stage or trial in life you are experiencing, God has not forgotten you. You may not see why you must go through them or when they will ever end, but never forget... God remembers your situation, knows what you can handle, and is willing to ride out the storm with you!


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Genesis 7, Shut In

Shut In

Genesis 7:16b ...Then the Lord shut him in.

Claustrophobia... many people are afraid of closed spaces. Tight and stuffy with no room to move, fear begins to set in and anxiety surmounts. I have crawled under houses or climbed through small openings and have felt that sense of helplessness come on. What was I too do? To go further would be insane, to try and turn around, impossible. You know you are stuck and panic ensues. What I have learned to do when this feeling comes is to lie still, close my eyes, and rest just like you snuggled up in bed for a night sleep. The fear is released and peace settles back in and soon all is well.

When God shut Noah and his family in the ark, they knew everything would be alright. They could rest in the fact that since they obeyed God's word, he would protect them from the storm and the ride that lay ahead. God prepared them for this time, and now they were shut in to be save from coming destruction.

Daughters, I have put restrictions on each of you. In a way you may feel cramped and restricted. It may have caused you to wonder if you should follow my desires for you. Why not turn and go a different way? Why even go in that tight spot, you just feel out of place and uncomfortable. Like Noah, people might think you are crazy. I urge you to go in anyway. In there, you can rest in God knowing he is protecting you from the storms of life. He is trying to save you from many sins. You will be set free when it is all over, but for now allow me to shut you in. Snuggle in and trust me.


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Genesis 6:14 - 22, Just as God Commanded

Just as God Commanded

Genesis 6:22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him.

What do we know about Noah? He was a righteous man, a man who walked with God. When everyone else around him sought their own way, it turned up evil. Good men sought after ungodly women, because the men were enticed by their beauty. This sin brought evil into the families of the righteous and all mankind became evil, except Noah, he did as the Lord commanded.

God promised through a covenant to protect Noah and his family if he would obey him. Noah carried out the will of the Lord and did everything just as God commanded.

K and A, God, through Jesus, made a covenant with you. This new covenant says that you must trust that Jesus paid for your sin and, like Noah, live to carry out all he asks you to do. Hebrews 11 talks about this. It says, by faith Noah built the ark. You will become righteous through faith and show it by your acts of obedience (James 2:18). Ladies, God loves you and wants you to live free from sin. This is true freedom. He want you to be holy and dedicated to him and his way. Do not join with evil however enticing it may appear and do everything, just as God commanded.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Genesis 6:9 - 13, Because of You

Because of You

Genesis 6:13 So God said to Noah, I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy them and the earth.

The world was full of evil. God was ready to destroy man and all beasts of the ground. He had all intentions to do so because of them; but then there was Noah. God spared the world because of one man, Noah. He was righteous and blameless among the people and stood as an example of a man who walked with God. History changed course, and God made a way for life on earth to continue.

Girls, you can make a difference in the world around you. When you walk with God, he is willing to change the course of destruction that is set for mankind and this earth. You can save the souls of many and influence their walk, so they too can walk with God. Solidify you faith, walk with God each day, and because of you, God will not destroy the ones you snatch from the fire which awaits each of us who walks our own path (Jude 1:23). Yes, A and K, this will happen, when you live holy lives, wholly for the Lord.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Quick Note: Vying for Position

Vying for Position

I saw a post on Facebook today, and it reminded me of a verse in Proverbs. A man is vying for a position in Trump's government, asking for a particular position. The verse in Proverbs 25:6 & 7  says we should not exalt ourselves. It is better for those in power to tell you to come help than for them to humiliate you before everyone...

Daughters, I say this as an example for you of God's desire or even a requirement for his followers to be servants. We are to be humble, not arrogant or even pushy when filling a position. When writing cover letters for a job position, I taught my student that they need to show confidence not arrogance when promoting themselves. Ladies, don't seek honor, live in such a way that others naturally give it to you. Be a leader by serving those who are under you. That's what Christ did.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Quick Note

Quick Note

It is a busy day again. Yesterday I was beginning to write this and Grandpa came over and that was that. Today I just got here and must go into work early, a vendor is taking the shop to Hibachi Grill, so I leave soon. That gives me 5 minutes for you.

