Friday, November 13, 2015

Psalm 80:19

November 13, 2015, written a day late. I was at Liberty University for the Ben Carson event and did not return home until 12:30 am.

Psalm 80:19... Restores us, O Lord God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved...

Asaph continues to plead with God to strengthen the nation of Israel. David reigned in a difficult time in Israel's history. He was a warrior and went to battle at times because that was the time of  year it was. (2 Sam 11:1) Nations fought against nations to increase their kingdoms and for Israel, it was no difference. After David had his sexual problems, problems arose. Battles were lost and family turmoil ensued. Even his kingdom was overthrown for a time and he had to flee the city. (2 Sam 15:14). But God restored the kingdom and reigned over God's people once again.

God is our supplier. He is our hope; our strength. He is our life! (Ps 33:20) We can count on Jesus being there when our life gets tough and we cannot see where it is going. He will restore us to the joy we once knew. He will give it to us in abundance. We must go to him and continue in our walk with him. we must not leave him when we need him the most.

Where is your life taking you. Will God supply for you? Can you trust him for your tomorrow? K and A, believe in your heart and stand on the truth that Jesus is for you and is working out all things for your good (Ro 8:28). Always be aware that Satan is fighting against you and when times get confusing he is there to lead yo to the world. That's why people drink. That is why they go party. Satan tells them that it will bring them peace and joy, but it leads to destruction! Flee the world and cling to Jesus. He brings true peace in times of trouble. Roman 8:31 says... "if God is for us who can stand against us?" No one! Many things are going through my mind, but I'm trying to say this... when life seems to fall apart and you don't know where to turn, move closer to God, especially his Word Through prayer, you will find resolve for your situation and he will restore your hope. His face will shine upon you and you will be saved from the setback you now perceive. When the going gets tough, the tough turn to Jesus for strength to carry on. Nothing is too big for him, for you!


Stand on the Solid Rock ladies...

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