Saturday, November 28, 2015

Psalm 96:8

November 28, 2015

Psalm 96:8... Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts...

God is worthy of honor. For his is the "glory, the power, and the glory, Amen." (Mat 6:13, some manuscripts) He is the Creator. He made a covenant between God and man which exceed all other agreements found. He promises to take care of his people if the but honor and love him. (Lev 26:3& 3) He says that real love is obedience to his statutes. (Jn 14:15) One of his statues is the tithe. His people will bring in $10% of all they have and honor him by joyfully giving part of what he has given them. (Lev 27:30,  Mal 3:10). But even more, They gave offerings to the Lord above what was required, because they loved the Lord and wanted honored him more by showing their thanks and appreciation. (II Cor 9:7).

Growing up I heard that you were not required to give to the Lord a specific amount of money . It was always taught that a tithe is by definition is 10%, but There were no scriptures that specified we must give a certain amount. I believed that until I read for myself. In the Gospels there is a reference to Jesus telling the pharisees they were to continue giving a tenth of there things but were but to withhold the love of God for others. (Lk 11:42 and Mat also) The scripture is very specific in saying that we cannot out give God, (Mal 3:10) and that we are to give with an open and cheerful heart. (II Cor 9:7)

Daughters, God loves a cheerful giver. If you are to give glory to God... which is credit from whom all good things come, then you must give to him an offering of thanks. This is above and beyond the tithe though. Way too many Christians today suffer from the teaching that say determine in your heart what to give but leave out the understanding of a minimum amount. This is 10% of your gross, not what is left over. The the people of Israel gave their 10% of crop, they did not calculate in how much loss they would be incurring in shipping and handling and storage! They gave off the top. Consider this. there is a warning in the old testament that we suffer loss if we do not bring the tithe into the his storehouse. But conversely, there is a blessing which we cannot not handle if we respect and honor him with what he has given us. Remember it all belongs to him, we are only servants, or slaves to the master... funny thing, he allows us to keep 90% of his money to use to honor him in other ways. Now there a true blessing!


Song: "He Will Fill Your Heart to Overflowing"

Full Text

1 Are you looking for the fullness
of the blessing of the lord
In your heart and life today?
Claim the promise of your Father,
come according to His word,
in the blessed old time way.
He will fill your heart today to overflowing,
As the Lord commandeth you,
"Bring your vessels, not a few;"
He will fill your heart today to overflowing
With the Holy Ghost and pow'r.
2 Bring your empty earthen vessels,
clean thro' Jesus' precious blood,
Come, ye needy, one and all;
And in human consecration
wait before the throne of God,
'Till the Holy Ghost shall fall. (Chorus)
3 Like the cruse of oil unfailing
is His grace forevermore,
And His love unchanging still;
And according to His promise
with the Holy Ghost and pow'r,
He will ev'ry vessel fill. (Chorus)

Source: Hymns of Faith #84

Interesting instrumental rendition for your enjoyment, a type of bell choir

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