I want you to know daughters that just because my time is short to write to you it doesn't mean I don't think about nor pray for you during my day. God is working in your hearts and that pleases me. Love the Lord with all you heart and all your mind and all you soul (Mark 12:30). Give to him your problems and your heartaches. Share with hi your joys. God is there for you and wants to be your closest friend. Know that he loves you dearly just I do. Have a great day in the Lord!


Monday, November 14, 2016

Genesis 6:8, But Noah

But Noah

Genesis 6:8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

The world was full of wickedness. It was bad; every inclination of the heart was evil all the time. It grieved the Lord so much he was sadden that he had made man. He was ready to destroy man and beast from the face of the earth. But then there was Noah!

Noah was different than everyone else. He didn't have evil ruling in his heart. He was a righteous man, blameless among all the evil that reigned around him. Instead of walking in evil ways, Noah walked with God. That is why it was said that Noah found favor in God's eyes.

A & K, if an account of your time on earth is written, will it be said that you walked with God? Will it be said that while the people around you were involved in evil practices, you stood so tall that God could see your righteousness above all the corruption around you?

I pray that you will consider Noah's life and how he lived different than the world around him. He chose to follow God, to be kind and considerate, to help those in need, to lift the fallen, and heal the brokenhearted (Ps 147:3). I implore you to consider this. Live as Christ lived. This is my desire for you. I want it said of my daughters that when all the others were caught in sin and destructive behavior, my girls walked with God and found favor in the eyes of the Lord!


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Quick Note

Quick Note

I just thought I'd share a quick thought from Mike Holland, Uncle Steve's brother. He spoke well and the message was clear. The sermon title was Ambassadors for Life and Love out of 2 Cor. 5:13 - 21

We have been changed by Christ, the old has gone, then new has come. Being changed, we become ambassadors offering to those around us the message that God will not hold our sins against us. He did this so we could become the righteousness of God. The message of hope we give, we have experienced, so we can give it out with confidence. Therefor, we no longer live for ourselves but for him who died for us.

Daughters, this is you... not striving to please yourself or others,but striving to please God. This might seem insane to those around you for they don't know the purpose for which God calls you. Never mind their comments, just be faithful to your call for the sake of Jesus.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Quick Note

Quick Note

Psalm 69:6 talks about not putting God to shame because of the way you live. This is so important daughters. And, make sure you live in such a way that there is no hint of sexuality immorality as Paul says in Ephesians 5:3. You don't want to be a obstacle to someone's faith, causing them to miss Heaven. Think about it. and live in a way that draws others to Christ!


Friday, November 11, 2016

Genesis 6:1 - 8, Filled with Pain

Filled with Pain

Genesis 6:1-8 The Lord was grieved that he had made man on earth, and his heart was filled with pain.

This part of Scripture is strange to read, but after looking at it and reading what others say, it makes much more sense. First of all, God doesn't have sons, plural. He only has one son, his name is Jesus. So, there are no sons of God to marry women of earth. Second, some say that angels are marrying women and having children. This cannot be because Jesus said that angels are not male or female, they do not marry (Mk 12:25). The last thought is that those who follow God are son's of God and those that follow Satan, or in the case in Genesis, follow Cain, are daughters of men. Simply said, the righteous were marrying the unrighteous.

Here's is my view of this scripture
As the population grew, the descendants of Cain and of Seth began to intermingle. The men of Seth's descendants began to desire the women of Cain's descendants. They were enticed by their beauty and  began to intermarry with them. They produced what seemed to be great offspring, heroes and men of renown. This confirmed in their minds that intermarriage wasn't evil, so the practice continued and became acceptable.

But God called them Nephilim or Fallen Ones. They had broken the curse God had placed on Cain and his descendants. God had driven Cain away, but now man tried to reverse God's judgement by intermarrying with them. This greatly hurt the Lord. He was grieved in his heart. He was sad to the point of regretting he had made man. His heart was filled with pain. He planned on wiping man from the face of the earth and the animals as well.

