Monday, November 9, 2015

Psalm 77:2

November 09, 2015

Psalm 77:22... When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted...

Asaph thought about the troubles around him, and they were greater than he could handle. He looked back and remembered the good times of the past. He remembered when he would lie on his bed and sing songs through the night. But, his current situation was agony and trouble. He groaned and grew faint. He was distress and hardships overwhelmed him. (Ps 77)

Jesus warned us, "in this world you will have trouble."  (Jn 16:33) Who wants to hear that. Wouldn't you rather have Jesus say, "now that you follow me, all things will be good. No one will bother you. All your tests and trials will be easy. You got it made, because you are one of mine." But that isn't reality. Jesus didn't come for that reason. He came in the midst of trouble. He too had troubles. The people of his own town rejected him. (Mt 13:56 & 57). The Religious leaders not only opposed him but ultimately had him put to death. (Lk 22:2). Even his own family tired of him. (Jn 7:5).

so does this leave us without hope? No! We must remember the rest of Jesus' words. In end of verse 33 of John 16, Jesus says this, "But, take heart! For I have overcome the world." You see it is not right to wallow in the mud of self-pity. It is does no good to muse on the good times of the past and moan about the tough situation you are currently in. Look at what Asaph said: I stretched out untiring hands, I sought the Lord, I refused to be comforted." In other words. when Asaph looked and saw what was wrong, he took it to the Lord until he found an answer. He would never give in, never give up until God gave him satisfaction. Were his troubles real? Yes ma'am (misses), Did he ask for them to go away? He did that as well. What we dod not see him do it to moan and groan to others and have himself a big pity party. No, he sought the Lord until he was found (Is. 55:6) and allowed the Lord to handle the situation. Jesus said he had overcome the world. This infers that we too can overcome. In Revelation 12:11, it talks about the martyrs overcame by their blood and the word of their testimony.

A and K, You will overcome when you tirelessly seek the Lord for answers. That sounds tough to me. I'm not a hard worker and that sounds like work. But so what, when you need to get answers, you need to do what ever it takes. "Seek the Lord", daughters. "stretch out" before the Lord with "untiring hands." Pray until you get an answer. Remember what Jacob did? He would not leave go of the Lord until he found resolve. (Ge 32:22-31) Jesus tells us to do the same in the story of the persistent widow. (Lk 18:1-8) So, don't give up daughters. God will see you through as you cry out to him for help. He wants you to overcome and succeed!


Song: Sweet Hour of Prayer -

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