Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Psalm 71:14

November 03, 2015

Psalm 71:14... But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more...

Many attribute this psalm to David, although it is not known who wrote it. It is similar to other psalms that he wrote  in tone and content. David seek refuge from attackers in the arms of God. He is convinced that God will protect him, and he asks God for that protection. He also asks God to thwart those against him. Specifically, he asks for their downfall. David recognizes God's awesomeness and praises him for it. He knows he can count on God to rescue him.

"In this life you will have trouble..." (Jn 16:33). There a promise that most do not think of quoting. But, these are the words of Christ himself. Many think life should be a bed of roses. (I know, not you K, you think they stink) The statement is true, as long as you remember that roses come with thorns, and despite the sweet smells, there are pricks now and then that come as you cuddle about. But, we do not live in anguish feeling all is against us, and that there is no hope for the future. The verse in John goes on to quote Jesus as he calls on us to "take heart!" for he has overcome the world. It makes no difference if the world comes in on us to destroy us. We can trust God to pull us through if we remain faithful to him. Job remained faithful during a time when Satan was competing with God. Job had to suffer because he was righteous. He remained faithful to God and God blessed him in the end.

K and A, never, never forget that God is for you. You need never lose hope. I have experienced anxiety attacks and weird tinges of depression. It is not fun. You seem so helpless and out of control. If I relied on the message of today's church, I would have lost all desire to go on. But I was raised when we were told we do not have to live there; that God strengthens those who love and honor him by being obedient to him. So I know those times are but temporary and he will help me overcome them. Suicide is so rampant today. People lose hope and see no way out so they figure death is the way out. This is a lie of Satan. Jesus is the way the truth and the life... (Jn 14:6) so go to the Father and find peace and contentment in the midst of trouble. He provides people around you to strengthen you in the Lord. If people pull you away from seeking God, they are from Satan, but if the draw you to him and his Word , then they are sent by God to encourage and guide you to find peace in your times of trouble. Everyone has troubles, since both of you know Christ as savior I know you can make it through. When you do, be like David and praise him more and more!


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