From the beginning of time, God had a plan. He knew if the righteous had close relations with the unrighteous, the sinners would lead his followers away. God would not allow his people Israel to intermarry with those in Canaan nor with anyone outside of the Jewish religion. Paul confirms this in the New Testament when he tells those in Corinth, Do not be unequally yoked... what do the believers and unbelievers have in common... Come out from them, be separate... and I will receive you... and you will be my sons and daughters (2 Cor 6:14 - 18).

Daughters, be careful who you become close friends with. Be very wary of who you plan on marrying and A, be very careful who you look at to be in a relationship with. They will either bring you closer to God or pull you away from him. Never allow looks to entice your desire for choice of a husband. Their heart for God should be the first consideration, then their character of integrity, then their love and treatment of others; placing others before themselves, then they must have a heart of a servant. Then you can go for good looking. I am sure there are other characteristics as in the attributes of love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13, but please, if you have any desire to please God or your father, if you do not want to tear their heart out, then do not be intimate with anyone who is not a follower of Christ. From the beginning of time, this has been God's heart, and it is mine for you as well. If you choose not to, our hearts will be filled with pain.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Quick Note

Quick Note

Just need to tell you how much we can be thankful to God that he spared the United States destruction. We would be on a quick downward, Godless slide had Trump not won. Now is the time to be vigilant in prayer. The forming of the Trump cabinet and transition team is crucial. Daughters,  God is giving us time to right wrongs of the past. Pray that we begin to do so. Your future depends on it.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Romans 13:1, Established by God

Established by God

Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit themselves to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Today is election day in America. Our country is in moral decline. The leadership has turned from God, and it has turn the people of the United states from seeking God. Even the day we vote has been maligned as much voting has taken place before the day of voting, insane. We vote today for one of the candidates. Of those who can win, neither is set morally. One despises the way of God, and the other doesn't much care about a personal God. What is a Christian to do? We vote for the one whose plans most closely aligns with Scripture. Will God make that person win? Since God establishes authorities, shouldn't the "most righteous" person always win? No, that is not how God works.

First of all, God sees the bigger picture. He knows what is best for his people, for the church. There are many reasons why a wicked person may be better suited for God's plan. Second, we know that God not only blesses, but he also disciplines, and he punishes as well. We cannot mock God by living against him then expect him to bless us with a righteous leader. We seek our own way then want his blessing when election day comes. That is doubtful. We must be contrite in heart and seeking for and pleading with God for righteousness between elections not just the day of.

A and K, plead with me that God will be merciful to us today. That we do not get what we deserve, but that we will receive a leader that desires help from him to guide our country toward him. When our country puts God first we will succeed. Today God will establish a leader for our country. Do your part in voting in a person that will guide us to the Lord. This is through voting, talking to others, and through prayer. Then, we can relax knowing God will see us through.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Genesis 4:25 & 26, Call on the Name of the Lord

Call on the Name of the Lord

Genesis 4:26b ...At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord

Eve bore another son, and they named him Seth. They had other children as well and Seth also married and bore a son, and he named him Enosh. Life was in full swing in the creation God had made.

Some of the following is conjecture on my part...
At that time, the Scripture says that man began to call on the name of the Lord. Adam and Eve could relate the story directly to their offspring, and all knew how important it was to have a relationship with the Lord. They sought him out and lived as he desired them to. They understood sin and the trouble it caused and sought the Lord for direction. God was a crucial part of their lives. No more do we hear of problems until generations later when Noah is on the scene and men had increased in number and wickedness was rampant.

K and A, it is obvious that when we care about doing life God's way, we will call on his name. You cannot serve the Lord by just doing good things or trying to do right. You must call on him to help you live the life he desires. The Bible is a crucial part of Christian living, but knowing it is only part of the solution of holy living. You must call on his name to guide and strengthen your resolve to follow him. He will teach you the way, make you receptive to the way, help you walk in the way if you but call on him to help you. Living for the Lord is a choice. You can go it alone, but you will fail. You can even gather others around you to try and follow him, but if you do not call on the name of the Lord and entreat his help you will fall.

Daughters, I believe you desire to walk in the ways of the Lord. Do so by calling on his name everyday, throughout the day. You will find him faithful.
