Thursday, November 19, 2015

Psalm 86:1

November 18, 2015

Psalm 86:1... Hear , O Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy...

When man was created, he was naked and owned nothing. All he had was provided by God. The garden he lived in was planted by God. His companions - the animals were brought to him and he named them. His food was provided for and he lacked nothing, except a suitable helper. And God provided that as well. From his rib God created Eve and man was complete. All he had was given to him. He owned nothing, yet he was rich! But then eve wanted to be like God and Adam agreed. They had to have one more thing; so they thought? - the knowledge of good and evil. Now, even though they had more, they became poor! (Gen 2:4 thru ch 3)

How can one be so rich in things and still be poor? When you "caste but a glance at riches, they are gone." (Pr 23:5) Being rich in material things is not worth much. Being rich in spiritual things is everything. We must keep focused on the priorities of life. Most of the world seek pleasure to escape from the drag of working to be financially set. That is true no matter what social status rung we are on. From the inner city low-life to the highfalutin Hollywood types, people everywhere seek out things that will bring them pleasure. But real joy comes as a result of what we have done for God and from meeting with God. When we caste but a glance at Christ, he draws near to us and we are made rich with all his bountiful blessings. When we seek the pleasures of the world, they give a temporary lift, but soon the emptiness sets back in and we seek a more extreme thrill as we again try to fill the void.

Daughters, what will you seek? Will you seek to live a life that glorifies God in what you think, say, listen to, watch and do? Consider how poor you actually are. Not financially, possessions bring nothing that last. If you must escape life by involving yourself in what the world finds fun, then you are poor and needy. here is what the next verses say, 2 - Guard my life, 3 - Have mercy on me, 4 - Bring joy, 6 - Hear my cry, 11 - Teach me your way, Give me an undivided heart, 16 - Turn to me, Grant your strength, 17 - Give me a sign. K & A, what do you do when things seem to fall apart? Do you give up? Do you run to the internet for answers? Do you run to the world to escape reality? Seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness, and all you truly need to be rich will be given you and you will find true joy!


Song, "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God"

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