Monday, November 16, 2015

Psalm 84:10

November 16, 2015

Psalm 84:10... Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a door keeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of the wicked...

I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD." (Ps 122:1) He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read. (Lk 4:16) It was Jesus' habit to go to the house of the Lord. He did not go to the Temple every week but each Sabbath he went to the local Church or synagogue. David speak often about his desire to be in the house of the Lord. Not only was it their custom but they enjoyed going.

I've heard it said many times, I suppose you have as well. I'm bored. I don't like doing that, it's boring. When my students said that I told them that boring is an attitude. They were bored because they didn't like doing it; they had no desire to do it. And, so it is with church. Many people do not like being there. Sure there are times that it is done poorly or the setting seems unworkable. The real reason is that they are bored. They have yet to find its purpose. There hearts and their money is not in the right place. When you gamble in bingo... you have to be enthused. Your money is on the line. If you aren't you won't last long... "B3" Wow! exciting. The excitement is in the results and participation, in the assurance you might succeed. The second part of today's verse deals with this.

What excites you! Is it the ways of the world? Today the church people have a hard time determining the difference. There was once clear cut differences but today's leaders (those from the hippie generation, my generation, the baby boomers) have brought the worlds ways into the church. They joined the world's ways with Jesus to make them all better. This has confused today's Christ followers. Now the teaching is that if you feel okay about it and the "spirit" doesn't tell you it is wrong then it is okay, just give the glory to God. Oh, this is so dangerous! This is hurting the church. It is affecting the lives of the next generation and the generations to come. Miriam and Aaron tried this. In Numbers 12 we can read that they said we all can all hear God's voice, we don't need you Moses. In the NT we are given this authority but it must be applied in wisdom. Satan has come and distorted the concept that we are all high priests. He said we don't need others to tell us what to do. You can decide on your own. That untruth has put to where we are today.

A and K, I must wrap this up... Suffice it to say... Be enthralled about the things of God. Don't not mix Jesus with the world's ways and think that their ways are now godly. You know what I think many of them are. I'll save that for another time. If it is about pleasure and self it is the world. I hope you will say like the sons on Korah in this psalm... I'd rather have a low position in the house of God than to be some star in the world. One day with Jesus is better than a boat load of fun!


My Life Song: I hope you make the theme yours

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