Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Psalm 92:1

November 24, 2015

Psalm 92:1... It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High...

There are many verses in Psalms that encourage making music to the Lord. Some are commands but others tell of the benefit of doing so. The thought of this verse continues into the next verse as it says to "proclaim his love in the morning and his faithfulness at night." These are not specific in their chronological timing, rather they are specific in detail of honoring his character. God is loving and faithful and making it known is necessary from morning to night. It reinforces the thoughts of Deuteronomy 11:19 as it tell us there to tell of God's goodness no matter what we are doing; "as we walk along the road."

God has given each of talents. Some of these we have from birth and others are developed through encouragement (or pressure) from parents and others, and some gifts are given by the Spirit after we become Christians and are to be used to glorify God and increase his kingdom. But many of us squander our talents and fail to "make music to his name." Others of us squelch the talent and suppress the effects it could have had for God. "It is good to praise the Lord" with the talents he has given us. But more than good, it is necessary that we do so. In the parable of the talents (Mat 25:14 -30) we told that those who do not use what God had given them will lose it, and they will spend eternity in a fiery place, that's scary.

K and A, do you have talents that you are failing to use for God? Do you squander that talent and so waste any effect that it could have for his kingdom. Do you make excuses of why you do not honor him with those talents and by that you squelch any effect it would produce in others causing them to miss the kingdom. Remember that God will call you into account! (Mat 25:31-46) So let me encourage you both. Use what God has given you. Take what others have built into you, singing or playing, and use it to grow his kingdom. The one servant in the parable that didn't was lost forever, but the others that did were rewarded with eternal life and even more. They were blessed by God. "It is good to praise the Lord" so honor him today.


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