Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Psalm 91:14

November 23, 2015

Psalm 91:14... "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue you him, I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name...

In 1 John 4:19 it says that we love, because he first loved us. It would be impossible to love without God. This is so. because God is love. To have no God is to have no love. Do not confuse this to mean non-Christians can't love. The can and do. This is because there is a God and we have the ca[pacity to love but those who do not know him cannot not love fully.

So we have a capacity to love, not just each other but we can love God. If we do this verse says that God will protect us and rescue us. But we must acknowledge him. That is one of the ways we show that we love him. But consider the opposite, if we do not confess him - then we do not love him and it can also be said that he will not rescue us. This is true not only for the bad things which come into our lives, but also we lose his protective arm  which upholds us.

K and A, It says in Romans 10:9 that we must confess with our moths that Jesus is Lord. for if we do not then we cannot be saved. That is a real rescue - saved from our sin. Our verse for today says that we must acknowledge him. This is true in many areas. With do this by mouth, by the things we say and the things we do. Young ladies, in this life you will have trouble and you will want God's protection to get you through it. You can trust him for he says he will save you out of your trouble if you but show others you love him.


Song, I Love Him a chorus sung by me because I couldn't find it elsewhere, and I could post a wav file so I had to video it.

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